The greatest video games ever made according to 2.5 million subscriber Youtuber Dan "Nerdcubed" Hardcastle:

The greatest video games ever made according to 2.5 million subscriber Youtuber Dan "Nerdcubed" Hardcastle:

10: The Sims
9: GTA V
8: Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
7: Dungeon Keeper
6: SSX 3
5: GTA Vice City
4: Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
3: Portal
2: Shadow of the Colossus
1: Bully

Other urls found in this thread:


>two rollercoaster tycoon games
>The Sims
>This entire list

jesus christ

Does the jew have autism?

>rct 3 is better than rct 2

>no witcher 3
shit list

>shitting on RCT2

neck yaself famalam

He's not wrong on 7 5 3 and 2

Post the Trump video


then what?

>No Nintendo games
Delete this.
>RCT3 on there
No seriously fucking delete this.

Witcher 3 was like his 12th best game

Did he rate soundtracks or some shit. Bully gets an insane amount of unjustified praise here just for being """""underrated""""" as well so I can't say I'm surprised. I personally wouldn't place any rockstar's games anywhere near my top10

Holy shit l o o k a t t h a t r e t a r d t a s t e !

The only Nintendo games on his whole top 100 list were Wario Land 3 and Link's Awakening (which he claims is the best Zelda game) and both were pretty low.

Sounds pretty based to me

Not even GTAV?

>implying I'm not shitting on the fact that RCT3 is on there in addition

RCT2 is one of my favorite games senpai

Nerdcubed is the most un-based, based person there is

I have a top ten too, should I make a thread about it?

>he'll win the christmas daily box again

Isn't that just based?

Is it any good this year? Any grass masks?

>RCT3 higher than 2
thanks for letting me know to never watch his videos

What a tasteless faggot

VC and Dungeon Keeper are good but damn

OP forgot to mention Fallout 4 was in the top 20 along with a meme VR game that you play for an hour then never touch again.


Is that a revenge fantasy for him then?

GTA V is fun until it hits you how shallow it is for how big it is and then you can see every flaw without effort.

There were a few grass masks but the boxes are shit, Ashens has been getting absolute dog shits it's funny

Nah he just likes it for the optional homosex

you know, it's probably one of the best top 10 games list
at least we don't have undertale, portal 2 or skyrim in the top 5

>10: The Sims
Fine until EA went full retard with it. (about 3)
>9: GTA V
>8: Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
>7: Dungeon Keeper
>6: SSX 3
>5: GTA Vice City
Aged like milk
>4: Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
Hell no, that is when the serise went downhill
>3: Portal
2 was better
>2: Shadow of the Colossus
Overrated as all hell
>1: Bully
Not terrible, but really not all that great either.


>2: Shadow of the Colossus
>Overrated as all hell
It is but it's still good

It's shit

Undertale isn't anywhere on his list actually. I don't think Dan's even played it.

Excuse me but I'm going to have to ask you not to have opinions in my presence.

shit opinions*

this guy keeps showing up in Ashens videos and he ruins every single one of them. I did not know about him until the first advent calender and I wish I never had.

Well done you don't understand what overrated means.

>San Andreas
>Roller Coster Tycoon 2
>Portal 2

People hype it up way too much sure, but it doesn't mean it's a bad game. Just not as good as everybody thinks don't be such an ass.

Just post it right in this thread, friend! I'm looking forward to your list!

>if you call something overrated it means you can't like it

>dude brexit and trump are evil lmao
>dude if you use Adblock on my videos you are literally a thief lmao

What a cuck.


That's one of my faves too, noice. I don't think it deserves being the best vidya of all time though

Literally fucking who? Awful, awful, awful taste. Some of that shit I can possibly see someone making an argument for their top 50, but SSX? RCT 3 over 2? Two GTAs? Bully at one? Bully is a pretty great game, but you'd have to be literally delusional to put it even on your top 10.

I've been watching his top 100 videos, he has strange taste and there's a lot of games on there that no one else would possibly put in a top 100.

Is that pic from Tekken the Movie?

He legit blocked me from his YouTube channel.

who the fuck is this

You're not missing much.

>No Dark Souls
>No Metal Gear
Shit list.

It was 2-3 years ago though.

>ssx 3 being better than tricky
>vice city being better than San andreas
Wrong again

10. Red Dead Redemption
9. GTA Liberty City Stories
8. Civilization 5
7. Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee
6. Sonic Adventure 2
5. Metal Gear Solid
4. Cruisin' Exotica (arcade)
3. The Ocean Hunter (arcade)
2. NFL Blitz 2001
1. Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie

If I was a Youtuber I'd block obnoxious douches from Sup Forums too

Mega Man X
Super Mario Bros. 3
Metroid Prime
Donkey Kong Country 2
Dark Souls
Final Fantasy IX
The Legion of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons
Infinifactory/Spacechem/Shenzhen I/O
Zero Escape: VLR and 999
World of Warcraft

In no particular order

Bully is the greatest game ever made?

Of course you would. You're an easily offended pussy.


Either I am uncultured or that game is actually obscure, because I have no fucking clue what that game is.

GTA in a school.

this guy is so damn annoying

thinly veiled eceleb thread

I used to like him, but the videos he's produced within the past year or so have mostly been mumbly shit.

I mean, I disagree, but I'd rather everyone have radically different top 10's than a boring circle jerk

I only know of him because of ashens. I'm not really a fan.

He did a Trump video? Aw man...

New Vegas
Mass Effect 1
Dark Souls 1
Witcher 3

Any game not mentioned above is shit

He is a huge SJW. The guy flipped shit over mgs ground zero too.

He played and hated dark souls because he was acting like a fucking idiot attacking npcs and shit then deleted the video because people said mean things to him

MGS 2 and 3 are on the list further down. He's on record as hating everything Metal Gear from 4 onwards and made an infamous video about Ground Zeroes where he criticized the Paz tapes as "rape as a reward."

the list is shit but witcher 3 doesnt deserve being in a top 10 of all time

Don't know who he is but he rightfully recognizes Bully as the best Rockstar game. Seems like a cool guy.

>No nintendo games
That the ONLY good thing about his list

Here's my list

1. Zelda
2. Mario
3. Half Life 2
4. Zelda
5. Mario
6. Tetris
7. Mario
8. Zelda
9. Zelda
10. Zelda

what do you guys think

He's an SJW libtard who thinks Brexit and Trump were mistakes and intentionally played Bully gay to piss people off.

It's still (or maybe back up) on his channel.

It really is a travesty. It's like watching a DarkSydePhil video.

>bully at no. 1
I can dig it

Dude knows shit about park building. Not even about unrealistic park building! His opinion ain't worth it.

Based Kojima

wheres chess you f*ggot

List is kind of all over the place.

Open world games are bad.

Dungeon Keeper is pretty cool but its not top 10 ever made material by a long shot, same goes for Shadow of Colossus.

>Roller Coaster Tycoon 3

Seems more like a list of the only 10 games he played honestly.

Donkey Kong Country 2
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3
Super Mario Bros
Soul Calibur II
Killer 7
Final Fantasy VI
Diablo II
Resident Evil (2002)
Silent Hill 2


i rate your taste as your own taste
be proud of it

>1: Bully
Oh I love that game too, he's also done a series for it. Maybe it's full of trivia and things you can miss since he likes it so muc-
>Oh hello random character, I'll give you a quirky nickname
>Barely talks about the game and just rambles about nothing
Will there ever be a good youtuber who talks soley about the game?

I feel bad about myself sometimes. I don't have a top ten list, shit I couldn't even tell you my favorite game.
Sure I got games I like, but even if I play a lot of games I usually end up forgetting everything about them, even if I loved them. I've met a few cool people who talk a bunch about games I've played but I've been unable to hold a decent conversation because I constantly forget names and story elements.

>Will there ever be a good youtuber who talks soley about the game?
Matthewmatosis' Dark Souls commentary is literally that.

>playing video games