Fighting tough boss in turn-based RPG

>fighting tough boss in turn-based RPG
>boss kills a party member
>use an item to bring them back to life but with low health
>boss kills them again on their next turn before you get a chance to heal them up

Other urls found in this thread:

>almost done killing boss
>uses full heal

>it's not an essential member and you have a shit-ton of revival items so you just use that member as a pseudo-tank

>not using ress + cure immediately after ressing them
I really like Turn based RPGs, but they're so fucking easy.
I really need to try that tryhard JRPG with bullshit mechanics, don't remember the name tho.

Darkest Dungeon, user.

>have to command all of your party at the same time
>tell a to revive c and b to use a potion on c to avoid that scenario
>b uses the potion first, wasting it since turn order is partly random
>c revives and immediately dies again

SMT? I can't play any JRPG's anymore that aren't SMT because the press turn system is too good

>Darkest Dungeon


>tell all members to attack boss
>A attacks
>boss almost dead
>boss gets their turn before the other party members
>attacks B
>B dies
>C attacks
>boss dies
>B doesn't get XP because ded

>the boss is weak to laptops

>boss is weak to a certain element
>only a party member has that kind of attack
>you have no control over party members

>boss auto heals
>boss requires you to grind a few levels
>boss has no hitstun and you have no i-frames on dodges
>boss has a bullshit attack that brings you down to 1hp, and can kill next turn if your speed stats are shit

>boss uses move that completely ruin and weaken your stats
>uses his strongest attack after that move wiping your party

Djinn storm > cruel ruin.

Mike Inel finish your fucking vr game already so I can fap.

>boss starts fight by bringing every party member down to 1 HP

>boss has an attack that instantly kills a party member and prevents them from being revived for the rest of the battle
>there aren't enough ribbons in the game to protect the entire party

>Boss decides to kill one of your party members from full health
>You kill him in the same turn
>Now one of your party members is permanently one level bellow all the others

>boss has low HP
>turn-based battle system where the turn starts after you issued commands to all your party and who's faster acts first(similar to Pokémon and RPG Maker default battle system)
>boss always acts before your whole party
>kills one of your characters
>others proceed to attack
>boss dies
>having to replay battle because they lost a shittons of EXP

>boss attacks a single character next turn

post yfw 1hp

>Get a new party member from DLC
>New lines include casual racism to said character for being an outsider and how they don't trust him but is actually one of the best characters both gameplay wise and character wise

Guess the game



This fucking game, man

>that skill that does more damage the lower your HP is



I appreciate you posting this.


I suppose that can count but not what I was thinking

Here's a clue, turn-based game which is on all platforms

>mfw 1hp when it unlocks bonuses/skills

You just explained why turn based is cancer.

>turn-based game which is on all platforms
Gonna be honest user, I have no ideas. Outside of Disgaea I couldn't believe an RPG or tactic game could have DLC-locked characters.

I had Fen from Steamworld Heist in mind
Considering the rest of the cast is steam-powered and not electric they, other than the captain, don't trust him.

And to be fair to the developers they did him with some other DLC quite a few months after it came out to bring it to more systems.

This shit applies to action games too.

>That flying boss that requires you to used ranged characters and you haven't been using them the whole game
>That boss immune to physical attacks, and you haven't really been using mages the whole game
>That one-on-one boss battle that requires you to use the shittiest character in the game, and they've been warming the bench the whole game and they're 20 levels below everyone else.

>not rotating every available character in and out of your party to keep everyone within one level of each other
people like you should be gassed desu

This shit drives me fucking crazy. I'm playing Bravely Default right now and Ringabel keeps getting KO'd on the same fucking turn the boss dies. He's now like a whole level and half below everyone else, it's triggering my autism something fierce..

>have one fast character ready to revive dead teammate and a slower character ready to cure them to full health
>cure gets cast first

just use bravely second to revive him right before the boss dies

>Super optional Boss is cheesy as fuck and you need to cheese it to stand a chance
Ruby and Emerald weapon were bullshit. Emerald less so.

>boss is around 1/2 their max HP, life, whatever
>prep your attacks, especially the strongest one you have that you've buffed and nerfed for specifically for the sake of that attack
>somehow your other attacks get lucky and do a shit ton of damage
>other attacks either put the boss to the point where a finger-flick could kill it or said other attacks actually do kill it
>all that build-up and effort for that one super shitwrecker attack go completely to waste
It doesn't happen often, but it pisses me the fuck off when it does. Especially in things like monster hunter where some shitter (be it clownsuit fag, your ai shitter buddy, or even some enemy tiny shitter monster) gets the last hit in, completely killing the mood.

This shit drives me up the fucking wall.
Fuck hidden speed modifiers.

I never used it because of how SP works. Shit that requires leaving the game in sleep mode or literal pay-to-win microtransaction shit isn't something I want to use in a turn-based RPG.
I only spent time on Norende because of the unique equipment and the fact that it was the only way to get Specials.

>I really like Turn based RPGs, but they're so fucking easy
No, you like JRPGs.



>have latent skill that blocks all attacks when hp is low


>Heal party member who's near death
>enemy gets a crit that kills them

>keep everyone except the protagonist dead so he gets 4 times the exp
>everyone is massively underleveled
>boss has an instant kill preemptive that kills the character with highest hp

>mfw 1HP on a character in FE that has vantage and vengeance

>boss is on low health
>on your last hero
>ATB bar fills up to full for the final hit
>boss does a super-powerful move at the exact time the ATB gauge ticks to full
>game over

>reflect only works a single time per spell
>boss has reflect
>cast reflect on your whole party just as boss pulls out his OP sweep move
>watch him kill himself in a 45 second cutscene

SMT maybe, really good stuff

>Boss uses first turn to fully heal party's HP and MP

Resonance of Fate, it'll give you a hateboner if you're into that sort of thing




>Boss is immune to fucking everything and constantly spams area of effect and stunning moves.

Both Baldur's Gate games are guilty of this.

>game has a ton of interesting status effects
>regular enemies die in 1-2 hits and bosses are immune to them all
SMT tries to fix this but it's still kind of guilty. It's focused on buffs/debuffs like pokemon but a lot of the status effects are tedious instakills or "you can't play anymore"

>run into literally any enemy mage
>chain contingency sets off every defensive spell in the game

This was one thing Bravely Default had going for it. A status ailment build was actually fun and viable because bosses weren't immune to them all.

The Last Remnant

>Fighting final boss.
>Feels almost impossible.
Grandia 3, fuck you, the whole game was a moderate challenge and then suddenly at the end you become impossible to even beat the floating ball of bullshit.

Damn, I preordered LTR, nobody knew what the fuck was going on for the first 1-2 months. The information that's going around now was pieced after a lot of collaboration. I remember how much people hated it on release. Everyone struggled so they grinded, but that broke the game even more. You have to really efficiently know what you're doing from square one.

Grandia is dead. The fella who made Grandia is dead.

What a shitty time to be alive. That had the best turn based system...

I still haven't played Bravely Default. Is it worth giving a go? Everyone seemed to hate it but at the same time the price slowly climbed up

If it really bothers you, try to beat the game at a much lower level or something. I was able to beat it at fifty with a team of faggot snowflakes, and having Bravely Seconds almost feels like a necessity.

No idea why the price would be rising. Is it rarer? That's some shit.

It's okay, though. If you really like Final Fantasy 3 and 5, you might be into it. The brave/default system is a lot of fun.

The gameplay systems are really good and it's probably worth trying it for them alone. The big problem with it is it literally repeats dungeons and bosses in the late game.

I have a feeling the repetition of dungeons and bosses was just a faggy way of letting you play with all the classes and experiment.

Beyond being part of the narrative, it's the only reason I can think of them doing that.

It's a fucking shame that part turns off so many people. The penultimate and final boss are so amazing holy shiiiiit.


I liked it. The music is top notch and it's certainly a lot better than the main Final Fantasy series has been for quite some time.

It does have flaws. There is a lot of repeated boss battles (though I personally didn't find it all that tedious) and the game can be rendered trivial by using certain overpowered job combinations. I maintain it's fun despite that, especially if you're a fan of the SNES-era Final Fantasy games.

>boss is around 1/2 their max HP, life, whatever
>prep your attacks, especially the strongest one you have that you've buffed and nerfed for specifically for the sake of that attack
>Execute attack

>Fighting Final Boss
>Spend the first several turns fully debuffing bosses DEF and fully buffing one party members ATK
>Turn on ability which further boosts attack at the cost of draining HP
>Use spell which more than doubles power of next attack
>Final Boss is instantly killed
>Final Boss had a series of scripted events with nasty attacks that happen at various HP thresholds
>Party had a bunch of speeches about the power of friendship prepared in response to these scripted events
>These have all been skipped

I wasn't even overlevelled.

>boss paralyses you on the first turn
>they put confusion on you
>you hurt yourself anytime you're not paralysed
>they do it again to your next team member
>your final team member goes first
>boss lands a 1hko crit