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goty if you play on consoles

A worthy sucessor

>playing first person games on consoles

what's wrong with the PC version?

Nothing after the patches

Be honest, why did it sell like shit?

I honestly have no idea.

it always seemed like a niche game to me. i'm enjoying the sequel but who was really asking for one?

bad performance on launch, don't own so not sure if it got any better.

Dead game caused by Denuvo, just like Hitman, Planet Coaster, Just Cause 3.

dishonored 1 was a game people bought during steam sales


The best of those good games suffering because of Denuvo. Hitman would've been GOTY if this game didn't release this year.

Not the fans of Immersive Sims, people that liked Thief, System Shock 2, Arx Fatalis or Deus Ex were very hyped. I bought it day one.

Wow. Never thought about it. It seems that all denuvo games fail. Why though ?It shouldnt matter to the buyers and normies dont even know what denuvo is..

The last two missions felt very very dead to me. Like they just kinda gave up on them. Mission 8 felt like I barely got to explore the level at all.

Mission 9 was just awful. Especially once inside.

>all denuvo games fail
>DOOM did spectacular

Though admittedly Doom did have Denuvo removed recently.

If CPY didnt exist or crack those games, all those games will be dead.

You cant keep Denuvo auth server for running forever because Denuvo is semi Always Online DRM.

Basically zero marketing

Not sure yet, but it's a lot less complex than the first game mechanics wise, so as an action game it's still in it's basic stages.

Don't hire femininsts to write or design your games

Don't ret-con your first game to appeal to tumblers who didn't even buy the second

Don't spend all your budget on political correctness and DRM instead of optimizing your engine to not drop to 15fps on a 1070.

If you think the simple act of adding in a female character (Which makes sense considering Dishonored 1 introduced her, and it shows that she's influenced by Corvo) is considered political correctness or pandering, you may want to rethink your priorities

People these days, even the normies, are sort of unsatisfied with Triple A devs, and people are probably busy doing other shit.

Also, the game probably wasn't marketed hard enough. But this is the Triple A Game Industry, with the amount of money shoved into the game, even if the thing sells well, it may still be considered a flop, simply because it didn't bring in ALL THAT SWEET DOSH

Redpill me on this game.
What did they ret-con? How did they waste even more potential with the outsider this time? How is this game SJW designed?

Game of the year, despite crying about the PC port.

Goes in shithole. I feel bad for those who fell for it.

I bought the first Dishonered and like the story, but I never finished it because I got bored through it. Maybe lots of people felt the same

You shilling for ubishit boy?

Can't pirate/10

Dunno. Can't play it until they find away around Denuvo.

oh but let me guess your pc costs over 1k$?


Let me guess, you have an unjustified sense of self-importance?

>stealing video games

Not over, but just about, yeah. You can't pirate hardware.

I know you have that because you think your money is too good to spend on something you get hours of entertainment from. It's pretty pathetic.

wait until monday when the game gets a huge update. ng+, massive gameplay tweaks and again more performance updates. the beta is out on steam and the game runs and plays like a dream now, similiar to how dishonored 1 ran.

Sup Forums leaking into Sup Forums again.



Excited to play NG+, have to wait till Monday though since I have it on console.

I loved the first one and was going to pre-order this but no money, but i think the main reason why so many people didnt get it is actually because they dont even know it was released

Sup Forums was complaining about "SJWs" and feminism when Sup Forums was still a niche board and basically just about conspiracy theories you dumb newfag.

I'm doing a non-lethal ghost run right now and the Stilton mansion is fucking my shit up. Those damn hounds spot you really fast.

I kept hearing that the Clockwork mansion was the hardest for ghost runs, but that one went pretty well. Clockwork soldiers are a bitch though.

dumb Sup Forumsfag

One of the best stealth/adventure action games of all time together with Dishonored 1 and Knife of Dunwall/Brigmore Witches

Great game. Did high and low chaos runs for both characters. Emily's powers seem weaker than Corvo's at first, but (with the exception of Time Stop) they're actually a lot better once you git gud at the game. Blink is simpler to use, but Far Reach is way more versatile and you can move through the levels like Spider Man once you get the hang of it.

Story wasn't as good, though. In Dishonored, they really took their time to show how badly the enemy conspiracy fucked Corvo over. Plus the villains were outright vile, which made killing them or ruining their lives satisfying as fuck. Delilah was a bretty good antagonist (although she was no Daud), and I do love how much of a cunt you can be to her (like killing her waifu right in front of her), but I never really felt that much of a need to destroy the other targets like I did in the first game. Corvo's kinda boring, even voiced, but Emily is great, especially in high chaos. The part where Jessamine tells you that you are becoming everything she ever fought against, and Emily half-hysterically says "But I did it for you!" was great. Or how she casually remarks on how much she'd like to torture and murder her enemies while observing everyday objects.

Overall 8.5 / 10, I'd say.

I finished it. It took me 3 times starting and stopping before doing so. It's weird, this game has a lot of things that I should like: stealth, makers of Sir Kicksalot, edgy steampunk world, magic, and yet I couldn't really get into it.

It didn't help that I hated the general artstyle and muted colors.

this is true for me

I actually really liked Dishonored but I'll still wait for a good sale to pick up Dishonored 2. kind of feel bad because I think these poor sales put the series' future in jeopardy.

It's pretty much more of the first with a weaker story.

Doesn't really improve that much on the core formula and you still have way more lethal options than non-lethal.

I also found Emily's powers kidna shit, especially Far Reach, aiming with it feels like ass.

But seriously fuck them for not including all the features at launch like a Mission Select and New Game+ (I'm aware it's in now, but still).

Phenom 2 x4 970, 8gb, 270x

I'll literally only eat once in everyday in order to get those hardware.

Far Reach is basicslly Blink and the grabbing power put into one, its as good as you know how to use it

can't reply since it still runs like dogshit on mt 970, what a fucking joke


>not stealing video games

goy goy

I can see the use for the grabbing, but moving with Far Reach is inferior to fully upgraded Blink 9 times out of 10.

Fully upgraded Blink has about the same lenght, you can take as long as you want to aim with it and guards don't see you when you use it.

Compare that to Far Reach which has a slightly longer lenght but harder to aim, and guards see you. Not to mention the grab is pretty loud

is the performance on pc still fucked?

You have to spend $3500 in hardware to be able to play it.



The game is really comfortable if you like exploration and having options in situations.

PC performance is fine after the patch.

Did I get shit at stealth games or is this one harder than the first one? I'm only an hour in and I'm really sucking it up.

>no marketing
>basically the exact same game as 1

There is a rune that negates being seen using Far Reach

Did you replay the first one a bunch of times? If so, you're probably not used to unfamiliar maps.

Speaking of, I did a D1 playthrough without Dark Vision. Shit was so much more fun. Gonna do the same in D2 for my Corvo playthrough.

Yeah it's a bit harder than the first. Guards spot you much faster now.

Serious question, what's with you PCucks shitting up every. single. fucking. thread. with your autistic jingoism?

This tbqh famalam.

Runs just fine on Xbone.

>It's pretty much more of the first with a weaker story.
Yeah, and they wrote themselves into a wall as far as continuing Emily/Corvo's story; if they have any sense we'll new characters for Dishonored 3.

>Doesn't really improve that much on the core formula and you still have way more lethal options than non-lethal.
This is my biggest gripe of the series; some of the most diverse and creative ways to dispatch enemies in a game... but it discourages killing.

It doesn't even make sense, like with the upcoming Prey (dishonored in space) it kind of makes sense, do you take power at the cost of your humanity, in a very literal sense? Here it's like... "chaos" is such an abstract concept that doesn't really sync with the rest of the lore; it's not the Outsider's influence, his entire thing is he's *outside* everything, he doesn't interfere really, he doesn't have a horse in the race, he gives people power for the lulz and watches.

Sorry for blogging, we definitely needed more lethal options, but at least you can non-lethally end swordfights.

>I also found Emily's powers kidna shit, especially Far Reach, aiming with it feels like ass.
I really feel like aside from the shadow creature thing her powers are heavily slanted towards going loud and lethal; which makes sense given the shit she's been through.

Xbone cost me $250 :^)

But good luck with your petitions, boys.

>Here it's like... "chaos" is such an abstract concept that doesn't really sync with the rest of the lore;
More corpses = more bloatflies.
More bloatflies = more guards trying to eliminate them
More guards = harder game

The game is trying to give you what you want. If you like killing, it gives you more people to kill.

>Xbone cost me $250 :

so ?

you cant do other things on xbone other than gaming.

>>basically the exact same game as 1
Everyone wanted the exact same game as 1 only with more options and a better AI. That's what we got.

Its literally the best game that came out this year and improves on the original in literally every way.

The level design is phenomenal and incredibly intricate
The lore and world is beautifully expanded not only with Karnaca as a location but other concepts as well
The gameplay is slicker than ever and has some extremely satisfying kill animations
The game is significantly longer than the first, it took me 26 hours to finish it my first time and I even missed some optional content. Add in 2 character and 2 paths for them, the replayability is insane
The Void engine excels in lighting, and while it improved the graphics, the signature style of Dishonored is still there.

Literally the only gripe that I have is it often feels too massive. The levels are so huge and filled with so many books to read, lootables to find, enemies to fight etc etc that I can't play it for long periods of time. I'm sure that will change when I fully learn the layouts and start massacring my way through quickly.

And that's why it didn't sell well. Funny how things work out.

I'm not too worried about it selling well. I think it has such a cult following that it will probably even get another sequel.

>3 "literally"s

Opinion discarded

Agree with all this. However the story is still weak like in the first one, if they ever make a Dishonored 3 they need to hire some better writers.

Game would be perfect if the story wasn't so generic and the dialogue was better. I'm not really a "muh story" fag so it doesn't break the game for me, but I feel like the worldbuilding and lore is so good that it's a waste not to have a better plot.

>a sequel without Jessamine's dulcet tones

I was speaking more as to how it removes a sense of moral ambiguity, particularly in the ending.

Is this nigger serious?

Nobody gave a shit.

Female Protagonist.

You do

it´s trash

I feel like they make the plot generic on purpose because of playtesters, theyre too talented as a team to not do it consciously. Harvey stays ontop of the lore and shit and he's clearly a smart guy

Also Dauds campaign shows they definitely can do better if they want to

Is it really that bad on PC still? About to finish the first game soon and I'd like to buy the sequel on sale. But I might wait a while anyway.

I thought the plot was better than the first game honestly.

They're both straight forward and ultimately pretty simple, but 2 was interesting where you could actually sympathize with Delilah and her troubles somewhat, where as in 1 the Loyalists are just a bunch of crooks who simply want to rule the empire for the lolz.

It was bad at first but now it works fine, it got like 3 performance patches.

they decided to go full sjw

the literally said "we have tons of gay, trans and lesbian characters" as a selling point.

also despite having two playable characters they only really showed the female character in all their marketing

sad to see another company fall to sjws and radical feminists

oh well stuff like this is why trump won so I guess it all played out for the better in the end

It had a male protagonist as well. The same one as the first game in fact.

I wish. Even on Sup Forums nobody talks about it.


The first one was mediocre, so I have no desire to play the second. Especially with the agressivly tumblr art stytle.

Ironic shitposting and pretending to be blatantly retarded is still shitposting user.

best post so far

I agree with what you said but

has it right, you really need to stop overusing "literally" when you mean "figuratively," it outs you as a vapid millennial twat.

This pretty much. I really, REALLY feel like they should have focused entirely on Emily for this one, and that the narrative suffered because it didn't; Corvo's story was more or less over.

AAA are all selling like shit, even cod is down a giant percentage compared to earlier releases.

Is there a game you can compare it to now? Is it like MGS5/Mad Max in performance or more TW3/BF1 in performance? I imagine it used to be Arkham Knight in performance for the bad ratings.

Loyalists tried to make a powergrab after getting too greedy and losing sight of the big picture, so they had to go. I liked how they all turned on each other in the end

Delilah is literally 'we wuz Kaldwins and shiet"


I have to agree with this. It's weird how the plot feels back seated in some regards, or perhaps it's makes more sense that it feels like the story gets kind of lost in the levels. The levels were so big and sprawling at times it seems like you kind of forget why you're even there until its time to actually go do the objective.

I really, really like Dishonored for the time, but after playing Daud's campaign I couldn't play the main campaign again.

But he's right.

Want proof? Horizon is going to flop hard for the exact same reasons. Screencap this, bitch.

>game has female protagonist
Sup Forums is such a shit board, goddamn.

>muh everybody that calls out sjws shit is retarded

back to tumblr cunt. everything I said is true

It's like Skyrim Remastered or Fallout 4 in performance. Very CPU heavy

has anyone being playing the NG+ beta patch?

I wanna know if there is a NG++

yeah you can.

Like BF1 then I guess. Gonna see some drops regardless of graphics settings on my i5 4570 probably.