Poorfag here with a 300$ piece of shit laptop

Poorfag here with a 300$ piece of shit laptop

I've been trying to play CSGO since late-2014.
I've looked at almost every youtube video, forum, and steam support threads known to man along with countless attempts at launch options, resolution changes and config exec's.

My conclusion?

My laptop is an Intel-run graphics card, with an intel i5. Heres a picture of my spec's prntscr.com/dkoobm

I've found that launch options dont do much for me except complicate things.
I run on 860x640 resolution, with a pirated version of DXtory so I can cap my FPS at 45 in order to get no sudden drops in FPS or stutters while I play. It plays pretty smooth this way. Atleast, as smooth as 860x640 45fps can get you that is.

My problem is that I've tried experimenting with some things and found that if I got a merely 15 more fps, everything feels SO much smoother. aiming, prefiring, awping, ect. Silky smooth. But I can only stay at 60fps for a few minutes before it starts jumping from 55-60, then 50-55, then 45-50 where it's a constant bungie jump of FPS making it near impossible to play.

my main question being, what can I do to up my FPS just a mere 15 frames??

Got to remind you that CSGO got looney tunes level of shitty recoil.

You should play other vidya.

My 300$ laptop runs it at 100-120 fps after doing all the launch option shit etc i can show you my launch commands

Anything at this point, I'm desperate.
Thanks :)

I'm building a new PC as we speak, but wont be finished till mid january. I have overwatch already just cant play it yet

Save up money, sell your laptop, get a better computer, play CSGO for 15 minutes, then play other games which are infinitely better.

>broken unrealistic gun physics is competitive!!
kill yourself

"I'm building a new PC as we speak, but wont be finished till mid january."

-high -nojoy -novid -threads 2 +mat_queue_mode -2 -console -nod3d9ex -noaafonts +mat_vignette_enable 0
You can also try low violence mode but it would disable shit like bloodstains so i dont use it

Going to use this and see if it helps real quick


Your cpu might have a different amount of threads so you might have to switch that up a bit

just used it, getting max 110 min 75 in D2 deathmatch. Gunna try some community to see if it changes there a bit.


Maybe he shoud play jrpgs like a tru patricia am i rite?

any way to find out how many threads my CPU has, to set it up with the launch options correctly?

getting min 50 max 105 on most community servers but I can still do some tweaking.

>with a pirated version of DXtory so I can cap my FPS at 45
I'm guessing this is your problem. If your game isn't even hitting 45 FPS why would you ever, ever need to cap your FPS? Get rid of that bullshit.

Because by capping my FPS I've allowed it to not bounce from 47-50-55-60 fps constantly, causing me to skip between frames

by capping it at a number I can play at, while finding the sweet spot where it wont skip frames I've allowed it to be a constant 45fps 100% of the time.

Easies way is probably to google your processor you can see what processor you have if you run dxdiag

>Because by capping my FPS I've allowed it to not bounce from 47-50-55-60 fps constantly, causing me to skip between frames
This isn't an emulator, you're not skipping frames, ever. Get that shit off.

Speccy. Download it.

To elaborate on what
said, here are some pointers about not being a fucking pleb when it comes to your PC Multiplayer tastes.

>Overwatch and CSGO have at least one aimbotter and/or sperg guaranteed every game regardless of type, don't bother.

>All ASSFAGGOTS are full of Spergs, le epig trole :D's, spergs, misanthropic third-worlders, more spergs, and normalfags. Play Dota or Smite if you absolutely have to but under most other circumstances it's not worth it

>WoW and XIV are the only two good MMOs on the market but both are still very flawed experiences in their own rights and I'm likely condemning this thread to a shitpost carpet bombing by mentioning either of them.

>If you ABSOLUTELY have to play a game with a competitive mode of some kind with a substantial playerbase most fighters will fulfill that urge provided you can reach the basic skill floor (I recommend Skullgirls as a good starting point since it's dirt-cheap during any sales and covers nearly everything you'll need with its tutorials).

>San Andreas is really your only option for sandboxes. IV is unplayably broken last I've checked and Rockstar will permaban you from GTAO for literally whatever they feel like.

If you want to ask about a particular game (you) me up, I've got all afternoon to pretend my opinions matter.

doing now, might take a sec hitting this bowl