Casual filters

Casual filters

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>casual filter
>on pokemon

Wouldn't that be the Aloloa route 2 ghost trainer?


>Casual Filter
>He choose Charmander
>He didn't get a mankey from the route before Pewter City

Good one, m8.

>inb4 faggots who don't know what a cas--

Oh, never mind.

I remember catching Caterpie, evolving it to Butterfree and then spamming Confusion at everything until I got better 'mons.
Yeah, I was a yellowfag.

>get Pokemon yellow
>have pikachu
>weak against rock Pokemon
>spend ages training him up to win
>rest of the game is Ez mode

too bad they nerfed him past tri

>get Pokemon Yellow
>have Pikachu
>it isn't doing shit
>stumble onto Nidoran and that Double Kick beats rocks
>rest of the game is Ez mode

>Casual filter
Cant you get a Mankey? Or a Nidoran and teach it double kick? And in FRLG Charmander can learn steel claw

Here's a real casual filter

>getting nidoking before misty

If you'd picked Squirtle, he was EZ PC.

Bzzt! Bzzt! Motherfucker!

> You, the red-white one!

> There is no rampaging around in my study.

>Not Whitney
>or B/W 1 Elesa
>or Totem Lurantis

>people struggled with any Pokemon ever
That's the real casual filter

I remember just catching a caterpie, then evolving it into a butterfree and wrecking geodude in 2 hits with confusion. Funny how getting a bug type in the first gen would be a big help in destroying a rock gym leader.

Speaking of tales.
>Nothin' personnel...


He's still completely doable with Charmander. Just get your first fire attack. Brock's pokemon have shit special defense, so as long as you have ember, you can plow through them easily, despite the typing.

>Swerve star + needles
>dead within seconds

>Gen 1
>Special Defense

caterpie is in the red version.

thats cheating

Swerve life is how I live.

Forgot about that. Thought the forest only had Pikachus and Weedles.

>Shit special stat
>Shit movelists

Charmander can shit all over everything with Ember even with the type disadvantage.


Patchy is one of the easier Stage 4 bosses.


Kind of, depends a bit on your shot type. She's the biggest disadvantage for Reimu B.

But yeah, she's not even in the same league as the primsriver sisters and their fucking. homing. lasers.

looking back at all the trainers in gen 1 and 2 they were even easier than modern pokemon games. we just wanted to spray fire blast and hyper beam everywhere when we were kids.

>Couldn't beat Brock as a kid
>Had to get an older kid to do it for me
>He just spammed fire attacks with my Charmander and won

>Miltank used Attract!


blue, you mean
red had weedle

>Butterfree used Confusion!
and that's how geodude goes down, there's better and faster (considering you have to train a caterpie/metapod) alternatives.
>Charmander used Growl!
And that's how Onix does 1 HP per attack.


>Play pokemon ash gray
>supposed to lose to Brock
>not today.
>pocket sand his onyx blind.
>beat the shit out of it with my pikachu and level 8 pidgeoto which is weird since I found him under leveled and evolved in viridian forest
>takes a long time to take down, but I'm determined
>game thinks I lost.
>have to run some errands and fight him all over again
Fuck forced scenarios.

It's super effective!

>Miltank used rollout

>He chose the stubby lizard and not the fucking plant dino or the cool ass turtle nigga

Any kid who did this deserved to suffer.

they each have both, actually. the encounter rates are dependent on the version

>always use starter near exclusively
>out level everything every gen and sweep everything start to finish (Battle Frontier not included)
>see people complain that older gens were actually difficult
>have no idea what the fuck they are talking about

I guess it's funnier to have an equally leveled team, but seeing people so adamantly defend older gens for difficulty always bothered me.

They're both in both. Caterpie is common in Red but rare in Blue; Weedle is common in Blue but rare in Red

That said, only Caterpie is in Yellow.



only edgy kids played red

other way around. the quoted user got it right


>Yellow version
>Pikachu can't touch either Geodude or Onix since they're both fucking ground types
>catch a Nidoran
>lose a couple of Gym Battles until it learns Double Kick
>proceed to ace the whole game with mostly Nidoking then onwards


Friendly reminder that they gave Charmander metal claw in FRLG just so Charizardfags didn't hit a brick wall at brock.

i still don't know how you're supposed to do this probably


I beat this after like 4 tries when I was 12, but then again I was an autistic sonic fanboy

Makes sense since Onix has Rock Tomb.

I don't think I could last even 3 to be honest.


aren't you skipping a few stages?

As much of a meme as this is, Matador is a pretty sharp difficulty spike and the game gets considerably easier for a while after this fight.




I think you can get a moon stone before Cerulean to evolve them.

Not so bad if you don't have a retarded team that keeps falling off the fucking platform.

Hence why its a casual filter, retard

>I'll give you 10 minutes

If the solution is "look at the manual" it's not a casual filter.

>casual filter
Are you for real? I completed those games as a 6 year old

That fucker is hard. One of the only bosses from a childhood game that actually gives me trouble.

considering how many people get stuck on it, yes it is

it's something you never use before (or after, really), so it's fair

>If the solution is "look at the manual" it's not a casual filter.
The game even shoves the controller config in your face before you start a new file.

I completed F-Zero GX as a 12 year old, doesn't mean it's easy

>never use the run button after the bridge
is this nigga serious?


>Not keeping the run button down at all times.

At this point I'm positive people are just posting this fight just to post it. Was it really that bad for some of you?

twitch DOT tv/paperguy27/v/107748459

This is probably more of a casual filter really.

Most of the people who get stuck on it are post 95 millennials.

i can't remember a place where you get locked off in the same way

it becomes obvious it's a thing once you get the speed booster, but before that you never need to run at all

why do you think people get stuck on it in the first place?

it's a fucking classic place to get stuck on, this shit was known as confusing IN '95

are YOU a post 95 millenial?

I found the space stage much harder desu. Last time I played I lucked out and got good positionings but god fuck


>just posting this fight just to post it.
no, you're right

but the inability to level up once you're on the ship without losing hours of progress actually is a way of checking to know you understand how to play the game before being able to progress, making it for all intensive purposes a casual filter
Was it as hard as some of the later fights/segments? Not nearly, but it's the first one that makes sure you know what you're doing

>are YOU a post 95 millennial

No, but I get the feeling you are. seeI am a 92 millennial and I got stuck on it the first time I played it about 5 years ago because I was an idiot and thought I would just figure out the controls on my own without looking at the layout.

even if you looked at the manual beforehand like i did as a kid it's a bit into the game and you've never been forced to understand running up to that point

hence casual filter, it's not supposed to be something that's insurmountable or something

>post 95 millenial
That's already gen z, which is far more retarded than millenials.

beating the littlefoot strength contest was the real casual filter.

>12 year old me literally had to get my dad to beat it for me.

Then I played it again 6 years later was was astonished at how easy it was.



In vanilla at least. They nerfed her hard in Golden.

>demographers and researchers typically use the early-1980s as starting birth years and ending birth years ranging from the mid-1990s to early-2000s.

pretty much all of Sup Forums is millenials even though they pretend they're not

it's a term used by baby boomers anyways

Put your back to a flower, wait for him to charge and free run out of the way.

Other than that just use your block button. Nobody ever seems to block in tales games.



I still don't understand how anyone struggled on this. Does no one use healing?

The only hard bosses in P4 were the optional ones that replace the dungeon bosses.

d:os is probably the hardest rpg ive ever beaten
FUCK that guy, i dont even remember how i beat him


Lord Passion too
