You LITERALLY can't name a better TPS (in terms of gameplay)
It is the undisputed fucking GOAT
as are rockstar
You LITERALLY can't name a better TPS (in terms of gameplay)
It is the undisputed fucking GOAT
as are rockstar
Other urls found in this thread:
>GOAT gameplay
>ruined by the constant unskippable cutscenes interrupting it every few minutes
It's that or loading screens sport
Doesn't negate the fact that the gameplay hasn't ever been matched
Such fantastic music too.
Max Payne 2
The loading screen meme has been proven wrong several times already.
Even one of the designers said so.
Prove it one more time then
face it.
It was a shit game compared to the mp and mp2. What killed it was incredibly dull story and idiotic Max. Even the okay shooting sequence couldnt salvage it.
I won't pirate the 30gb no matter how hard you try to convince me Sup Forums
Generic weeb trash
>Max Payne 2
Close but no cigar
Literal rip off garbage
>okay shooting
>you played the game
Pick one
>weeb trash
Not an argument
>close but no cigar
Nah, it's much better tbqh.
>rip off garbage
Not an argument. I'd even put it above thr Max Payne games when it comes to pure gameplay.
Fast, fluid movement is king when it comes to tps imo. Max Payne 3 is nice and flashy, but the stiff, slow, clunky "realistic" movement does not satisfy me in the slightest. It's the kind of cinematic gameplay I'd rather watch than play through multiple times
>Max Payne 2
Go overdose on valkyr
>weeb trash
Your right user, every single game with a super powered hard suit is weeb trash cause that's an exclusively Japanese trope you massive fucking waste of human shit
Vanquish, Max Payne 3, Resident Evil 6, Binary Domain and Spec Ops: the Line are the five best fps games of last gen
Lmao triggered af
So will Vanguish come to PC or not? Platinum hinted it but its been so long ago.
I wish they'd make MP4 in a proper settings and with a graphical novel instead of shit cutscenes, it would have be the ideal TPS. Or motion comics would work too I think, the best of both worlds (think Watchmen motion comics).
But probably never ever, maaaaybe after RDR 2 and GTAVl.
what other games 'ooze' style like MP3?
i loved the music/dialogue(inner monologues, etc.)/'gritty' aesthetic/even that glitch-y screen effect
Resident Evil 4
These games have better gameplay.
The Wolf Among Us is stylish as hell and borrows a lot from noir too.
Kane and Lynch is great
K&L2 is shit tho, but a lot of people here like it and it may be exactly what you're looking for
The gameplay in general is great, but the loading times, some bad level design, and poor weapon variety really bring it down a fair bit.