Thoughts on 7.00?
Thoughts on 7.00?
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Pure cancer.
I head they dumbed it down really bad. Anyone wanna fill me in?
it's okay freshener of a dying game
They made the HUD much smaller, so now you have to press alt to see KDA and CS... but they changed the map (imo for the better) changed a few abilities and added/changed some ags.
It's not a dying game and the modern look takes away useful parts of the hud
A patch for an eventual console release.
The hud is my only complaint desu
>so now you have to press alt to see KDA and CS
not anymore
6.88 was the most balanced patch of all time
Oh god no
>smaller HUD
I miss the old Dota map
The new map is fucking horrible
I've only played one match, but I liked the changes so far.
Why don't you just go and right click an axe while you're at it?
It's really bad, the old hud was tons better
Someone post the player count
>PEAK TODAY: 972,574
Yeah, but it's away from the other stuff, also I have to search to find my attributes
Is that bad?
melee agility carry
>why dont you go rightclick a tank
Game is too focused on roaming constantly and both feels like it snowballs really hard and rubber-bands at the same time. Entire thing feels wonky.
Also fuck MK, that fucker needs to be gutted.
It's been higher in the past.
What did he expect to happen, going under an enemy creep wave and just right-clicking like that?
Not even a stun.
I've been enjoying it the talents are cool to mess around with
>tfw I just grab an OoV and anytime any melee or ranged gets even near me I burst them
Lemon Key-man is busted as shit.
Total Dogshit
Yeah I loved not seeing anything!
they made it heroes of the storm
shit dead game
>Also fuck MK, that fucker needs to be gutted.
That's just another thing from League of Lesbians. Release an OP hero so people play it and buy the arcana of course!. Then they would nerf him to the ground and move on.
Classic Riot, I mean, Classic Valve.
His example was poor. He should have said why don't you go and right click an Ursa. To deal with either Monkey King and Ursa is to kite the shit out of them and decent players know this.
But all those HUD skins are pretty useless now.
Plus you can no longer share your Announcer voice with other people.
Patches will fix it, but I like what they're doing
He's not even hard to deal with. You literally just need a small bit of flying vision and a fucking quelling blade.
MK needs a nerf. That is all.
Waiting for the bots to be unfucked to get a better idea.
Monkey King is great, new Treant is hilarious and the new load times are amazing.
Oh fuck, this user is right. Loading times are fantastic with this patch.
I love it
Because I'm free now. It's not a bad patch though, but all the changes keep me from playing, which has been a blessing. I don't want to waste more time on this shit
Best patch of all years
>this same user when mk get nerfed
"Well, of course! I always said it was OP as fuck!"
True that. I leave this shit like a month ago and this patch is the best reason to never come back.
feels like dota 2 is in beta again
everytime i open scoreboard i got down to 20 fps. kinda unplayable for me so no dota for a while
Fun fact MK will kill an Axe in lane even if the Axe has a 2 level advantage and gets the call.
You know how everybody used to say "DotA is shit because all the heroes are OP!"
Well now it's true. There's no reason to farm. There's no reason to strategize. You just throw your team against their team and you'll all be level 25 in just over 20 minutes now. It's just a mindless hero brawler arena now.
Don't you put words in my mouth, user. I agree that he needs some tweaking but he's hardly the problem everyone makes him out to be.
I just hate the focus on roaming like crazy, that always transitions into taking towers. I don't love rice-fests but slower paced games and having to actually consider lanes was something I enjoyed. Now everything is a clusterfuck to end by 20 like LoL.
>Crit damage on Q scales with levels
>Remove lifesteal from E
>Ult no longer applies on hit effects
Yep, sure sucks how they removed the item shop completely from the game
Ik, I was lvl 25 at 20 mins...
There is literally no more "failed to load returned to queue" bullshit and no more "late for the rune" bullshit because
>someone takes forever to load in hero models
>someone takes forever to buy items
It's great
>remove lifesteal from E
That's too hard of a hit, user.
He could do with scaling crit though. Not sure about the ult change.
Halve the damage he gets from his passive, reduce his ult to 50%,75%,100% like a carry should, and scale the Q crit. He'd be completely fine then, still strong late like a carry should be but not able to 3 hit goodbye anyone early while bursting 3 other people due to huge range.
We only started playing Dota 2 and i hated it until i started playing Lina, now im getting pretty gud in it, had some steamroll games with my friends so yeah not that bad
What? Really?
I still miss pre-reborn days
Dota 2 died at TI3
That's when hats became more important than the game itself
Yep, its literally no meme-ing at all, Heroes of the Dota 2 storm.
>Gut Monkey King.
>Old UI or at least fix this one.
>Remove wells.
There, everything else I don't mind.
>You can no longer share your Announcer voice with other people
You have to open the scoreboard, then one of icons (the middle one IIRC) below the list of player names will have the shared HUDs and announcers.
It is hidden from plainsight.
I can dig it.
monkey kang is not a late game carry. Hes basically ember but much better. Takes a nose dive after mid game in terms of dps but can be retarded with rapiers.
Its interesting. I played my first game last night after not playing for probably a year and had a lot of fun. Definitely feels less farm heavy and more fighting focused.
Monkey King's E is absurd and needs nerf, but Wraith King is an absolute retard and would have died against many heroes here.
2 bounty runes in your side of the map and passive to gain gold/exp per minute.
Talents have potential to be great, but like 70% of it is a non-choice.
Also Windrunner's Aghs just needs to be a talent, its too core for core WR
The exp is a percent increase to what you're already gaining, and not every hero gets that or the different amounts of GPM talents. It's just a way for slow starters and position 4/5s to keep up better.
too bad they are more leavers and more people with technical problems.
The game became more aggresion-oriented now that supports have a reason to stay in lane, fight and earn XP instead of sitting in the jungle stacking for the carry.
Game lenght still averages on 35 minutes.
Can you people imagine being a valve's employee for a second?
No matter how smelly and awful your shit is... people will praise it and eat it with a smile.
It has to be the best job in the world.
fucking awful
>Something i don't like is shit.
Also nobody is praising it. Actually pretty much everyone is bitching about something.
Can you back that up.
Monkey King is constantly fed by retards and I hate it
Otherwise the talent system is much preferred to stats and makes builds more varied.
The map could use a little tweaking.
That WK talent actually makes a lot of sense. He gets countered by mana burn way too hard.
Who is this fluid druid?
Lackluster and ultimately meaningless.
Changes are too small to impact any game mechanics and just push numbers around again.
All talents are worthless and and dont have interesting bonuses until lvl 25 which you will reach only in a tiny amount of your all games.
What i do like is the fact people will not deny them self to neutrals all the time anymore, and that off lane now has more to do if it gets shut down.
Monkey King is completely broken, his passive needs a reworks as it is now it can perform a full team wipe on early levels if hit at a right angle.
Overall im disappointed, i expected more from the talents rather than +5 to armor and +10 to all stats. Stiff like -mana cost for wk ulti and +8 enigma summons comes too late to be relevant.
Dont know, i feel the game stagnated and this is just not enough to bring a new life into it.
Also funny how the community is on fire since we had first real changes in fucking years, patches like this should come out on yearly basis form when dota2 first came out, since sure as fuck nobody is interested at valve in keeping a good balance so why not change more more often?
Wow a new hero is unbalanced, this has never happened before
Nobody is praising it my ass. Since day one I lot of people were defending every single change just because. And when valve tweak or rather fix something they have the face to say 'Now is good, I didnt like it before" despite the fact they were defending non-stop. Valve faggots are like sonyers.
>people bitching about op 25 talents
protip: the point of those talents is to make sure the game actually ends. If you're level 25 then something's gone wrong
>living in a denial world
I like it, Its wonderful as a support, there is always something to do, and position 4 gets to run around being a murder hobo now.
The changes to items are all really clever, like HotD being a pushing item now.
MK is starting to seem much less strong than he did at launch, seems to have a terrible midgame and that crazy stun has a flat 25 second cooldown so he can use it like once.
Shrines have reduced the amount of time you need to spend in base while giving incentive to use push strats (bonus gold from killing shrines).
Bounty runes in the jungles enable roaming and allow supports to catch up on levels.
The UI was anus at launch but its usable now, if they keep tweaking it it may end up being better than the old one. Talents need alot of work but I like the framework they have in place, there was no way they were going to get it right straight away, there are just too many heroes.
>+8 enigma summons comes too late to be relevant.
Dont forget the 6 treants.
>50-100mb update every 30 minutes
You remove one of his 2 only weaknesses. The other one being mobility.
No idea. I mean, everything in this patch is so perfect that I dont understand what they need to fix every single day.
bretty gud
By level 25? That's fucking balanced.
>get shit on for 30 minutes
>comes back
That seems fucking fair to me if you can't keep him down from 25 instead of being super hard countered by Diffusal+Manta Style.
>The game plays entitrely different now! Its a completely new experience!
>Play 3 games
>Same exact phases play out
>Same exact players that spend more time complaining during the game than actually playing
Im not sure what I was expecting
And you can buy a Blink Dagger for 2k gold but level 25 removing a weakness doesn't count?
Monkey king isn't balanced, he needs some serious buffs
debate me I'm not good right now but i was top 200 eu
If you think those kinds of talents are meaningless you're playing the game wrong anyway.
>refresher wk
I really don't like the shrines,how there are some levels where you don't level anything, and the endless bounty runes now. It feels like they just turned the main game into a custom game mode
His passive. His crit mult on his Q. Nuff said
Nice bait. Die already.
That's 2 skills his tree hopping thing is garbage and will get you killed easily and his ult is unreliable as fuck
he can't manfight anyone past 20m he can't quickly burst anything down past 10m he can't do anything except get a cheeky kill or 2 in lane
Exploits and glitches probably being found.
>he can't manfight anyone past 20m
sure he can't
Yes, each team just goes middle lane the entire game auto attacking each other until one team wins.