Post vidya character designs that were ruined over time

post vidya character designs that were ruined over time

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But Boom Knux was the best thing that could have happened to him. This one is always a yutz so there's no underlying character to ruin.



How were these "ruined"? Those are pretty faithful.

Incoming zero suit samus posts.

peach used to be hotter


ds mario ruined everything

god the old one was so shit
glad they changed it

Two types of people

Boom Knuckles is way better than regular Knuckles, though. Personality-wise at least.

Old yoshi actually resembles a dinosaur

Old daisy doesn't look like a chipmunk being fucked in the ass

what? old knuckles was a serious af guardian of the floating island with the character flaw of being a gullible tard.

now hes just a comedic relief literal fucking nigger

pretty fucking much anything from Halo

it was fine all the way up to the last one

that's some uncanny valley type shit

that's the point
343i redesigned everything just for the sake of change, and everything looks awful now

Why not both? Fortunately, the fact that Boom Knuckles didn't replace canon Knuckles means that now we have twice the red Enchilada.

2004 is the worst one by far.

along the same line, modern sonic gives me aids

>old knuckles was a serious af guardian of the floating island with the character flaw of being a gullible tard.
Yeah, maybe back in 2001. Ever since then his character might as well not even exist, since he doesn't even act as guardian half the time.

Boom Knuckles is at least entertaining, whereas mainline Knuckles' personality is comparable to that of a piece of cardboard.

>worse than WoC
>worse than Crash of the Titans

yea pretty much. was the birth of NSMB cancer

You really don't have to post this every time Crash is mentioned in a thread.

WoC is just horrible modeling rather than bad design. Titans may rub people the wrong way, but it has redeeming qualities.

Skylanders Crash was great Crash, and the remake Crash is pretty good too.

I think we can safely consider the disgusting Twinsanity Crash and the weird Titans Crash things of the past.

What makes it worse is that 343 can't design shit. The armors are all ugly as fuck and they ruined the game for me.

>I like 2007 Crash
Fight me

The one on the right isn't even the same character.

I wouldn't mind the 2007 design if it wasn't Crash.

Old Yoshi is OG but new Daisy looks better.

I don't fight people with mental disabilities.

>maybe back in 2001
yeah no shit, anything post sonic adventure 2 is fucking garbage

sonic boom knuckles is a literal fucking nigger stereotype. the humor in sonic boom isn't entertaining in the slightest. he's not funny or interesting, he's just dumb as shit.

Your mom

I liked the Mark the tapir episode where they made fun of Chris Chan.

The show is decently funny which is odd considering how shit the Game was

>Titans may rub people the wrong way, but it has redeeming qualities.
>it has redeeming qualities.
At least Twinsanity Crash fucking looks like Crash/.

>daisy not being tan anymore
>yoshi being literally boipucci

>yeah no shit, anything post sonic adventure 2 is fucking garbage
>sonic boom knuckles is a literal fucking nigger stereotype


fake response


>The show is decently funny which is odd considering how shit the Game was
It's almost like the show and the game were developed by two separate groups of people.

His actual response was even more disconnected from reality.

>But Boom Knux was the best thing that could have happened to him

No, it wasn't.

I'm not sure if I like old Yoshi and Peach more because of aesthetic reasons or because I'm fed up with the new designs.

Fuck finding better screenshots


was it the one going
>mnaaah there is no way that's me
some anons have been posting?

I mean writing wise but I guess that remains true

Are you fugging kidding me

master chiefs evolution through 343's games is actually one of the only good redesigns imo. every single covenant race was shit on though.

"good" is a stretch. It's not awful, but it's still worse than the original.

It gets better

did they just not give two shits about proportions in 3 or something?

I thought that was way too coherent to reall be Chris-chan. Sounded like a sassy black woman or a dumbass white one.

After 2002 Bowser got uglier and uglier


Everything in SM64 looks like shit.
B-But mah nostalgia.
And BTW I had a n64 when I was 13 "Got in June of 1997"

That's just the perspective

You can tell be how he's using somewhat correct grammar and isn't capitalising the first letter of every word.

Including SMRPG's and Smash bros.
And that bowser design is from galaxy...not sunshine.

He said best, not worst.

at least we can all agree super mario 64's bowser looks fucking terrible in retrospect

2002 onwards was much more faithful to earlier games

>cherrypicking spinoffs for SMRPG and smash models

he hasn't really moved much from 2002 onwards and I honestly hated how he looked in 64


sorry you're not advanced enough to appreciate true patrician taste user. best to leave now and save yourself the embarrassment of any further postings of shit opinions.

What about comics, The Joker has the most inconsistent design ever

>posting comic stuff in Sup Forums

Bowser didn't look like that in 2002.


oops forgot image

how are they worse?

they are objectively better

>Boom Knuckles is at least entertaining

Yeah, that's because the writers of the Sonic Boom TV series are pandering to children. 'YOU' would fall under that category.

The real issue that I have against the TV programme, is due to the single defining trait that Knuckles used to have as a Treasure Hunter (which was repeatedly mentioned across in the video-games and comic series) was removed so that the producers could develop a skill/quality that Amy Rose never possessed or even showed interest in her history as a character (i.e as a LITERAL obsessive fangirl and stalker). It was completely ham-fisted to make her "look" like a mature individual.

yeah, i think a lot of fans will say batman TAS joker is the most canon (1992) or maybe even the slightly altered justice league era jokers. even so, you can't find a single appearance aspect of the joker that has remained consistent throughout the entire life of batman media (besides maybe white makeup)

Jerry Robinson and Brian Bolland are possible the most iconic ones. Bruce Timm is also pretty good.
The newer and edgy ones are awful.

I don't know if I would consider compromises made due to system limitations as part of a character's design. Pic related is Bowser's official design from the 80's. And the last two in that picture are from Smash Bros. He's never looked like that in the main games.

Athena from King Of Fighters always changes her outfit and never ages, like wtf Athena?

seriously, how anyone over the age of 13 can say any of the redesigns in sonic boom is better is beyond me. it's all garbage.

>hating on an imitation of the classic artwork from Archie
>accussing others of having bad taste

OK. Describe how Knuckles' Boom """design""" is the best incarnation of him in the franchise? If you can of course.

It was a natural progression.

>the single defining trait that Knuckles used to have as a Treasure Hunter

here's the thing no one cares about that gay ass shit, sonic has always sucked. The cartoon is the best thing to out of this franchise.

Paper Mario Bowser is cute

To me the best design is the original one, the Boom design is the living expression of the sentence ¨if it's not broken, don't fix it¨

I thought you were talking about the Knuckles comic, which is terrible.

>The cartoon is the best thing to out of this franchise

Sonic & Knuckles & Knuckles?!

>unique silhouette
>design reflects character attributes (strength)
>arms are a different thickness to hair spines and easily distinguishable

It's OBJECTIVELY a superior design.

>i have no argument

Knuckles in mainline sonic games is literally just "arrogant red sonic"
Boom realized this and gave him an actual purpose

>the humor in sonic boom isn't entertaining in the slightest.

>I am a literal child with no understanding or appreciation for deadpan

can we please stop to discuss what the fuck kind of autofellatio poses they're doing at the end there? what the hell are they even supposed to be doing?

>2-4 Tails designs are literally asking to get fucked by 2 or more black men

What game are the third ones from?

The third pose is supposed to be free-form jazz.

3D Blast's Japanese release IIRC.

>how anyone over the age of 13 can say any of the redesigns in sonic boom is better is beyond me. it's all garbage.

I agree. However, it's due to a new generation of fans that see the Boom designs as the official/determined iteration of the cast and thereby defend the animators/modellers work as the 'de-facto' standard.

>I thought you were talking about the Knuckles comic, which is terrible.

It wasn't my intention to. Just the cover-art.


Look at this fucking mess
knuckles's design is a fucking disaster, his dreads overlap his body and everything's the exact same noodle thickness
boom knuckles did nothing wrong

Yeah! And Knuckles!

>posts art from Super Mario 3D Land, a game that came out in 2011

you better be joking mate. look at his hair and how is was made into separate "tufts" from sunshine onwards whereas in sunshine itself it's more like an unified mohawk