what does a beholder do? does it just look at things?
What does a beholder do? does it just look at things?
Other urls found in this thread:
it beholds you
it beholds
>see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one).
yeah, they look at things.
They're floating fucking eyeballs, what aelse are they supposed to do?
it holds bees
I want to be held
It beholds. It might behold you so hard you go insane or explode.
It beholds your DEATH
Its called the beholder because of its giant eye. It uses magic typically that of the other world variety. It has been shown to have either tentacle eyes or mouths, The mouth variety bites at you, The eyes cast spells. The big eye usually has the ability to turn you to stone or blind you. Thus "Beholding" you.
They could secrete tears and down you in them.
that's a lot of tears
No, the big eye is an anti-magic cone.
the big eye usually also nullifies/dispels magic
its a mage killer basically
DD beholders can blind you.
This too
It shoots death ray
Are they the definition of a bloated kit?
nice reddit thread guys
shoots various spells from it's many eyes
Nah, they're magic stacked glass cannons.
They really have no physical defenses, except for maybe teleporting or something.
A Beholder would shut down a mage, but that's why you bring a Ranger.
The thing is basically a giant weakspot.
Beholders only exist in D&D, they're one of their few proprietorial monsters. And the central cone ALWAYS is anti-magic.
Why do games treat this creature as a fantasy staple? It's literally an OC of DND and based on no mythology. It's exclusively a Wizards of the Coast property, yet companies still manage to put the things in their game.
They look very hard though
>'s literally an OC of DND and based on no mythology. It's exclusively a
For the most part, the same kinds of things that your average rogue Mind Flayer or minor Lich would do-- commit atrocities against civilization for some obscure but unambiguously sinister purposes, usually using magic and enthralled/enslaved/tamed monsters to guard themselves as they do the dirty deeds they want done. Assassination of important figures, stealing from long-dead wizards' vaults, summoning aberrations from the Farplanes, and preparing to engage in a war of genocide against the surface are all fairly common goals for them.
What non-D&D title does a Beholder appear in?
Dragon's Dogma.
Magicka iirc
>dragon's dogma wanted their enemy roster to be classic DnD monsters
>even does Beholders as enemies and as a unique boss fight
Great game
A lot of fantasy creatures are Beholders in all but their name.
Dragon's Dogma, World of Warcraft, Doom, etc.
Look it up, it was invented by one of the fags who created DND. Same with the Rust Monster, Landshark and Owlbear which were based on chinese dinosaur figures that represented no actual dinosaur.
dragon's dogma, Age of Wonders series, WoW. Hell they probably show up in most sword and sorcery games in some form.
Huh. Do you think they have to pay some licensing fee to Wizards, or did they change it enough to be a donut steel?
Might and Magic
Dragon's Crown
Oh hey, cool, a DnD thread. I'm installing the Baldur's Gate trilogy using Big World Setup and was wondering if any of the NPC mods are worth it? Are any of them high enough quality or are they all just OC donut steel shit?
it's universally the latter, but some don't even change them that much.
For instance, this is an "Evil Eye" from Dragon's Dogma
The distinction is really just in the eyes of the beholder
I'd feel bad about D&D getting ripped off so consistently, but I'm still assblasted over fourth edition, so fuck 'em.
Eye beheld what you did there
Enter the Gungeon
WotC are the biggest jews on the planet so I have a hard time sympathizing with them.
I cracked one open to check and found only beauty.
Kill yourself
Right the fuck now
mario 64
They typically are given a different name. In WoW they were called Observers though the model was named Beholder.
In Dragon's Dogma it's called an evil eye.
Also their designs vary. While classice DND beholders look like OP and
They're given subtle detail differences in non-wizards games.
In Dragon's dogma for example, the mouth and central eye are one and the same. In WoW's classic Observer model they have no central eye or eye tentacles but do have multiple eyes. The new MoP "evil eye" model does have a central eye though.
Age of Wonders had a Beholder named a beholder though and looks basically the same as a DND one, I'm not sure if there is a legal situation behind this.
Not if you can cancel out all of the spells it can cast.
Fuck they're a good fight in BG. Really pushes you to learn how magic buffs interact with other spells.
>wotc are the biggest jews on the planet
>when nintendo and games workshop exists
Fucking dad-tier pun lol.
that's too cute user
GW at least started giving out licensing deals now.
>Nintendo anywhere close to Wizards level of jewery
Everquest 2 had Beholders.
But everything about Everquest is a D&D rip. Even dark elves who live in subterranean caves, like spiders, and dress like their going to a BDSM parade (Drows).
>non-D&D title
Load'm all up and come back to tell us how you felt about them
Go behold what no beholder has beheld before
Tibia, but they actually got scent of that and sued Cipsoft and forced them to change them to visually identical Bonelords. In-game they've got a number-based language that didn't get decoded to this day, along with several old quests probably lost to spaghetti code.
Futurama? I honestly can't think of any games other than realm of the mad god but it's probably a ip thing
The Cacodemons from classic Doom looked a lot like them, but apparently they're actually based on something else.
Yeah, it was taken from the cover of a 2nd ed manual depicting some big red crab-clawed motherfucker
>Just charges and bites the shit out of you
Holy fuck
>skyrim music
what DC would I have to beat to persuade/intimidate a beholder to suck my dick?
Hope you dont mean what are blatant ripoffs of Astral Dreadnaughts
He's more impressive in the main game.
Beholders find all life that isn't them or The Great Mother to be lethally stupid and ugly, so it'd be an impossible challenge even with magical assistance.
It's the Astral Dreadnaught contorted into a beholder.
you wont post the full pic
I know about the Astral Dreadnought ripoff, but I'd argue that makes the cacodemon's ties to beholders even closer, as they're clearly inspired by D&D.
Why won't I?
Absolutely Disgusting tier anatomy. How can you even stomach that shit?
Duungeon Siege I
I can 'stomach' it pretty well, thanks
Cause it's cool as fuck
Grim Dawn
I forget what they are called
Would you rather a Beholder or a Malboro?
Two words
I mean, cigarettes don't do much if they're not lit, I can just throw the Marlboro in the trash.
Overseers, I think
Mostly just hang out and chill - until (inevitably) some asshole wizards conjures them to guard something for a century or so.
guess I gotta go jack it to this pic again, thanks a lot user
must be hard to have so many eyes to roll with everytime some rando wizards asks you to watch something for him
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
And so is lung cancer
Spectator's aren't beholders, they're like the rat to the dire rat, similar, but one's clearly weaker.
That's why I was throwing it in the trash user, it's where tobacco products belong.
So? Who cares? Tolkien started the Orc craze making them apart of fantasy, Warhammer invented the green Orc by making them chlorophyll monsters spawned from mushrooms, Warcraft popularized the green Orc idea. Now everyone who makes a fantasy game takes cues from Tolkien by adding in Orcs, implement them as brutes, and make them green.
This is a japanese Beholder. Any questions?
Will she marry me?
I want to slay for XP that beholder
I'm "gazing" that if you know what I mean.
Orcs are just retooled historic "Monster men". They aren't THAT original to Tolkien.
I noticed this is dragon's crown too. Why are they called gazers?
That is a fucking atrocious art style.
>lewd underage loli with rape tentacles
Ofc it is
I really like the different rays idea.