Why does Cid let his granddaughter dress up like a whore?

Why does Cid let his granddaughter dress up like a whore?

nice tummy :3

>let his granddaughter dress up like a whore

She can dress however she wants

because that's where he gets his money

that clean bathroom is giving me a boner

libtard fuck off

It's hot outside?

She can dress however she wants, mate.

so she can get all the cummies

>that fucked up filter
looks like the ingame one: trash

shit cosplay desu

>shit cosplay desu
I can't tell if you're a fucking retard or a retarded fucker.

no she can't she was created to dress like this. It's how her creators want, not what would be practical for the character. Literally no one gave her opinion a chance.

>Toriyama: I want her to dress like a slutpig
>Masako: But why Toriyama-san? Wouldn't it make more sense for her to dress like people with her job? There's no reason for her to b-
>Toriyama: You're fired. Arigato!

Thats a bikini top you fucking nimrod. I know this because I wear them.

He's old he gives no shits


Not bad. is this a boy?


Not if I have anything to say about it, faggot.

Must have some huge man tits..


He likes the way she looks.

my god white women are disgusting

You don't.

user needs milkies

>Live in an area where it's not exactly uncommon
>MFW everyone will always think this is unrealistically slutty


I guess you're feeling pretty retarded now :)

Nah, just that girl with the grey alien face that cosplays every sexy character.

Is that Enji?



>Wearing boy band clothes is practical for a prince and his friends on a rugged adventure.
Cry more muslim

You're the type of person who probably gets offended if people talk about raping women, or how women are shit and homosexuals should burn in hell.

Fucking nu-male liberal faggot, you voted for Hilary didn't you? Sucks to be you, Trump hates everything Hilary wanted to defend, including people like you.


>Them hips
>Thos thighs

>girls complain about this
>meanwhile there are FOUR FUCKING PRETTYBOYS of all different fucking types as main characters
>b-but she never asked to dress like this i-it doesn't make sense as a mechanic

you're just a hypocrite that can't enjoy things.

>posts a Scientologist
libcucks are the moral and political equivalent of creationists tbqh

Nobody gives a fuck what a fucking landwhale one burger away from being classified as a moon thinks, It looks the same you dense moronic fuck, the only reason you said it failed because your fucking lice infested asshole can't see the whole image from all your fat fold you dimwitted fucking nigger.

Not even that guy, but those are some Olympic level long jumps, nice one.

I used to like her so much until the whole "I hate black people" self-hating outburst bullshit. Now whenever I see her I just see a pretentious cunt.

oh, should have known from those wide hips

what the fuck are you even on about, the guy says a girl can dress how she wants and that makes him a libtard?

I'm pretty sure liberals want women in burkas.

I have wide hips and I'm a boy

>i can string together edgy insults and feel right
Stay rekt ya little bitch

this is a tranny btw
Sue Lightning

Sue is a cutey, good choice


Its amazing your fingers can still hit individual letters.

mental autist


>lying on the internet

But I do have them.
Almost as wide as my shoulders

post pics

I meant her waist to hip ratio.

is this guy literally autistic?

Hip fat =/= hips

>typing fallacies on the worldwide web

>Implying that's all one person

Guess what? It's not.


My waist is also a little thinner than my hips.

I don't have fat in my hips

I'm sure she meant modern black culture and not skin color. It's prefect legitimate to not like a culture for their shitty values, and just because you share a skin color with them, doesn't mean you have to participate in that culture.

So you hate her for despising black culture which is pretty much widely judged as being utter shit?


Black """culture""" is fucking annoying anyways.

user you should settle down, you're gonna have an aneurysm at this rate.

I hate her because she's pretentious hipster garbage, because the bitch doesn't hate the behavior or attitude, because she hates the hair the fingernails, etc....

She specifically went on a ten minute rant about how she hates the way blacks look, don't try to apologize for this bitch, she's literally just self-hating garbage.

her best was Serah

Holy shit, the mad.

t. Muhammad

You're implying that a person with the OPTION to wear what is practical will WANT to wear what is practical, but if they have the freedom to choose, and they do not, is it still because they had no choice in the matter?


Annoying but copied like the world is ending.

stop lying

How do you know they're lying?

She CAN dress like whatever the fuck she wants. If you're against that then you're no better than those goat-fuckers in the Middle East

>Lives in the middle of nowhere
>Runs a garage/mod shop
>only locals are a bunch of hunters that are too poor to afford a tricycle

Who do you think brings in the money?

Isnt that the dude from star wars?

it's impossible for a guy to have hips like the girl in the OP

My hips are almost as wider as my shoulders and I have a thinner waist than my hips.
What is the problem?

nope best is right her

Are you the same idiot claiming Cindy wears a bra? Becaude you're WRONG. Its not common but some men can develop wide hips. Its more common in men with kleinfelders syndrome or interexed males.

>i go zero to a hundred nigga real qik

what happened to her teeth? or is that very bad lighting?

You know what..

You're right.

Holy shit, what a breath of fresh air

>what happened to her teeth?
i dont understand what you mean, they look fine?

>spreading mistruth on the information highway


>Being a blunt retard in a cantonese-mongolian throat singing board


tips fedora

>she hates the hair the fingernails, etc....
You mean acrylics and modern hair dos?
I hate that shit too, what, specifically did she say to piss you off.?


96% of republisharts are creationists though, so not really

>You mean acrylics and modern hair dos?
No, i mean literal genetics of it, stop being such a faggot.

I jsut told you what she said, but you took it out of context to be some apologetic faggot about it, so tell me, exactly how desperate for a pussy you are to excuse words you never heard from a bitch you don't even know?

Cute Supergirl

>deceiving in cyberspace

You sound more triggered than him desu.

Such a sexy body for such a fucked up face.

Either her or Kristen Hughey, can't really tell.


Is that Elijah wood?
