Is Touhou actually easier than most shmups or is it just a big hateboner meme?

Is Touhou actually easier than most shmups or is it just a big hateboner meme?

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I'd say its in the middle in difficulty.
honestly kinda depends on which game.

I just started playing this game. How to get good?

Keep dodging and don't die, that's the whole purpose.

It's easier than most shmups since you're not always relying on hitbox abuse to survive and bullets aren't in literally every pixel of the screen but the patterns to them are where the challenge lies.

It's generally slower. Whether that's harder or easier depends on you, I guess.
I find the slow mazing patterns harder than any fast-paced reaction-based shmup, to be honest.
Your mileage may vary.

On normal and hard, yes. Lunatic is still actually hard.

Regular shmups basically go on a scale from Touhou normal to Touhou endgame lunatic across the game, but with Touhou you can play on normal/hard all the way through.

tl;dr: yes, but only because of difficulty options

Play until you die of old age for .001% improvement


Probably on the easier side when it comes to surviving and getting 1CCs. Scoring though is much more difficult.

Touhou gives you screen clearing bombs and extra lives like crazy and in most games you get them effortlessly, something that can't be said of other popular shmups like R Type, Rayforce or Ikaruga.

Fuck off bandwagoner

It's a lot slower, but it does generally require more precise inputs.
More difficult shmups like Darius are more based on quick reactions and maneuvering larger hitboxes, and also the penalty for death tends to be much greater. You could say that's artificial difficulty. Either way, shmups are bullshit hard if you're trying to 1CC.

>Byakuren's first spellcard on Hard
guys help

is that irl moko

I wish I could even get there on hard.

Game's damn hard, I agree. Just remember your UFOs and you will make it. To Shou, and then you'll die a lot.

I find Okuu to be easier than Orin tb h. I can clear stage 6 losing maybe like 1-2 lives, but stage 5 just destroys me everytime. Bombs don't help because I play Reimu A and I need to keep as much power as possible or it takes too long to clear later cards causing a death spiral.

>I find Okuu to be easier than Orin tb h.
Most people do.

Fucking curly-ass cheeto lasers.

not easier, at all, just way blander. list of titles that may interest you way more:

>Alltynex 2nd
>Radiant Silvergun
>Radio Zonde
>Gundemonium Collection
>Gradius II, Gaiden, V
>Mecha Ritz
>Blue Wish Resurrection / Eden's Aegis
>Final Boss
>Most MAME shmups

Fuck forgot:
>Crimzon Clover
There's likely way more.

Definitely should add:
>Darius Gaiden

Everything till lunatic is easy, lunatic matches normal mode of most shmups.

>Judgement Silversword

>I find Okuu to be easier than Orin tb h
Everyone does

train for 2 years then you may 1cc for the first time
>start from the older games the new ones are a gimmic fest

Toho has the most uninteresting stages out of every shmup. waifus and their battles are alright though, somewhat slow but mostly interesting.

Now that I think about it, toho is the overwatch of shmups

>tfw never completed a 2hu game because I'm an autist and it's 1cc or go home

Is there a decent recent entry level shmup with a portait mode so I can rotate my screen to fully take adbantage of my resolution?

Just search on youtube for a guide then you just have to memorize all that shit.

>the overwatch of shmups

you mean TATE? all cave's stuff does. ccwi too.

>What is spell practice mode


>never completed a 2hu game because I'm an autist
Something doesn't seem right about this sentence.

Touhou is not just about the gameplay itself, but the characters and world building (that also expands in the mangas and others printed stuff), I think some games are harder than others, it's certainly not the most ultra fanatic hardcore shmup out there but it's certainly one of the most enjoyable, progressing trough the game feels rewarding since you actually care about the characters and their background stories. Also, music is top tier.

Guide is better after you lose too many times.



Moe is the best official manga artist, prove me wrong.

>inb4 clownfags



i cant

Like fucking clockwork

>Zounose will never draw official Manga


>1 second apart

>he hates the canon like presentation of 2hu


>dude wouldn't it be hilarious if I cut your leg off for no reason lol

>muh secret club

insufferable faggot

>Zounose's edgy shit

>it's not lighthearted so it can't be good

>the canon like presentation of 2hu

>things nobody said



Canon like you dumb fucknugget.

I'm saying the characters are presented in a canon-like way. The way they are established the games and manga.

Try reading for once, buddy.


t. secondary

O-oh, sorry.

>Zounose's edgy shit

>way blander

Where is Seija?


t. I don't have a fucking clue what I'm talking about I just parrot what /jp/ tells me

>implying it isn't

Prove to me they aren't canon-like.

There are arrows on her skirt.

How about you prove to me why Remilia would cut off Sakuya's leg for no reason?

Seija's dead dude.

Perfect Cherry Blossom has the best scoring system out of all the Touhou games, and I'd even say it ranks pretty highly among all shmups.


That's why I said canon-like and not canon.

to kill seija you have to HIT seija


I wanna hit on Seija.

>no proof
Nah, take your edgy shit and stick it up your ass, m8

>not acknowledging the mechanics the entire game is built around

>if they don't have a futanari yuri gangbang at the end it's edgy

Maybe I should stick it up your ass.

>Touhou games
>build around scoring
ZUN doesn't give a shit about scoring.

very structurally uniform, very vanilla. player hitbox, enemy hitbox, bullets. that's basically it. most notable aspect of the series are the pretty geometrical patterns, but they're not very utilitarian, so the challenge mostly comes from bullet density, which is kind of a shotgun approach to designing bullet patterns in a shmup.

also it's been 12 series and the motherfucker is still basically doing the same game over and over.

>talking shit about futa gangbang
wtf man

>things nobody said again

>futanari yuri gangbang

>ZUN doesn't give a shit about scoring.
This is a really stupid claim. Not only is it directly contradicted by interviews with ZUN himself, but you'd have to be stupid to not recognize how the stage layouts are constructed with the scoring systems in mind.

What shot type do I use in PCB?

I got a normal 1cc with Sakuya A over a year ago, I'm gonna try hard mode now.

>Not only is it directly contradicted by interviews with ZUN himself
[citation needed]

>What shot type do I use in PCB?

MARISAAAAA if you're a masochist, otherwise Reimu or Sakuya again.

>if I don't like it it's bad
>implying implications

Eat a dick.

I don't feel like finding a transcript, but be basically said that he constructed the three token scoring system concept well before creating the plot for UFO around it.

how he does not care if there are scores on the games?

But Marisa is shit.

>things nobody is saying once more
The point is that Zounose's cancer isn't canon-like at all, you fucking idiot.

So no proof, gotcha.

ReimuB is basically the only shot type I have fun with, though ReimuA, MarisaA, and SakuyaB are usable. I'm too impatient to play with shot types with slow cherry gain. SakuyaA is the worst.

>But Marisa is shit.
That's what I'm implying, ya dingus.

As a shottype that is.

Are you sure?

The characters are still spot on, what the fuck is your problem?

>Oh look the artist made it a bit grimdark thus it's not canon anymore! Like every character is now totally out of synch! That's totally not cool!

That's not how fingers work

Post hard shmups.

>The characters are still spot on
Oh yeah, Remilia would totally cut off Sakuya's leg for no reason. That's totally canon/canon-like, bro.

You sound upset, like someone cut of your waifus legs.

Alright, besides that one particular scene. Where else do the characters fall out of the canon?

You surely read the entire manga, right? Not just scimped through the thread on /jp/.

>implying >implications
I couldn't give a damn about Sakuya if I tried.

>Where else do the characters fall out of the canon?
Maybe try educating yourself on how the characters are actually like. Touhou has games, you know? And several manga too.