Yooka-Laylee won't be releasing on any Nintendo console

>Yooka-Laylee won't be releasing on any Nintendo console
How does this make you feel?

Already on PC. Why should I care for any other console?
Do they love wasting money?

They already confirmed a switch release. Check their kickstarter


I already have Banjo Kazooie on my N64

Nothing at all.

Platform choices aside, I'll be interested in the game when and only when it actually comes out on the market.

thats a huge shame actually. Nintenbros would be the perfect buyers for this.

Wasnt the game confirmed on Wii U a few months ago?

Hes baiting for replies, they already confirmed theres a switch release.

Not like anything but the PC release matters.

>unexpected problem makes the Wii U release impossible
Hmmm, really makes you think, doesn't it?

>"Please only release this game for our new console! Here is some money." - Nintendo
Probably what happened

Kind of. They said there's a POTENTIAL Switch release.

I don't understand is this new game some kind of banjo Kazooie rip off?

Nah, you give Nintendo too much credit.

It's more likely that they saw the writing on the wall for continued support for the Wii U and just decided to cut their losses. Other devs (like Bloodstained's) have done so as well, and even the Darksiders remaster is going digital-only for the Wii U.

>Do they love wasting money?

For a properly developed game the cost of supporting Linux is minimal and the potential return from access to an audience of well over a million Linux-only users on Steam alone. That's not including dual booters or people with multiple devices running different OSes who also benefit from having games that are cross-platform.

There are multiple companies now who sustain themselves primarily off of porting games to Linux now that MacOS has fallen badly behind for gaming.

>For a properly developed game the cost of supporting Linux is minimal
>no support for any modern technology libraries
And no, you can't legally "emulate" that shit

Unity supports Linux IIRC

If I remember correctly, it's made by former Banjo Kazooie devs.

Only reason the Switch version isn't officially confirmed yet is because the 12th of January, 2017 hasn't happened yet.

They didn't confirm shit.
They said they'd consider it.

feels bad, it'd be cool if nintendo player could also play it, I hope they geta port at some point

Is this shit going to be good? Am I being bamboozled by this shit hoping it's going to resemble banjo and kazooie, one of my most beloved childhood memories?

Saw red flags for the game quite some time ago.

It's likely a flop. If the need to drop support for a console then they fucked up the funds somewhere.

Just another kickstarter I'm glad I stayed far away from.

Isn't the Linux build/release being handled by a separate group?