Ocarina of Time vs. Final Fantasy VII

So, /v, which was the greater adventure of this time period?

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Why thank you. I've never actually played FFVII

OOT actually has gameplay, puzzles, and exploration, so that wins by a mile

>a positive thing

Puzzles are fucking trash filler segments, if you want to figure shit out play layton

OoT has a higher metacritic rating so it's accepted to be better.

FFVII has better characters, story and music.

OoT has a better world, better gameplay, and vastly better exploration.

For me OoT wins.

Although it's real close.

I don't really consider puzzles 'puzzles' if an uneducated child with Down syndrome, autism, and a lobotomy can solve it

I hate Ocarina of Time for making me not able to skip the cutscenes. I don't remember if Final Fantasy VII lets me skip them, but if not, then I hate it too.

>I'm an utter fucking retard
Well that's a shame

>puzzles are fucking trash filler segments
So, what is grinding in an RPG, exactly?

I'm sure the most generic jrpg gameplay in existence is much higher quality

I couldn't tell you. I absolutely loved FF VII's atmosphere, but OOT's gameplay was far more engaging.

But then again, it was that sort of thinking that led to FF15.

>oot puzzles
>move block from one end of highlighted groove to other end of highlighted groove
Zelda has never had good puzzles. They went from cryptic bullshit hindered by a language barrier to things seen in tests for chimps.

OoT, of course. But FF7 was great, too. I think OoT holds up better.

Mainline FF as a whole just needs to vamp up its difficulty, engaging turn-based gameplay is doable. But FF is mainly a franchise that tries to cater to everyone, so that seems like a farfetched dream.

i don't know

Ocarina's pacing, despite the cutscenes, felt faster than FF7 to me. Maybe that's because I didn't play that far through FF7, but it felt a lot better in Ocarina to have the entire world right there and to know where everything is.

OoT ventured into the uncharted territory of 3d. FF7 didn't.

Only bad thing in that regard, in Ocarina, is that you don't finally get to be "free" until after you beat the first dungeon, which is after you go through the boring training town area. This actually killed my vibe when I first played it (I was fourteen). Once I got out into Hyrule Field, though, my disappointment vanished.