What did Mister Burch mean by this?
What did Mister Burch mean by this?
That he likes Widowmaker's new highlight.
He likes being stepped on by women.
He meant that he's a feminist cuck
>male gaze-y
>AAA games to become hornier
Nah, pretty sure he gets off when his girlfriend is getting banged behind a closed door and he can't watch.
how can he act self-righteous when he's generalizing like that? That and his weakass attempt to separate one kind of fanservice from another
makes me sick desu
He liked this... and I don't blame him. It makes me hornier than voting for Hillary! Haha
He means he finds it relatable because it's reminiscent of the only kind female contact he's ever had.
Well he's right in a way.
The whole 'male gaziness' thing makes people think we want women that are blonde white bimbos. Whereas waifu's should have variety like in Japanese games.
>Anthony Burch walks on stage
>"Good evening ladies and gentlemen...you're in for quite a show tonight."
>"Before we go any further...let us turn off these lights, these damned inventions of the white devil. Let us return to our natural state...in blackness."
>Lights are turned off, but bonfires are being lit on stage and in the audience
>Meanwhile, Anthony has stripped naked, and a huge cauldron is being brought on stage.
>All the blacks in the theatre start chanting "cuck cuck cuckcuckcuck cuck cuckcuckcuck..." silently at first, but growing louder steadily.
>"In this cauldron is a sacred Nubian concoction made from the feces and semen of black men, and the blood of white male babies. It gives me crazy sexual powers. Sometimes I even ingest it."
>Anthony covers his pale,naked body with the foul liquid from head to toe, massaging himself and moaning audibly. His tiny white dick is getting more and more erect.
>"cuck cuck cuckcuckcuck cuck cuckcuckcuck..." the chanting continues
>Burch starts jerking off violently. Some white people look shocked, and get up and try to leave, but the doors are locked.
>As the chanting grows louder and louder, Burch keeps pleasuring himself more and more aggressively, his eyes turning back in his head as he becomes more and more ecstatic
>Finally, just as he reaches climax, he is handed a huge horn, resembling a BBC. Anthony Burch puts it on his lips and....
>At his signal, Zulu warriors emerge from the shadows of the theatre, slaughtering every white male with spears and stone knives. All the white women are being dragged towards the stage, where dozens of black bucks await with pulsating, throbbing erections.
>At this point Anthony is being double penetrated by two huge black men. He picks up the mic...panting
That white flash is uncomfortable.
Let's get this started
so he's able to feel self-righteous and progressive for liking femdom?
Hahahaha, what a loser ! What kind of cuck actually would like getting stepped on by girls... H-heheh, right guys?
>Sexy girls can be sexy but only if I approve of the kind of sexy they are
What an asshole
It's okay because it caters to his specific fetish I guess.
And femdom fetish is okay, but other fetishes are patriarchal and not okay I guess.
Woman is being the "dominant" one in the sexual Highlight intro.
Shocker, he's a sub.
He wants 'em 500 pounds, screaming about feminist superiority and vagina worship.
Plenty of people.
You don't have to be so anthony burch about it though.
It's easy to do when you're an idiot.
what the fuck kind of hit is this
>makes people think
good think poeple are the idiots who can't handle media then
>became "gay" and sucked dicks to score sjw brownie points
reminder that you will never be anthony burch
Sexy? Nah. It's kind of obnoxious. I hate in-you-face shit like that.
Also, why is she inciting violence, after baiting the person in with affection? I get that's the idea behind her character and all. But what I mean, is why is this being treated like some kind empowering thing? She's just being an asshole for no good reason.
So why doesn't he gush about anime? There's an established character trope for dom women that's very common.
hmmm??? i wonder what he meaned by this.
She's French man give her a break
Easy way to kill someone if you hit them in the nose
>It's literally only ok when it's my fetish
the twitter screencap
if you wanna be technical with pusdo science and shit one that would rattle the brain better then a punch if you hit the jaw.
>getting horny over a cold bitch beating you down and walking away leaving you sexually frustrated
there is no hope for this generation.
No thank you. I'm glad I didn't buy into this cheap propaganda.
How come SJWs don't like it when women express themselves or feel comfortable in their sexuality?
If she had a cute little smirk instead of an angry face this would be way better.
i want mommy mercy's milkies
It means he's given up pretending to be gay so he's pretending to be a male masochist in hope of having the most SJW friendly sexuality.
A regular punch runs the risk of crushing your knuckles.
Hitting this way is common in a lot of martial arts.
You're a man of good taste.
the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""right""""""""""""""""""""""""" ways
A male masochist is a cuckold, so he pretty much outed himself long ago.
>white people?
>*crowd starts getting upset and heckles begin*
>Listen, listen my brothers!
>White people should be fucking ENSLAVED!
>*crowd starts slowly applauding*
>Every single fucking subhuman white man should be strung on meat hooks
>*crowd starts standing and giving a standing ovation*
>The white man should then be anally penetrated with not black cocks, but black dildos...
>*crowd is stunned and is getting slightly violent*
>Why you ask? These privileged white men don't deserve the dark chocolate cock!!!!
>*crowd ferociously yells in approval*
>These white men will only lick up the creme filling after their women are chained up and rammed by the giant chocolate yodels that are the BBC!!!!!
>*crowd is making tribal chants*
>We will hunt down the white man!! We shall castrate them all and sacrifice their women to the black man!!!!!! The offspring will be brought to the interracial breeding grounds!!!! I will clean up the remains with my white boy tongue!!! I shall serve the black man's cock with my white boy tongue!!!! The black man will have his way with me and my people!!!!
>*crowd is erupting and stampedes the theater as the white men are hog tied and dragged to the cock chambers and the women willfully submit to their black masters*
Pure cancer.
>A male masochist is a cuckold
Not necessarily
the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""left""""""""""""""""""""""""" ways
so progressive that Gal Gun Double Peace did the same thing
Palm strikes are super common in lots of martial arts. You strike with the heel of your palm; it works just about as well as a punch, and does a lot less damage to your hand.
Just testing to see if I'm fucking banned again.
>it's okay for me to like sex
>but it's bad for you to like sex
>femdom is going to be the next "SJW thing" demonized on Sup Forums
i'd let her kill me and step on my corpse desu
well i guess she is a villain but isn't she a broken brain washed shell of a human being it would be pretty stupid to think she was in any way some sort of sexual empowerment rather than just fan service of a femme fatale
You good, faŠ¼
>isn't she a broken brain washed shell of a human being
That's what they tell you, but she shows a shitload of emotion during the game.
It already has been, on /gif/ there's posts claiming that it's a conspiracy to destroy masculinity.
I shit you fucking not.
Thanks burch
femdom was always a gateway fetish for beta cucks, now it's just even more obvious
>Anthony Burch walks on stage
>Starts crying
>Falls to the ground
>Someone has to slowly pull him off stage
>Just pure silence then the sound a single gunshot
>Crowd goes wild
the kind that shoves your nose into your brain and would be immensely painful
A-user are you okay?
stop, get help.jpg
god damnit
can't a man just hate burch for his hypocrisy and still like getting your face sat on?
Not even going to try to wrap my head around this one.
The people who complain about sex in games are just doing so out of shame of their own deviance.
They tried to do it for too long and realized they couldn't keep up with the charade, so now they are doing a 180 and trying to say that sex is actually empowering. Proof = this garbage
dear christ no
This shit pisses me off, I'm minding my own business, trying to beat off to face sitting porn when I can find it without pegging, and some Sup Forumstard starts coming in whining about degeneracy.
Nigga I just wanna eat the pussy, that's it.
>tfw there are still people going on about gamergate
2014 was 12 years ago.
>not male gaze
it literally means "it's okay if we do it, but not ok if you do." it's no different from how some black people throw the n-word around constantly but get all pissy if a white person uses it.
The palm heel strike is a basic Karate technique typical for Trditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate. A soft weapon (palm heel) is used on a hard target (head).
Using palm heel strikes to the head instead of knuckles of the fist significantly reduces the chances of injury to the hand and wrist of the striker.
>had a dream I was Anthony Burch
>woke up in a cold sweat
>rush to mirror
>see I am not Anthony Burch
Nobody realises it isn't a one dimensional fetish, it's comprised of many different acts. There's fucking levels and shit to it.
Not everyone that likes femdom likes cucking, most of us just like facesitting only ever managed to convince one girl to do it to me.
>it's okay if we do it, but not ok if you do.
Yep. See
i thought that was explained in her trailer she only feels emotion when shes going on a mission because of the rush
>every response from Sup Forums other than one is fucking retarded
Its a palm strike. That's what palm strikes actually look like.