You know, a video game with critical acclaim is a little like the mule with a spinning wheel - nobody knows how it got it and danged if it knows how to use it.
The name's Lanley. Lyle Lanley and I come before you fine people tonight with an idea. Possibly the, it's not for you.
It's more of a Sup Forums idea.
You know...
Now wait just a minute! We're twice as smart as the people of Sup Forums! Just tell us your idea and we'll shitpost in its favor!
Go on
Alright, I'll tell you what I'll do
I'll show you my idea!
I give you..........
..... The Sup Forums Monorail!
I've sold monorails to 9gag, Tumblr and Reddit and by gum, it put them on the map!
Well sir there's nothing on Earth like a genuine, bona fide, certified 6-car Monorail!
She can take you from a Monday Miku Thread to a Friday Night Thread and not make so much as a peep!
I hear those things are awfully slow
You'll be there before it 404s
Is there a chance the posts could derail?
Is there a chance the thread could end?
Not on your life my anonymous friends!
So instead of actually rewriting the purpose of the scene to make it more relevant to video games and the video game industry, you're just keeping it about monorails. Nothing original, nothing that justifies it being on Sup Forums. Just this lazy attempt at being funny which is crashing and burning.
Your attempt at OC is fucking pathetic, unfunny and you should never post here again.
What about us brain-dead phone posters?
You'll be made a Sup Forums mod!
hell be fine
Holy shit, gooks are fucking inhuman
Jesus user, I can't fucking breathe
Someone better screenshot this thread
It's over
Were you sent here by Sup Forums?
The Simpsons fucking sucks.
No good sir, I'm an oldfag
How can I get past my VAC ban?
My vidya waifu thread got archived!
And samefagging reactions to top it all off. I really hope you aren't proud of yourself, OP. Not only was this painful to watch, it's saddeningly pitiful.
Here's a New Thread, my good man!
>Frog is watching her eat it.
Asians were a mistake.
I swear it's Sup Forums's only choice!
Throw up your hands and raise your voice!
Best and worst post in the thread
>16 posters, 17 now with me
But the industry's still all cracked and broken!
Sorry, user, Sup Forums already has spoken
Sorry tripfag, the mob has spoken!
>its oki guise its not alive its just teh nervs ;)
Fuck off tripfag, no ego strokin'
Bumping for a screencap
Heh heh... mule.
I still think we should have spent this thread discussing videogames.
Well, you should have written a song like the OP
>mfw we hardly ever have threads like this anymore
Who controls the gaming crown?
Who makes sure our network is always down?
We do, we do!
Who keeps good games off the maps?
Who keeps Bloodborne under wraps?
We do, we do!
Who holds back the graphics bar?
Who makes David Cage a star?
We do, we do!
Who robs VR owners of their sight?
Who rigs every game award night?
We do!
We do!!!
This is one of those threads that makes me question if I spend all this time posting with just one other guy pretending to be multiple people.
Don't lie, user. We all know you're the only one that's posted in this thread.
Sup Forums's been no fun for years.
just enjoy it while it's here
What happened to these kinds of threads with Spongebob?
Get outside with the Battletoads, they're still croakin'
I made a Simpsons vidya thread like 3 years ago
Here's the screencap a kind user did
Looking back, I should've made it the PS4 and Wii U and changed the punchline to something else.
These aren't even rhyming.
I hope you get rangebanned faggotš›²
> Sup Forumseddit
>reddit boogeyman
The Simpsons is fucking trite and you're all faggots for liking it even when it was "good".