*jet engine noise*

*jet engine noise*

Other urls found in this thread:


You need a fast fan to tame all that power. Can't put a $900 PC in that form factor without SOME compromsie.

*gas escaping noise*

>hideously ugly
>weak CPU and same amount of RAM as original
>unreliable hardware
>shitty controller with 2 hour battery life

the PS4 Pro experience

*neighbors two blocks away talking echoes*

Wait until they release the slim version or the ps4 pro2.


PS4 Pro?

More like PS4 Pro-blems!

there's blood in my stool

Hey me too man. Pretty itchy also.

You think we got cancer?

nah, just need to switch the code red to pitch black, bud

Is putting a container of cold water on your PS4 to reduce heat a good idea? I got a slim a few days ago and it gets pretty warm. Not loud though

>sony still hasn't fixed the loud ass fans
My launch period PS4 was louder than my TV, I'd be playing some 2D shit like Pixeljunk Shooter and it would be at full speed. I was gonna get the thermal paste changed because supposedly they used some really shitty paste (due to EU regulations prohibiting heavy metals in "toys" or something like that) but that was back during the whole >PS4 GOT NO GAEMS meme was reality and I sold it

Had the impression that the Slim and Pro were gonna be better in that regard, is the wifi at least usable now?

at least it doesn't light up in the middle of the fucking night like the fucking xbox


so this... is the power... of the ps4 pro...

i have a first year PS4 and i had no issue with the wifi
it does get a bit noisy but it's on my desk so i'm really close to it

The water would just get warmer as the PS4 heats up.

If your PS4's intake and outtake vents (side and back respectively) are in a decently exposed space you'll be fine. Also make sure the surface isn't something prone to getting hot.

Used to have a PS4 and the fans/temperatures were a lot more manageable once I moved it out of my cramped media center. Those are made for DVD players not computers nor game systems.

Oh idee didee didee didee di


*melting plastic noise*

T-thanks, sony.

It's currently on a glass TV stand with atleast 6" of space behind it. It has my PS3 sat next to it on one side and open space on the other

*bird choking to death noise*

I'm a hardcore gaffer and yet I lol'ed.

money well spent
that's what you get for buying a console

>I'm a hardcore gaffer


*hinge breaking noise*
it happened to mine, still hurts after all these years

>turn on computer
>it flies away

*jet engine noise*

haha t-that's okay

*refuses to turn on*

it's f-for safety purposes

*artifacts appear on the screen*

t-that's a feature

>shoot red bottle
>it explores


*lack of game noises*

*cricket noises*

>I'm a hardcore gaffer

Literally only 0.000001% of PS4Pro owners have this issue. Just call Sony and they'll hook you up with a brand new PS4Pro and a $5 Playstation Network card as an apology for your troubles.

This is the biggest trainwreck of the decade, how sony could fuck up THIS hard is unfathomable

RIP sony

*fast food noise*

>there are people who didn't experience the noise of the original 360

Glass gets hot quickly dude, if you can put it on a surface that doesn't conduct heat so well like wood. There's a reason why computer desks are made of materials like wood and not glass.

I don't think your PS4 is gonna melt or go up in flames overnight if you keep it there since console engineers prolly built them with the expectation that tons of people are gonna take bad care of them buuuuuuut again if it's a possibility put it somewhere else-

*tinnitus noise*

*lack of 4k blu ray noise*

Atleast it fucking worked kek

>at least it fucking worked

Dude, 2 out of every 3 original Xbox 360's were defective. Anecdotally everyone I know with an early 360 had it RRoD.

*ejecting disc noise*

Don't go smug loli on me.

bro I've had mine for 7 fucking years and I STILL play on it

Works like a charm

>Atleast it fucking worked kek

>2 out of every 3 early 360's were defective
>somebody has the one of the 33% that worked as intended
>hurr durr the original 360 model was fine

a 66% failure rate was fucking awful and it is pretty pathetic that it took Microsoft until 2009 before they finally made a 360 chipset that wasn't almost guaranteed to break

say this as a 360 owner

*ear rupturing noise*

>Sonnyger thinks this is how water cooling works

I mostly play digital so its pretty quiet. The few times I rented a game and used the disc drive, it does sound hella loud

>mine is whisper quiet :)
Why do these cunts feel like they need to lie?

*no gaems noises*

Fist Nintendo console that ever broke on me.
I miss my big blue original DS. It had the perfect weight to it

Where does it go?

of course because the games I run are running from my external hdd.

>never see a thread complaining about the PS4 Pro Fan Noise
>some E-celeb makes a videocompilation of peoples loud PS4 Pro
>suddenly, threads about it on Sup Forums
i hate viral videos and the internet.

>bad practices shouldn't be exposed

My PS4 pro is 2 weeks old and it works fine.
Bloodborne is running at basically 60 FPS so the Pro was worth it for me


do you know what a ballache it is backup up the hard drive?

>internal psu
what can go wrong

barely anybody on Sup Forums bought one

is the top one the "new" lcd screen and the bottom one the original oled screen?

i had 2 (TWO) xbox 360s break on my ass with a rrod

meanwhile my N64 from 18 years ago still works just fine

THIS! Fucking youtubers and their trending click bait videos!

The Slim is very quiet, but you might as well get the Pro.

And the wi-fi chip is much better this time around even if the servers still suck.