Awesome music, on par with most FF games musically

>awesome music, on par with most FF games musically
>better graphics than FFVII
>combat requires at least some skill and timing
>fun bosses
>better story than most Final Fantasy games

I mean, I've seen some people talk about it on Sup Forums, so it's not like this game is unheard of or anything...but why doesn't this game get more love? People still jack off over FFVII but I'd say this game was at least as good and memorable as FFVII.

Other urls found in this thread:

Plus it had comfier towns than anything in FFVII. Picture related.

Game was buggy as shit, poorly translated and the voice acting was terrible, not to mention how it would refuse to load anything past a certain point if you were playing it on a PS2 and broke out a dragoon form after fighting the ice dragoon, forcing you to never use a dragoon form for the rest of the game.

But even so, damn this game was a part of my childhood and I loved it so despite its flaws.


It even has a city called Neet where all the Sup Forumsirgins could live.

i should replay this shit

Hex hummer?



>watch 1st battle of the game
>press attack to win
>watch final boss
>press attack to win

I played it last year for the first time and loved it.
I honestly don't know why it was overlooked, it happens to some books, movies, albums etc. all the time - real gems not getting the recognition they deserve. Life is shit, my friend.
I just know that FFVII has eternal meme status by normieshits just like The Last of Us 10/10 GOTYAY

I'd like to see you pull off Gust Of Wind Dance 10 times in a row then, gayboy. I will fuck your mom and become your new dad and then you'll respect me.

>OP has a vendetta against FFVII

We get it, you're mad.

one can boil down any game to this.
go edge your tiny virgin dick in some other thread, will you?

Yeah, and I don't even dislike FFVII. I actually like it a lot, but I replayed both recently and just have to say that I think Legend of Dragoon was superior in pretty much every way except amount of spells and stuff.

A game with an addition system like LOD, the number of spells and items as a Final Fantasy, and towns like in LOD would be fucking awesome.

>projecting your teenage angst on OP
It's been almost 20 years now, you have to be at least this old to be allowed to post ITT.

Why are LoD threads always more about FF?

Being mad because FFVII>LoD for the past 20 years? Only OP would think like this.

Nope. I've actually beat FFVII more times than I've beat LOD. People can make comparisons without hating something.

> he said Godfather 2 was better than the original Godfather omg haha he is so mad he must have a vendetta against the first movie

See how retarded that sounds? Yeah, it doesn't sound any less retarded when you say it about video games.

It didn't get a whole lot of marketing exposure from what I remember.The only reason I ever even heard of it was because the demo in Playstation Underground.

It was just from right after escaping Hellena prison to where you fought the worm boss at the end of the cave with no context at all and everybody already had their Dragoon form.

I'm actually interested in this game but this butthurtposting about FF7 isnt a good look

Just discuss the merits of the game without trying to tear down another

Except this thread honestly shouldn't have anything to do with Final Fantasy derp

Once again OP is the biggest faggot

Ok, bye!

Umm, again, clearly you don't understand how comparisons work. I used FF because it's a similar game. Now, sure, if I had said "Legend of Dragoon is better than Gran Turismo 2 why do people like Gran Turismo 2 so much" then it would be pretty fucking stupid because they aren't related. Clearly, in my post, I used FFVII for a reason. The fact that you apparently aren't smart enough to grasp the reason is not my problem.

>mygame is somuch bettterrrrr

That autism is showing. I'm sure all you do is play this one game

What you are trying to accomplish, nobody knows

>hey guys see this game
>its so cool, totally better than FF7
>sew guys? It beats FF7 in everything!

>What you are trying to accomplish

It's almost like I was trying to start a conversation or something. Believe it or not, some people on here like to have discussions instead of just whining like a bunch of faggots all the time.

Get better at it

Is it a good adventure?

Legend of Dragoon is a game that was supposedly in development for 4 years, yet it feels like it was in development for 1. So much of the game is so unpolished, there's enough there to like but it's so flawed even compared to other JRPGs of its time.

Uh, nice try buddy. Look, I didn't want it to get this far, and I've done everything in my power to avoid using my status in this argument. But I've been here since 1998. I created the original game thread when Ocarina of Time was released. I'm only gonna say this once, bub, but if you knew what was good for you you'd log out of your Sup Forums account, shut your laptop, and pray I don't use my skills to find out where you live.

What kind of a retarded fanboy would compare it to FFVII when VIII was already out and IX was just around the corner?


It's almost like I used a Final Fantasy game that is arguably the most popular from that era and that the most amount of people were familiar with. Woah, mind boggling.

It is, yeah. Would recommend but be advised it's not mindblowing or anything, but its still good.

Nah, you're just a retarded shit eater clinging to the impossible dream of LoD being the FF killer.

>whoa man the graphics in this game is better than one made 3 years earlier

Op just restart the thread without mentioning FF

I have had a physical copy of Legend of Dragoon since 2000, not once have I gotten the urge to play it.

Hammer Spin
Summon Four Gods
Gust of Wind Dance
Crescent Moon Strike
More and More

No, if I back down on my decision now it makes me look weak. Haven't you ever seen The Sopranos?

Legend of Dragoon is massively overrated and only survives through nostalgia. It's subpar when compared to its contemporaries and downright awful now.

I actually got it in 2000 as well I think. To be perfectly honest, I didn't even know anything about it, my Playstation malfunctioned and I sent it in and they sent me a list of some games to pick from for the inconvenience. I owned a few of them and didn't know any of the others so I just went ahead and picked Legend of Dragoon not expecting it to be much. It ended up being one of my favorite games.

My only guess it's that most people grew up with the FF games, so other games of the genre were forgotten

LoD is a shallow game with not a lot of useful skills, and the translation is pretty awkward.

The combos are what saves it, since they take time to learn and they're satisfying to pull off.


I don't think you know what that word means.

Best post of the week. Kudos to you.

>Legend of Dragoon is massively overrated
Isn't Sup Forums pretty much the only place where some people still jack off to it?

Nah, there's plenty of places that think it's a "classic JRPG" when it's just a load of shit.

I agree. The one thing that's lacking is the moves and items. There aren't a lot of magic attacks to use, and not a lot of items either. The combos and towns are really what captivated me, it probably is better than the sum of its parts. Like I said in another post, I think a game with the amount of magic and items as a typical Final Fantasy game with the combos and world like LOD would be pretty damn good in my opinion.

I traded something for it in 8th grade, or someone loaned it to me and we ended up going to different high schools. I just never thought about it at all, even now even with a working PS2 and memory card I still have no desire to play it. Dart looks like a fag, and Shana looks like your typical jrpg healer chick aka boring shit.


>the main character looks like a fag
>the main female character looks like the typical healer

This could be describing any RPG, ever.

>there are people that actually like Additions

Meaningless filler designed to pad out the already lengthy battles.


Exactly, what's my incentive to play it if I've played every other jrpg. Anyway, Cloud does look like a fag too but Tifa doesn't look like the typical healer.

If you hate having to press buttons when you play games, I heard about these things called "movies," they sound like they would be right up your alley.



I hate pointless shit that wastes my time. Every battle already has nearly a minute of goddamn downtime, no need to add anymore.


If this wasn't your setup then you are a dingus.


>monsters get random extra turns just because
Shit game. I actually really like it but still.

Fuck yes

>keeping Albert at any point from the first Lenus fight onward

Your party gets extra turns too, that's what the speed stat is for.

>he never defeated Magician Faust

Laughing Lloyd.jpg


I used Haschel over Albert, fite me



>Not Dart, Rose, Kongol
It's like you don't even wanna fight

More like Gayshel. I would fist his gay little ass so hard he'd burp out my wedding ring.

>Anything but Dart/Rose/Lavitz


>using Kongol

He's a great character if you like having one turn an hour. When I first got him I was excited...and then I used him and was incredibly disappointed. Literally the worst playable character.

Legend of the Dragoon in many ways feels like Japan's attempt at making a WRPG, at least story wise. As someone that was coming in straight from Final Fantasy, the story was surprisingly low-key at first, just some guy with a sword and his friend trying to save a girl who had been kidnapped by a completely mundane [if incredibly fat] jailor.

I definitely need to replay it.

>not wanting to use the karate man of many punches
Once you got past a certain point his human form actually outdamaged his dragoon form. I won't deny Albert's rose storm or whatever it was that cut all incoming damage to your party in half for 3 turns was pretty legit though.


>Once you got past a certain point
The boss fight where he's mandatory is basically that point, assuming you didn't skimp out on leveling his additions.




You are fucking retarded.


So, do you plan to elaborate on that statement, or...?

>tfw missable stardust

When I was a little kid, I thought Kangol was the best. Used Dart, Kongol, and Rose. Could never beat the last boss because of that slow fuck. Played again as an adult and used Meru and Haschel, but never beat the game because I got OCD about collecting all the stardust. This meant I couldn't play without a guide next to me. I want to play it again.

Truly the worst feeling.

The "childhood friend of the protagonist with a mysterious past gets kidnapped by an evil army" intro couldn't be more JRPG if it tried.

I'm gonna guess it's because it didn't get nearly as much advertisement as SE's biggest titles, therefore selling less copies and not becoming a well-known classic, especially considering the number of great, more famous RPGs of its generation.
Still a great game, though.

This song hits me right in the diddly feelerinos

It had commercials on prime time television, you faggot revisionist.

Well none of the JRPGs I've played really begin like that sort of plot point, but alright. Most always begin with some mystical element or blatantly colorful fantasy worlds that clearly set it apart from any sense of realism. LotD's beginning by comparison is quite grimy, run-down, and frankly low fantasy medieval.

>it's a bad game that people insist is good like it's some great cult game ala Lunar or Grandia or whatever
Qualifies for overrated I'd say.

>as an adult and used Meru and Haschel, but never beat the game because I got OCD about collecting all the stardust. This meant I couldn't play without a guide next to me. I want to play it again.
Literally me. I need to emulate it again.

>Most always begin with some mystical elements

You mean like the mysterious hooded man using a mysterious artifact to see if it reacts to the childhood friend, or the dragon attack that occurs literally a minute after the intro cutscene?

You really are fucking retarded, aren't you?

Yeah, but the white armor looks like shit.


just lol

Yes... because dragons, hooded men and magical artifacts are really unique to JRPGs.
Really, it's basically the same thing as the intro to Legend of Legaia where a magical goddamn crystal tree binds a mystical talking crystal bracelet to your arm and have you try and fight off an army of invading mist monsters.

Well you're not supposed to use the White Dragoons, user.