Who is your favorite pokemon Sup Forums?

Who is your favorite pokemon Sup Forums?

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The best legendary easily.

Oh, you know it

You have it shapeshifter into anyone and the. Fuck it.

I was convinced this guy was going to be sonic tier autistic edge garbage. Instead I got a shit eating grin taunt Pokémon.

He knows people are going to call him furbait, and the edgy teenager of Pokémon, he knows that the moment people see him he'll probably end up the subject of an internet debate. Look at that grin, he knows exactly what he's doing and snickering like a dumbass the whole time.


If you want, I've filled in an autistic chart of all my favourites of each type from each gen that I can post


If you wanna post it, go ahead.
I'm not going to judge.

My boy seismitoad

Post it


rate my taste

Became the surprise powerhouse of my Unova team.


Drilbur basically saved BW1 for me when I found it, after I learned how awful the starters were and then had that garbage monkey forced on me. Every Pokemon I'd seen to that point was meh or awful.

He basically helped me keep going until I could fine the other rare treasures in Gen 5, like Venipede, Sandile, Sigilyph, Solosis and the fossils.


I used to be neutral towards it, but I guess time sorta brought me back to it, I guess?

Toucannon and Kecleon.

How can you have shitmons for favorites?

If you think either of those are bad, you're just retarded.

>muh viability
Smogonfags belong on /vp/

I can't decide between hoot hoot/noctowl line, or cubone.

emolga is pretty cool

woah. S...source?
asking for a friend

No thanks.




don't care how shit he is

he has KNIFE HANDS and that's cool enough for me

god tier taste, friend.

>mfw this guy already has a trap doujin in the making
>mfw no face

Stop posting my wife.


for fucking/wifing

for being bros with


I'm hard to please. She's the closest thing I have.

>wanting to fuck Pokémon

I want her to ride my dick t b h

I hated X and Y, but this fucker was rad.

>Gen 1


>Gen 2


>Gen 3


>Gen 4

Tie between Gliscor and Weavile

>Gen 5


>Gen 6


>Gen 7


This artist is fucking godly. His series of Snivy drawings are the absolute best.

Was so happy when I found out he got a mega evolution.

>posts no source
wew lad

AKA Tom Smith


give name please

Two posts up

Everyone thinks it's edgy, but I just think she's cute

I loved him since the Colosseum bonus disc

I still have that disc but not the game because I was dumb and a kid

already posted my favorite
So I'll post my 2nd favorite

Glaceon a cutest


>Sup Forums can't go one Pokemon thread without saying they want to fuck the mons
Guys, get it together.

This lil nigga gives 0 fucks

whimsicott is cute

Still the best.
Still Numero Uno.

>make pokemon feminine


Anyone like Ledian?

a maid is fine too


gfurfags pls go

rate me

whats gfur about a cute umbreon maid user

masquerain is my second favorite

Ye, always liked it's design.


Scyther is far from being a bad pokémon though

I want a Delphox wife!

My favorite pokemon is Angwheel, the angry wheel.

I love Ledian a lot, too bad about its shit stats

& who could forget green but stuck in Jello with corkscrew? Truly, the very best of pokemon.

>Maid (male)

I wish I had a Raichu to just chill and bro it up with.



A man of fine taste, i see.

Why does nobody else seem to like this mother fucker?

>source: my ass

Miltank, shame about all the inflation/obese porn shit it's associated with

I'm not even entirely sure this is a pokemon. My theory is Finneon is just a normal fish that like to pretend it's a pokemon. Finneon is trying it's very best, always.

Cinccino. Pretty and powerful, what's not to love?

Yeah Ledian's cool shit. I've tried raising one like 3 times though and I always drop it because it's such shit. Really too bad. It needs a major stat boost or a third evolution.

Deoxys is just so good and versatile

My nigga. Drapion is still my favorite

I just can't get behind any dog on two legs. shit's gross

I fucking love Arbok. Snakes are my favorite animal, and this guy is by far the coolest of all snake Pokemon. Just wish he was a bit better stat-wise.

Lumineon still has one of the best cries in the entire game.

Some Ecco the Dolphin shit. Is great.


This fucker, right here.

That thumbnail looked like something else entirely


Where my bug bros at?

That's the thing, it LOOKS like it has another evolution. Like a 6-fisted agile Bug/Fighting or a Flygon-like Bug/Dragon.

I would argue that you can't choose a pokemon's secondary typing as your favorite of that type. Venusaur is primarily grass.

That would be like choosing Salamence or Gyarados as your favorite flying type.

under a rock

Reporting in.

Dr. Ketchum, I'm APE

I used Whimiscott for my Sun playthrough and poisonpowder/toxic + Leech seed decimates the totem pokemon.

>that quiver + baton pass

Favorite in Pokken at least

Nidorina is my pokefu.

this is furry and against the rules