So this... is the power... of Nostalrius...
So this... is the power... of Nostalrius...
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delet this
right now
Looks like FFXIVs Balmung server on a Tuesday night
those 10fps
Why don't ya'll play legion instead of breaking the ToS
people have mounts already?
>Being a swede
Don't you have a BBC to suck Sven?
It's a game from 2005.
Unless you're computer is from 2005 aswell it'll never drop a single frame.
Cause Legion is shit.
I don't like all the fucking RNG shit.
I don't like CRZ or "phasing"
I don't like the scripted non-organic quests/world, which has been the case since Cata.
Transmog needs to be removed too.
Remove flying mounts too and restrict them to outland.
>scripted non-organic quests/world
all this applies to vanilla lol
>Blizz shut down Nost
This basically confirms they have plans for legacy servers. They have nothing to gain from shutting Nost down otherwise.
>all this applies to vanilla lol
You know exactly what I mean so stop shitposting.
whats the link to the nostalrius server? the website still has the old blizzard takedown
No I really don't.
You think you do...
Why aren't they doing anything?
this is where you make an account right? I managed to get one made before the site went down, but now im stuck waiting for a confirmation email.
i new i should have made an account earlier.
so why is it allowed to come back up?
>I can't afford a sub
>get rid of mog
Want to go back to looking stupid? Fuck off
uh because they can do whatever the fuck they want?
There arent that many people logged into the entire Kilrogg-Winterhoof Live server.
That's pretty impressive.
>I don't like all the fucking RNG shit
>plays Vanilla, the definition of RNG
You can't make this shit up
This is my first time playing WoW !
Wat do first
>Region locked pay to play server
>No region lock free to play server
Hmm I wonder which has more players
Create a gnome mage
Enjoy the comfy Dun Murough
create a character
me on the right
Can't wait for the back lash when Blizzard shuts this down
>cant afford a sub
>posting a commie anime girl
But vanilla has just as much RNG shit. Farming for 8 fucking boar teeth that have a certain percentage to drop is horseshit.
Now how much longer until a large amount of people quit from boredom just like every themepark MMO in existence
they'll just make another petition
If people really think Blizzard isn't powerful enough to shut it down then they're fucking deluded. It's only a matter of time.
The first couple of servers (one PvP, one PvE) are servers that allow characters from the previous Nostralius servers to transfer over
Even if it doesn't get shut down, the GM in-charge will more than likely drive people away for being a massive SJW faggot.
when are new servers coming?
Don't have an exact date, but last I heard it was in January
I got disconected
roll an undead rogue or tauren warrior
orc shaman too if you want to be ballin'
shaman were able to tank shit all of the way up to 40 because of "muh mail specialty" at 40
I remember having a few 50 shaman tanks for later game Vanilla
So you're saying I can go back to my 3 second fireball casts, long ability cooldowns, cookie cutter 1-5% ability increase talents, 2 button rotations, 30 second downtime after every 2 pulls, revisiting town after leveling twice, hour long hearthstone cooldown, hour long formation of dungeon groups, incredibly laggy 40 man raids with almost zero boss mechanics, run speed for the first 40 levels, limited amount of quests and no additional quests once I hit maximum level, low rewarding and very extreme reputation grinds, massive repair tax which eats into most of your income, long resurrection walks, two shotting PvP with limited diminishing returns, ranking system based on time spent rather than skill, manual queuing for battlegrounds (with no multi-queue), exciting leveling of weapon skills and a long list of racials which do nothing ALL of which I did 12 years ago right now?
Whoa...sign me up bros...
It's protection of IP and sending a clwar message to private servers.
Let it be clear: Blizzard will not sit for this. When the cash cow of retail WoW dries up, they'll swiftly transition to legacy servers. Nostalrius stands as an obstacle for this.
It's only a matter of time before Twitch streamers start shilling Nost again and Blizzard notices and takes action.
Just because they are hosted in Russia doesn't mean shit. The devs are still located in France and can easily fuck them over legally.
Fucking retard. Client doesn't handle lot of stuff, it's badly coded. Even today.
>Paying Blizzcucks dollary doos
There's no possible way Blizz is unaware of Nostalrius coming back.
Doing things in vanilla is boring as fuck, nostfags get their rocks off by AFKing in capital cities and posting everyone being afk, it's more '''''''''fun'''''''''' than the game itself
Blizzard is fully aware, but when popular streamers start streaming a pirate server and are fully advertising their fans to play it then Blizzard are forced to intervene to protect their IP.
What could you possibly have against transmog?
It is amazing how much butthurt these threads cause
>7+ million subs vs. 350k free accounts
Warmane has more players and the servers aren't unstable as fuck like Nost.
WoW doesn't have nearly that much. But it's not like it matters that much. XIV's subs aren't even at a million but it's still got a good player base.
>not only pays for a subscription but shills for free
>7 million subs
>doing anything but shitting on nostalgiafags
The Diablo 1 "remake" and "you think you do but you don't" just cement that Blizzard is a far cry from what it was 10 or 15 years ago.
>not only plays decade old shitty games but shills them for free
>having actual arguments with proof
>Playing WoW
How do I report this to Blizzard?
You think you do, but you don't
If theres snow outside your house, make a gnome or dwarf and enjoy the comfy winter gaming.
Getting to Iron Forge for the first time feels great.
They're at least not as bad as Nintendo when it comes to Nostalgia, or Capcom for that matter. Seems like a lot of these big name publishers hate their roots and strive to separate themselves from who they were 10 years ago or whatever.
It seems to matter pretty heavily for nost players, it's what they always hide behind whenever people call them retarded for wanting to play vanilla wow
Blizzard support page
Your options are email, livechat, or over the phone.
I already sent them a email with the realmlist info, the public torrent everyone was downloading from, and the website.
It's just dick waving. Same shit with almost every online game these days. If it doesn't have millions of players it's a dead game.
Games I play like Vermintide have only about a thousand players but it's plenty lively.
>not only plays decade old shitty games he pays a subscription for but shills them for free
>blizzard, we don't want this artifact knowledge and legendary bullshit
>you think you don't, but you do
really makes me think
Gonna phone them while sending a mail, people supporting stuff like this needs to die.
I also sent an email to the FBI, enjoy prison you Russia Hackers. First you hack Hillary and now Legion... i'm literally shaking right now.
>not only buys Chinese gold for use in decade old shitty game but shitposts about it for free as well
how long until people realize that classic wow is shit
>it even has its own goldfarming market
Blizzard BTFOs itself
Can't wait for them to open up the cash shop eventually when people stop paying their $500 hosting bills in full.
>know how to make over 200g an over in vanilla if I have a 60 mage
>could make over 60 bucks an hour
Maybe NEET life is the way to go after all..
So what happens when guilds start consistently clearing AQ-40? Does everyone just quit then? I mean it isn't like there is new content coming out for it so what is the point?
You kill yourself
...or you wait for the burning crusade server.
They quit the game until they add TBC servers.
The super NEETs will continue playing by selling Raid carries and gold to other players for real life cash. RMT is a big deal in WoW and private servers aren't excluded from that.
The Nost team make a new TBC server that players can transfer their characters to. At least, that was the plan before their server shut down.
If you want an authentic vanilla WoW experience do whatever you want to do without reading anything beforehand. Pick the race/class you want then worry later about it being viable.
>tfw no pandaren
The only problem about Nostalrius outside chinks
It's alright blizz drone no ones taking away your instant gratification Facebook game, you can still play that.
I too can make a retarded post trivialising everything about something to make it look bad. I also don't think you did play much of vanilla or were a retarded casual. BWL, aq40, naxx40 all had plenty mechanics. There was plenty questing to do beyond 60. Silithus rep had one of the best melee/hunter trinkets in the game. Pvp is no better in the current game neither is build diversity. You thinking that having to return to the city to get new moves is a bad thing. 60 minute dungeon finding? Wot? Sounds like you didn't have a guild or were a Billy no mates. Imagine having to go out into the world to join bg's holy shit madness.
No ones forcing you to play it you total faggot. I have no intention of playing it, but I sure as hell can see why people would rather play it over the raging faggotry that is Legion.
>People going around saying that this is the true Vanilla WoW experience
Yeah playing with fully updated addons, having research paper tier guides for anything about the game, and playing on a modern gaming computer at 1080p@144FPS sure is the true Vanilla experience.
where the fuck do i make an account at??
The server is laggy as fuck and the community so far are bunch of underaged memers. Can't go 2 minutes without someone trying to greentext in trade chat.
>ever using world or trade chat
It wasn't any different back then in 2005, just different memes.
did all this, verified my email. set the realmlist and when i try to log in it just says disconnected from server.
fuck this shit.
retail wishes
Back in 2005 there wasn't this much underaged memespammers in trade or world chat. It was mostly reserved to barrens chat with chuck norris jokes and mankriks wife. Now it's just trump spam and Sup Forums memes.
Server is swarming with people, either keep trying to try again later. Same shit happened during stress test. Login servers shitting themselves.
Howd you fuck that up
Click the ESC button fast right before it disconnects you, trust me
delete the WTF folder and try again.
Now that sentence trickles the nostalgia.
the poor documentation of where to point your realmlist is what was fucking me. found the proper address. now i get stuck on retrieving character list. I guess thats due to too many other shitters playing?
>7+ million subs
This is how you bait, anons.