What kind of changes do you want to see for your favorite job?
>Huton refreshes mudra when out of combat
What kind of changes do you want to see for your favorite job?
>Huton refreshes mudra when out of combat
another bard song
healing or damage maybe
>swiftsong isnt a haste buff
that would make total sense
Just learned that the battle system won't have an overhaul at all, just a few changes here and there. Yoshi needs to step down
>believing the "overhaul" would be an overhaul
Put Graniteskin back in.
Considering it was coming with the expansion, yeah I thought it would.
I'd just like weapons that look like different weapons. Like a couple spears that look like 2h swords for Dragoons to use.
I want to be less turrety again.
>blood of the dragon buffs each time you pop it
>As with his Batman/Dark Knight tease for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, director Naoki Yoshida wore a Scarlet Witch shirt to the announcement event to tease a new upcoming class. Scarlet Witch is a synonym for Red Mage.
>Red Mage
>I'd just like weapons that look like different weapons.
Monk already gets plenty of that shit. Half their weapons are claws that, somehow inexplicably still deal blunt damage despite looking and sounding like they're rending and tearing.
What's wrong with RDM?
Well, at least this ain't our first rodeo. The devs made big claims about taking the gloves off for HW, and instead we got recycled 2.0. They're going to have to put the goods on the table first this time before I even think about doing business with them.
In 1.0, weapons actually had varying degrees of blunt/slashing/piercing unique to each type. So claws had heavy slashing, medium piercing, some blunt. And then knuckles would be full blunt. Yoshi is just a lazy sack of shit.
Is this the hourly complaints about Yoshida thread
WHM gets a turboslut stance.
all of the jobs feel the same so i dont really care..
does that actually impact the gameplay in any meaningful way? people would still just use whatever the best option is anyways, it's just illusion of choice
just like the shields for paladin
Well, anyone could've told you that Yoshi's a lazy-ass piece of shit.
I want Y'shtola to sneak on my bed in a suggestive costume while I sleep.
With that line of thinking, we may as well just remove stats altogether. Since everyone will use whatever they're told is best, right?
It can impact gameplay in a meaningful way if we don't have shit lazy devs and they actually make it impact the game in a meaningful way. Make armored and metal enemies more resistance to slashing and piercing. Make meaty, fleshy enemies weak to slashing and piercing. Make skeletons weak to blunt, and ghosts resistant to physical damage types.
I mean basically, yeah. The most important thing is just your stats going up with every new tier of gear, the only thing keeping multiple gear sets of the same item level relevant is the method you obtain them and the fact that some classes share gear but minmax with different stats.
The game isn't designed that way, and it doesn't need to be. All that would do is reduce existing inventory space when people need to carry multiple weapons that work the exact same way but deal bonus damage in certain situations.
>FFXIV devs
>not lazy
They claimed adding guild categorization to in game mails was TOO HARD.
FFXI did summoning well. Your summons were actually your main offensive skill and hugely powerful, but they'd drain your mana causing you to be useless until you got it back.
Now we have tiny summon fragment pets which auto-attack and fire off a few spells while you DOT DOT DOT.
Do you feel shocked when you go to PF and see at least one greyed out entry until you realize that you black listed them?
ffxi was my favorite game forever. will i enjoy this game?
Not for the gameplay, but you might enjoy the world and atmosphere.
No, you will only miss playing FFXI even more.
This is my first mmo. Is there any real reason preventing them from making the classes feel more unique? I've played enough now that I'm starting to be able to use the other jobs and it's a little disappointing how much overlap there is.
Do we really need all those skills? Why not trim them down and leave the more unique things? The cross skill system makes it seem even more pointless to have the overlap.
I'm guessing the Duty Finder system is part of the blame, but it is a bit disappointing for me as I can't really get excited for new jobs when I know how similar they will be to the other jobs in their category.
>Is there any real reason preventing them from making the classes feel more unique?
The game is balanced around taking 8 jobs(2 tank, 2 heal, 4 dps) in at a time for most game content. They'd have more freedom to do class interdependence if you were encouraged to bring all job classes. Technically they could still give classes more identity but it would require creativity that the dev team simply doesn't have.
I'd rather have a lot of buttons to press than few-but-unique.
>have to do one last sticker for Khloe
>only have it set up for two lines
>already got one
>want to do Ifrit Ex
>but don't want to make a group
>no group in PF
>decide to try solo 1-3
>finish it
>sticker gives me the second line
I know it's not special, but still.
Khloe version of pic related when?
>Extend Greased Lightning to 15 seconds so it's easier to maintain it after using LB3.
>Change Tornado Kick so it doesn't consume Greased Lightning. Instead, it adds 30 seconds to your current stack of Greased Lightning, but also applies a 10-second undispellable Pacification debuff on yourself. If you time it right you can save your stacks during downtime, but it's a DPS loss to use it otherwise.
>Make Haymaker off-GCD and allow it to proc off something besides dodging, such as Touch of Death ticks (with a 20% chance or whatever). Using it grants a stack of Chakra.
>Remove Purification, or change it so it cleanses all debuffs from the MNK instead of restoring TP.
>Rework One-Ilm Punch. It is now a 40TP, 50 Potency attack which restores 100 TP on use. Still requires Raptor Form and shifts to Coeurl Form.
>Arm of the Destroyer potency increased to 70 and TP cost reduced to 100.
>Change Fists of Fire so instead of increased damage, it has some other effect (e.g. a slight range increase on all weaponskills). Add the lost damage to other skills. This makes the choice of which Fists stance to be in more compelling.
>A new ability. Can be activated with 5 stacks of Chakra, and temporarily allows the Monk to gain Greased Lightning IV, complete with saiyan aura. While active, the ability continually drains the Monk's MP. The effect ends when the Monk's MP runs out. GL4 is converted back to GL3 at this time.
The game is about executing mechanics, not strategizing around boss capabilities. If it wasn't then every boss would just be a matter of looking up what you need to bring and then pushing it over.
she looks so soft....
>>Remove Purification, or change it so it cleanses all debuffs from the MNK instead of restoring TP.
I don't play MNK, but I always see them bitching about goads and tp song. I have a feeling they simply ignore purification because muh forbidden chakra dps. Do they actually not need the extra tp refresh?
casting Huton outside of combat instantly refreshes mudra
Who is this semen demen?
The only time you should ever see a MNK complaining about TP is during A9S. In any other situation, they're just shit at their job.
t. MNK main since launch
In this instance it's replaced by the change to One Ilm Punch. Having to charge chakras between weaponskills because of running dry feels like ass anyway.
Not that's it's too hard but too much trouble to do when they got other more important matters to tend to. They only got 3 months to produce major patches and spending days trying to redo how the mailing system works for a niche use is PVE development time waste.
I just want more info on the expansion so I can decide whether or not I want to resub to this shit ass game
Purification isn't worth the set up it takes. 5 global cool downs for 300 tp restore and it's on a 90 second cooldown. Forbidden Chakra is meant to be used in the opener and brought back during the mechanics/downtime phases in bosses and is by far their hardest hitting move especially with buffs.
Honestly the only time a Monk will have TP problems is if they have high skillspeed 850+ and always refresh ToD, are doing extended aoe rotation, or keep pressing the wrong buttons and refreshing their dots when they shouldn't have.
>PLD gets stacks of Justice for mitigating damahe via Divine Veil/Cover/Clemency/Hallowed Ground that can be used to activate a Holy flavored supercharged version of Salted Earth or to reduce HG's cooldown by a bit
>Shield Swipe is now a frontal cleave (only applies Pacification to primary target)
>Shelltron restores TP in Sword Oath
>Shield Lob will Captain America its way around all the linked mobs in a pack
Too bad we have virtually no customization in game. Having to pick a different race entirely just to get even remotely unique body types is pretty shitty.
>omg why don't we have X? The devs are so laaaaazy
How to spot someone who doesn't know shit about game design
So is XI still populated? I want to try it out before the expansion for this game hits. Everything I've read about XI makes it sound like I'd enjoy it a lot more.
ass sliders please
Yes, but make sure you join the Asura server. It's where most of the NA population is.
Thanks I'll keep that in mind!
How is Blue Mage? I love the idea of that job, but I find its execution in games to often be iffy. Also how are Puppetmaster and Summoner? I was pretty bummed with how Summoner plays in FFXIV. It's a ton of fun, but it doesn't really make me feel like the a summoner especially since you do so much damage on your own and your pet has high cooldowns.
I want the gameplay completely revamped so it's not a boring ass slog of rotations.
amazing idea, how does he dew it
What kind of gameplay do you have in mind, be specific and detailed.
Blue Mage is my favorite job ever, and it's extremely versatile. Moreso than Red Mage. You can only equip a certain amount of spells based on point costs, but the spells you equip have added traits that can completely change how its played.
I never tried Puppetmaster, but back in the day it was one of the few jobs that could solo through the game.
Summoner is fantastic, and unlike XIV all of their abilities are focused around summoning. You only start with Carbuncle and have to go earn your other summons by killing them. They all have completely different movesets, and Alexander and Odin can only be used with your 1-hour cooldown ability.
Who is this person? I need to know
Either Yda or her sister.
That sounds awesome. Is it as easy to switch among jobs in XI as it is in XIV? Blue Mage sounds like a dream come true to me, but Summoner sounds cool as well.
I hear Dark Knight uses HP as a resource in XI. That sounds awesome.
You can switch, but not just by changing your weapon since each job can use multiple weapon types. You have to go back to your Mog House in order to change. Dark Knight is a glass cannon that turns into a glass apocalypse if you can manage to get the Kraken Club.
Is Blue Mage in the game yet?
We don't even have Red Mage
>>Shield Swipe is now a frontal cleave (only applies Pacification to primary target)
Not like it would break the game if it was all targets since you cant pacify anything outside of dungeon trash
>Shelltron restores TP in Sword Oath
just make it restore tp in general. plds hardly need any mana
Smart combo system: I shouldn't have to assign 6 keys for my basic attacks when a non-retarded system would get by with 2. For WAR this also means that my stance nukes and AOE buttons share a hotkey.
What I really want is a Red Mage, but I have no clue how they'd implement it.
>Red Mage
Melee/Caster DPS with mostly instant cast spells to weave inbewteen your weapon combos.
So a melee hero that uses MP as their mechanic? How do you actually fit the whole "casts white magic" into it such that you're not just running a rune fencer or the like?
I hope they make it as much of a support boner as MCH is.
>stun, silence, knockback, snare, root, debuff magic/phsyical dmg, mp and tp refresh
Holy shit, I love this job. RDM would also be cool as shit if they gave it a MP goad and maybe even HP buffs.
>With that line of thinking, we may as well just remove stats altogether.
No idea why they don't remove secondary stats, to be honest. Just use FFXI's system.
None of MCH's crowd control gets used outside of very specific circumstances in one fight per tier. In Gordias, it was 3S. In Midas, it was 7S. In Creator? No need.
This game literally does not support Support roles.
>tfw you liked the class system
>no Geomancer off Conjurer that gets Break, Tornado, and Flood or whatever the ultimate water spell is
>no Red Mage off Thaumaturge that gets a trait that turns Astral/Umbral into making Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder into instant cast melee range skills
best tribe quest npcs talk way too fucking much
I know it doesn't, but they're still an extremely viable class regardless. Those small moments when they can cc are just a bonus.
What makes you think an expansion will make the rest of the game less shit ass? Just stay away.
BRD is such an abomination.
Why couldn't they just make all songs work like warden's paeon? Just make mages ballad/army's paeon 30s single target buffs that cost x amount of mana.
Make foe require a much larger amount of mana to debuff the target(the duration can be however long it needs to make the ability balanced)
Why is swiftsong so fucking useless?
Don't give me any of that "well its because in 1.0" bullshit because they could have easily changed what the abilities do and how they work just like they did for almost everything else. I play 1.0, I'm aware swiftsong had use in end game, but this isn't 1.0 anymore.
I forgot to add make Battle voice not only increase the effectiveness of songs, but make the next song AoE.
I don't have much of any good ideas for Disciples of War or Magic, but I do have a couple for Land.
First of all, give us traits that increase the amount of GP recovered per gathering attempt if you successfully get an HQ gather. Probably just two, doubling it to 10 then another to 15, or if they're generous doubling it to 20 for the second, since GP will likely get even higher in 4.0.
Also, more double effects on nodes, and let the HW effects(like +30 HQ and +2 attempts) appear on old nodes, and whatever they add in 4.0
They're already AoE
What title does Sup Forums wear?
>still have to get all the way to them
>that Vanu piece of shit you have to blow three times
>who isn't even anywhere near good Vanu, making him a non-threat in context
I hate these quests so fucking much.
Wild Thing
Stay jealous, ARRbabbies.
I have never worn a single title that I have ever earned in this game.
The only one I ever wanted was the Savage T9 one because it sounded lewd.
Princess for a day
nobody is jealous of playing an abomination
Then why are all these newfags begging for ways to access 1.0 rewards and ways to experience the storyline?
Elite Cascadier
to be fair XI summons were terrible for many yrs til SE finally decided to do Rage/Ward pacts and even later, when the game was on life support, actually made Summons besides carby actually able to be kept out for a decent amount of time.
Because they want the rewards, not the shitpile you played.
Imperial Nuisance
If you're floored on TP there's literally no reason not to use meditation. It's also only half a GCD.
>Lets make monk even MORE bullshit op
Also all of black mages spells are instant cast with no GCD
>The WHMs of my FC fucking hate WARs
>Tried arguing and explain that at this moment WAR is the best tank of the game but to no avail, for them WARs are just bad DPS with lots of HP and can't tank anything
Monk is not op. The closest it's ever come to being op was before 2.4 when every static wanted one over a DRG.
Ill change it when i get the new relic title
My problem with warriors is they are ALWAYS assholes. Every warrior player is a complete douchebag. There is no refuting this.
>ywn fly live above the clouds doing nothing but drinkin booze with your moogle friends all day
Kill me now senpai
How can a series of boring walking quests be so much fun? Before XIV I always hated the cutesy moogle shit but now I love those small lazy motherfuckers