>“General life/channel updates or discussions. Maybe you like working out and can make it interactive. You just read a great book and want to discuss it. Or maybe you have very strong opinions about the season finale of your favorite show. That kinda thing.

>"WORKING OUT" wink wink

>reminder that a whore can show %70 of their breasts but a man can't use a tanktop

i dont give a shit

First post best post.

I don't watch Twitch. In fact i want to find another passion than video-games. I feel like a child. I need to grow up, but i don't know how.

> a man can't use a tanktop


Said the white male while his dick was confiscated for being too offensive.

>I need to grow up, but i don't know how.
No body does, no one is really an "adult" every "adult" you see is just pretending to be in control.

You just fake it until you die.

>i dont care that the world gets worse

I feel bad for those pets, I guess.

I believe that watching other people playing games instead of playing them yourself is for faggots, so I feel nothing.

>maybe you have very strong opinions
Can't wait to see what they consider "suitable" or not

this pussy has had enough

>twitch is the world

cuckolds. It's for passive cuckolds. You millennial numales are the reason America will never get higher than 60% white again.

You are to narrowminded to realize that even the slightest shit can make the world worse. You just can see far enough.

Does this mean Caleb can tear off his shirt now?

neutrals try way, way too hard to signal their neutrality on 4cha.

I don't want to fake it. I'm sick of faking it.

Twitch is one step closer to having a porn section.

it's always been allowed.
It's a bit of a souring experience seeing other channels where girls just wear low cut tops shoot up above me and everyone else, but that's the way the world works. Not like I tried to turn it into a job, but it really defeats the purpose of streaming when i'm streaming to myself and no one else.

Sure bud.

More like you don't really have anything going on in your life so you care more about these little things.

Women making money showing off their body is a thing that has been happening for more than a millennium, it won't stop now.

Not if he is male.

KYS then, that is was modern life is about, no one has a real purpose.

Sorry guy, there are no more real adults anymore. you kinda have to fake it until you die

Become a neet then.

No. There must be something else. Besides i don't give two shits about modern life.

>visits moderated chatrubate for 12 y olds
>cries about camwhores
Twitchwhores are not a problem. The problem is faggots who watch, support and donate to such subhumans.

And while they live, this world is gonna slowly go to shit, because they will turn everything they touch to shit.

And they are 99%.

Whats getting worse, videogames?! Fuck you man, video games aren't getting worse because some twitch whore wants to show her breasts and sone lonenly, thirsty men are giving her money. No, these women have found a market that they can exploit with their good looks and one that they can make a living off of. Yeah, maybe it's not classiest of livings to act like a cute bimbo playing videogames in front of a camera, but who gives a fuck?

If these women want to make a living off of twitch donations because guys are suckers to donate to them, then it's none of your buisnes what these girls do. They're not actively hurting anyone. They are not forcing these men by grabbing them by balls telling them "Hey, you better donate $20 dollars to me everytine Im on twitch or I'll rip your nuts off!". Its is the free will of whoever is donating to give these twitch whores their money. And in turn maybe these cam whores calls out the name of whoever donated or give them a little cleavage.

Aa far as ruinning the world...what? These girls aren't ruinning anything, especially videogames. They need videogames to survive because thats the market that they make their living in.

Get yourself a spot in the woods somewhere, build your own house, live off the grid, grow and hunt your own food, and poop in an outhouse then, I guess. Or find a cave close to people and live like a hermit, coming out from your meditations on adulthood every now and then to beg for fruit and bread.

>The problem is faggots who watch, support and donate to such subhumans.

Not him, but what IS happening is that games are being developed solely to cater to this youtube/twitch generation. The slew of dayZ clones is a great example, as are all the first person horror games. Developers cater to video sharing and streaming sites because it's advertisement for them. If it's interesting to watch, then it's going to sell more to these wannabe streamers.

>be a salty forever kissless virgin
>get mad at girls having fun and making money
>follow them on twitch and complain about them on a mongolian temporary tattoos messageboard

don't you have a pillow wife to go fuck or something?

it always did

Sounds reasonable. I was hoping to get a semblant of harmony between nature and "modern life" but, without being a billionaire, i can't see how.

There really isn't anything else. Nobody has a purpose until they give themselves one.

post more twitch titty monsters


>Annoying ass animation pops up.

>Thirty seconds pass.
>Annoying ass animation pops up.

>Thirty seconds pass.
>Annoying ass animation pops up.

There aren't many things more cancerous than

>but a man can't use a tanktop
Calebhart says you're a lying faggot.

The alternative is them trying to make friends with you. Is that what you want? A bunch of awkward autists with boundary issues talking at you so they don't know everyone hates them?

My robotic slave master unit glitched out months ago and the M.O.N.I.T.O.R has not been notified (same glitch? can anyone confirm?), so I don't have to use the twitch-straps any more and am free to choose which sites I browse. I'm more concerned about the heating unit having no power.

But Cam Whoring has been allowed for years.

Biggest female league streamers all just show off tits with game client minimized.

Its pathetic.

Twitch has been the most garbage streaming site for a couple of years now, how is this anything new?

If you want to watch fun streams with chat interaction, you won't find any on Twitch. I visit one of the old sites that got advertised here a decade ago and enjoy 2 second delay and 1080p, without all the old retarded terms and conditions that forced people to do shit like have second channels for the odd movie stream.

Even megarichfags are pretty fucking autistic about it. Tech titans live most of the year grabbing everyone's personal information and selling it to the highest bidder, then spend a week at burning man to feel enlightened and clear their conscious', never realizing how fucked up that is.

Living with a semblance of nature and modern life is an easy as fuck goal though. Just get out of cities and move to the country. You won't make much money(probably), and you won't have a bustling nightlife, but you can breath all the clean air you want without going to a speciality bar, walk among plenty of greenery, dust, and dirt, hunt seasonal mushrooms, and get mad as fuck at the skunk population explosion.

what's the matter OP, can't get 10 subs on your channel or something?


Why the fuck should twitch limit itself to videogames to begin with?

your world gets worse. mine stays the same

Coming to terms with what you love is growing up

>to begin with

It began as the vidya-focused offshoot of, user.

Not that that necessitates anything, mind you. It does come of as the kind of corporate flip-flopping that shitty consultants and barely-graduated MBA suits instigate to legitimize their employment and to make them seem "proactive".

>this year
"We need to focus our diffuse brand!"
>next year
"We need to expand our limited brand!"