Why do so many people like this game?

Why do so many people like this game?

it's pretty fun

Fantastic and informative comment! I upvoted the he*k out of you!

IT's black and white = comfy feeling
unlike vegas which has people sweating.

This desu

Why do so many people on Sup Forums hate this game?

this is a better question

People like it because it was their first Fallout game.

People hate it because it's the Star Wars prequel of Fallout games.

It was a decent game after the disappointment of oblivion. Just pretend it is post-apocalyptic ES instead of fallout.

I played 1 and 2 before 3 and I think 3 is better than 2.

Because it was the best Fallout game of its series

Unlike Sup Forums, the majority of people have standards and have no interested in playing the ugly and clunky garbage that is F1/2

Healthy minded people don't give a shit about that, they just want to play a game and have fun instead of taking 1 intelligence and pretending they're a brain damaged mongoloid

Yet here you are, pretending you have 1 intelligence

I'm playing for the first time
>low ammo for everything
>No cash to buy ammo or meds with
>forced to use melee weapons until I git ammo
>gun play is god awful
>get to the galaxy news radio and this nigger really wont tell where my dad went until I do some shit for him
>got no supplies so I figured I go back to megaton and do some sidequests
>the cratorside supply quest is fine and got some suplies out of the super duper mart
>get attacked by spiders and already used up the supplies I found
>try to do the blood ties quest but can't get past the bandits with low ammo
>travel to the canterbury commons place because the caravan guy said that's where all the caravans go so I figured it has a ton of supplies
>game makes me go underground to cross a street
>finally get there and it's literally fucking nothing. It has one saloon to buy food or whatever
This sucks

Ammo is a scarce only in the beginning.

1 = 2 > 3 = 4 = NV

That said, all the 3D are worth a playthrough, but none of them are on the level of the classic games, and no matter what teenagers seem to think, New Vegas will NEVER be a classic Fallout game. It's in the same tier as 3 and 4.

If you want to enjoy 3 just play as an edgelord character, it's the only way it makes sense.

>get attacked by spiders and already used up the supplies I found

Baby's first "dark and edgy" RPG, along with Oblivion being baby's first medieval RPG.

Also, caravans show up to canturbury 1 at a time on a schedule, just wait see who shows up ( they hang out by the tree) if it's not to person who sells what you want just wait.

Which caravan is better for investments?

I like it for what it did but it is a pretty mediocre game

Because Bethesda doesn't want to follow the Obsidian lore.
Because 3 and especially 4 want to be more of of the action part of the Action RPG genre

enjoy clicking thought the wasteland ill be listening to three dawg blasting muties with mini nukes

>you're opinion is wrong

>Obsidian lore

in what way are the originals better?

It was alright

It introduced me to Fallout. I owe it that much.

Not that i think your opinion is shit, but i'd like to know why you think 3 and 4 are better than NV while claiming the classics are better than 3 and 4

Mind if I save this image?

It's all yours, friend ;)

Or Black Isle, you know what I meant.
Bethesda had never any intent to follow the lore of 1 and 2, just to use it as the base to build their own world from

I guess oldfags like the nostalgia of 1&2

kinda like how I prefer resident evil 2 to all others

I think your definition of "baby's first x" seems to consist of "somewhat popular" and fuck all else

Not him, but at this point every single opinion on Fallout is a meme.

It's newfag making fun of oldfags making fun of newfag pretending to be oldfags ironically acting like bethdrones. There's no point questioning what someone says is their favorite Fallout anymore. It's all a meme.


Organic quest desing and character/world interactions

Greqt cast of chracters with some beautiful voice acting

good roleplay potential and build variety to add replayability

Freedom to do basically whatever you want, to take on quest in multiple different ways and have multiple different outcomes

I had drop the controller because I was laughing so hard at this part.

Also, caravans show up to canturbury 1 at a time on a schedule, just wait see who shows up ( they hang out by the tree) if it's not to person who sells what you want just wait.I would do guns and armor before anything elese, but I'm pretty sure you can invest in them all eventually. Juat depends on your play style witch to do first.

>not sure if serious

dude all fallouts have those things

They were released in 2006 and 2008 respectively, the year that an average Sup Forums user started Middle/High school and would start to play RPGs.

Thanks, I thought you can improve only one of them.

This is the part where I over embellish New Vegas and say you literally described a "far superior" game and question why people don't just like NV instead, and then back step a bit and say it doesn't hold a candle to FO 1 and 2 even though I've never played them.

the year that an average Sup Forums user started Middle/High school and would start to play RPGs.

And your evidence of this?

NV is perfectly fine but it doesn't recreate how FO1 and 2 felt

There are shreds of "What Fallout used to be" in NV but that's it. 3 and 4 are so far removed from what FO is that it might be considered a spinoff or another franchise entirely

Fallout 1 was one of the most uninteresting and boring games I ever played

I didn't say 3 and 4 are better than NV. They're all in the same tier.

The classics are better than the 3D games, not sure how anyone can disagree with that unless they don't have the attention span to finish them. NV isn't a classic game.

It's simple, but good motivation. In vegas I was barely motivated to be someone's errand boy and involve myself in politics.

thats like saying doom 3d is better than call of duty

Some, if not many, people say exactly this thing about vegas, think about it.

but during the stone age

>It's simple, but good
it may be simple but it's certainly not good
pretending to care about your made-up family you've barely met in game is a shitty motiviation and pretty tonally inconsistent with Fallout anyway

Your motivation should be your political position.
Unless you're too fucking beta to even have an opinion.

>john henry eden
>tenpenny tower


>doom 3d

After Fallout 4, I fucking miss Fallout 3

Hell, in many respects 4 is just 3 again, but worse

Same main story but flipped around, far harbor is literally point lookout, the list goes on

I completely disagree with your opinion, i think 4 and NV are way better than 3

3 introduced me to the series and made me a Fallout fan, but every time i look back i can never find something worthwhile in that game. The fact that i appreciate the franchise more nowadays makes me hate the shit 3 pulled like

>moral choice
>blow up a town full of innocent people
>or not

Also the

>he actually does
>"Hey, you go turn the purifier on, you will survive"

3 is garbage, but it did well for the franchise

but I prefer DOOM and Wolf 3D over any Call of Duty

But 4 is terrible

>dialogue system was butchered
>roleplaying is made near impossible due to shitty voiced protagonists and lack of dialogue options
>skills removed
>half the perks are useless, and half of what remains are generic crafting/damage boosting perks that should have just been skills
>power armor was implemented incredibly poorly
>item degradation was removed, but you still have to repair your power armor because lol video game logic

They dropped the ball so hard on fallout 4, I could go on and on about how its shit and worse than 3

But yes NV is better than either of them

I honestly don't know

If you want a wacky post apocalyptic game, Fallout 4 does it much better without the vomit inducing appearance and shitty combat of 3

If you want an rpg NV is for you. Fallout 3 forces the whole Dad shit on you so hard that the only characters you can be are

>the good son/daughter
>the evil son/daughter

>moral choice
>help this town or help the evil guys attacking it for no reason XD
>btw it doesn't matter in the end because reputation means nothing in this game XD

Yes but you can't deny 4 is the better game to play, and even then most of the skill checks and perks in FO3 did nothing

4 might have done some bad shit, but i don't get bored playing it because at least it plays like a decent FPS

I asume you are talking about Goodsprings because i doubt you played more than 10 minutes of NV

>town is being attacked because no one is revealing where Ringo is hiding
>reputation gets you discounts on the stores and sometimes even access to certain quests

Weak bait 1/10

haha I prefer mario 64

It does tho
>help Goodsprings
>become vilified with Powder Gangers
>they attack on sight
>can't access some areas or quest now

>help Powder Gangers
>lose 2 merchants and a doc
>can access some areas and quest now

3 should be cut some slack since its Bethesda's first fallout

4 should not, they've had time to improve and they did not. "better gunplay" is a fucking meme, the gunplay is fucking average at best and the melee is god awful. Lets also not forget there is literally no reason to use energy weapons at all, they do nothing a ballistic weapon cant do, because now crits are now "press x when the meter is full" bullshit

And don't get me fucking started on the settlement system

Fallout 4 is fucking trash

It's ugly, boring, shallow as an RPG, and worst of all, it's poorly written. Good writing and worldbuilding has always been an important part of the Fallout series, things that Bethesda has no tact for.

>people that have never played the original Fallout games consider themselves Fallout fans because of some butchered piece of shit sequel
This will never not be baffling.

>at least it plays like a decent FPS
I don't really agree with that. Sure, the game has better gun-play, but it's certainly nothing above a pretty mediocre FPS in my mind. Couple that with poor level/area/environment design that makes all combat feel pretty repetitive due to uninteresting enemy placement and you get a game that eventually feels like more of a chore to play than anything else.

the whole series is actual shit

nuclear war would just kill everyone

go play bioshock