What is the meaning of Halo to you?

What is the meaning of Halo to you?

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Ayuda mundial.

Halo doesn't kill the flood, it kills their food.

finishing the fight whether it be in halo 3 or again in halo 6

Epic co-op good times.

....which is no longer the case with Halo 5. Hopefully Halo 6 brings that shit back.

Nah, halo 6 isn't the end, they're going to make it forever and ever until it becomes unprofitable

playing LAN's with my bros

or playing co-op with my bro

Cool H,FY story.

They said they have enough Halo planned for the next two decades, so there's that.

Good lore

It was good until Halo 5. That game was a fucking insult.

Fuck the cunt that shills it here.

A dying franchise

Purge alien scum.

I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything

And it's ALL going to be about master chief because of fucking faggots who complained about Arbiter in halo 2 and Rookie in halo ODST

Biggest part in making online MP a paid service. It's inffluence created one of the shittiest trends in videogames ever, gameplay-wise. Good OST.

Pretty cancerous franchise, and a really mediocre one. Five games in, and Perfect Dark is still a better game, holy shit.


You need to be at least 18 to be here.

Or at least don't be an imbecile that expresses himself like half of 9gag.

I personally know Halo, and I must agree.

Halo 5 has neither LAN or splitscreen. Yet had the most co-op focused campaign and best multiplayer customs/forge.

It makes no fucking sense, 343 is 1 step forward 2 steps back.

At least they added a server browser for custom games, I guess, but playing with another friend is a pain since everyone needs their own PC/xbone

okay couch multi and forget the rest

I don't know anyone who still plays it outside of nostalgia trips

>bitching about "epic"
Learn to prioritize. Sup Forums already drops the cuck bomb every other post.



Halo MP has so many fucking modes, it's shocking games like Overwatch can get away with 13 maps and only 1 mode per map

wort wort wort


Not that many people used it in the previous games they said. They knew the statistics and weighed it against putting more money into a longer campaign and better multi. I think it paid off honestly.

Eh the campaign trade-off wasn't worth it as it still turned out mediocre.

The multiplayer was good, just don't allow splitscreening in ranked matchmaking modes, only casual.

user, I'll express myself however the hell I please. Accept it and move on.


A simple story set in a fascinating setting that borrows atmospheric/tone setting tropes from old classic literature

Short, to the point action, to-the-point dialogue that's easily memorable, and a humorous tone to the content (thanks to the Covenant having great voice lines, Marines having great voice lines, The UNSC ship names from other material is golden)

Online matchmaking and Multiplayer was based on how much fun you could have rather than strict competition, and great Co-op.

It's also unfortunately known for causing a mass influx of people trying to clone the bottled lightning it had, often without going to the same care and consideration Bungie did, leading to a bunch of mediocre bullshit.


I am still very mad for how 343 followed the same mistakes other copy-cats tried

If Arbiter's missions were good and the game ended with a Chief mission then maybe people wouldn't have complained about the Arbiter in Halo 2. People hated ODST because it was an overpriced contract expansion not worth the money with no effort to change the gameplay.

"Forerunner robots"

>Any Halo after Reach


military vs religion

I don't see a lot of spiritual messages in it.

>implying that contract games that Bungie didn't even want to make are Halo games
Get out!

I know. We all have to accept each new retard that roams into here.

But that has nothing to do with playing as other characters.

People just complained "what the fuck why can't we play as chief the whole time!!!"

And those people are fucking retards who held back so much potential for the games

>Even games Bungie didn't want to make are better than that 343 crap

oh lord

You mean making Halo more Story over gameplay because if that was the case, meaning taking the player experience and gameplay from the player for long dragged out cutscenes then I'm happy Bungie made the right decision.

That's subjective

343 best improve for Halo 6.

>tfw I get the most enjoyment from Halo by doing Co-op runs through the game with my Older brother
>Even if I bought and Xbone, and Halo 5, I can't even have that unless he also buys an Xbone and Halo 5

And that's when I lost what little faith in 343 I had. It's always marketing and 'statistics'. It's so soulless a way to think of it.I never bought an Xbone, and played Halo 5's campain at a normie friends house, never looked back.

No, story has nothing to do with gameplay. They can both be present and good. I don't know where you pulled that bullshit from.

My dick in a girl's pussy is subjective too, balls deep.

ye, they best

Fun times.

Arbiter's missions sucked for most because of the heavy push for story, Chief on the other hand had the better level design and the fact that since Bungie barely gave him a personality, playing him felt like you were him and you were the one saying the galaxy. Plus Master Chief fit the role of many other FPS heroes, which was giving the players that power fantasy of being viewed as a god while their enemies were scared shitless of them.

If you buy digital you'd only need 1 halo 5. Still two xbox's though.

the first two were amazing couch co-op campaign games
3 looked nice and had some fun physics but wasn't that interesting in the campaign save for maybe the part where you had to climb two scarabs. While 3 wasn't that exciting except for theatre and forge magic, every game after that felt mediocre to me. The horde/firefight mode of ODST was kinda fun for a while but had a boring campaign. Didn't play 4 yet. 5 doesn't even have local co-op so the series is fucking dead to me.

>RIP marty chef

Are there any other fun co-op campaign shooters out there? My brother is gonna buy a desktop in the near future probably, nothing really powerful, so some older pc titles are cool too.

But arbiters missions didn't focus on story any more than chief's. They played literally exactly the same except chief had a flashlight and Arbiter could go camo.

Actually, you can make a game story based without having long, drawn out cutscenes. Because Bungie already did that.

Having the Arbiter as a Deteuragonist to the Chief to better highlight the circumstances behind the Elites swapping sides that will happen in 3 was a good move from a narrative standpoint.

The Chief wasn't a man who questioned orders, and has never considered himself a hero, only a soldier doing orders. That this was just expected of him. Hence why we don't get massive infodumps on LORE and setting from the books, because that will confuse people who never read the books...Which is what 343 did with 4, and the Forerunner woman. It came COMPLETELY out of left field, to smack a player in the face. Even people who read those niche books were bothered.

343 had a fantastic idea and concept, to give the Chief more of a drive to learn and shit, but that idea would not flourish in a strict shooter game - you could add some elements in (Not like shitty dialogue wheels, but a way to give more freedom to a player to explore and interact with the world, being able to talk to NPC's during rest moments, giving the player the option to CHOOSE to initiate this story stuff, or just move on to go shoot stuff) but we all know by now that 343 has little idea how to write a story, so that's a fucking pipe dream

They played the same but were poorly designed, filled with game's worst enemies and terrible boss fights. It also didn't help that they weren't as visually appealing as Chief's missions.

Hard military sci-fi with fun dialogue here and there plus incredible music. Halo ended as a trilogy with two good prequels. Halo 4 and 5 simply does not exist since the Master Chief is still in cryosleep.

Right but that had nothing to do with the fact you played as someone else, that's just badly-made level design

>Yet had the most co-op focused campaign
You mean Halo 3, right?

>Chief had better level design

That's why you didn't like Arbiter, it's because he didn't have the same Level design as the Chief missions did.

Story has always been a thing in Halo. Fall of Reach, the Novel Prequel, was released a month before Combat Evolved released. Bungie has always considered Narrative and context in the Trilogy, but they were also aware of the audience they were going for. Halo was originally going to be an RTS in it's first iteration - but since they went with a shooter, they made a wise decision to keep things short and to the point, and focused on the events leading to the end of the Human-Covenant War (Halo rings, the attack on Earth, the betrayal of the Elites by Truth and the Brutes, and the Elites swapping sides, plus the destruction of the flood)

Bungie saying the Chief had no personality was lying - either that or they managed accidentally a personality onto him - though I think Eric Nylund helped with that.

I guess you guys right there. What's funny is Locke is hated for the opposite reasons.

>Literally have 4 Spartans in campaign
>Can't do split screen co-op with 3 bros in my living room
>Having to buy several consoles to do what older consoles could do with one

This lack of split-screen local Co-op feels more and more like a money grab to sell more copies and consoles. Disgusting

Halo 3 custom games. That was the best multiplayer experience I ever had besides Halo 2 vista

That and Locke was introduced in an already shit game. And he was overall uninteresting. I would have much preferred if it was just Spartan Buck, since he was easily the most entertaining of the Bland Spartan TeaM

Lore is GOAT in itself.
The story is ehh

I would have preferred blue team only.

If we're going to have chief in every fucking game from now on, might as well bring his lifelong friends/battle buddies with him, I mean they've been in the lore since before CE.

They were executed poorly in 5's campaign.

The arbiter was a mistake, Halo 2 was a fucking abomination.

Locke would have been more interesting as an "off the records" black ops spartan like he was originally teased, but he ended up being a generic spartan IV guy


Yeah dude youre right, opening up the game for potential to have different opportunity for settings and gameplay is bad, who needs that?

Linear CHIEF-only story forever

Yup, 343 also had this issue of pushing him and his team as a replacement. I hated Halo 5's first mission since it just felt like a way to push Osiris hard, while I felt mission 2 should have been the game's first mission because it sets the story of whee 343 was planning to take it and gave us that subtle opening Halo is known for that's in Halo 1-4. Halo 6 they have to make Chief the main character and not try what they did to Locke again.

>halo 5 marketing

>chief and locke killing eachother
>chief somehow related to Guardians awakening in highly populated colony worlds, killing millions
>chief being shown as dead by ONI propoganda

Story could've been good but they ruined it


Bunch of eggheads.

Not 343. I want to remember the good times

It's the eternal reminder of how retarded third worlders who don't speak english can ruin free video games.
Rest in peace Halo Custom Edition.

Did anyone enjoy Halo 4's campaign? I didn't like it as much as Halo 1-3 campaigns but I did find it to be decent.

I don't think anyone liked 4's campaign. Probably because of the overwhelmingly shit characters and the ass level design.

More like destroying the concept of " ALIEN " to have MUH UNITE AT THE END.

Sounds like you never played CE faggot.


a rite of passage, a coming of age

>two good prequels

Is it wrong that I like the look of Halo 3 more than 5?


You just described my exact situation.
I just want to entice my bro for some more glorious couch co-op man.
Best times of my life.

Maybe you played it already, but considering you still have access to playing og xbox games and your bro is still game give the co-op of splintercell chaos theory a try.
The levels aren't as polished as the singleplayer ones, but unique for co-op and a load of fun and yelling at eachother for fucking up will ensue.

Killer of true FPS

Counter Strike came out in 1999, though.

That was CoD though.

CE MP was a fuckload of fun back when it wasn't completely fucking dead.

The reason why I want to go back and live in 2007-2009 for eternity.

Greed will ruin a series.

He looks nice and limber in Halo 3, while it seems like he'd have mobility issues in the rest.

Halo 3 > Halo 1 > Halo 2 > Halo 4 > Halo 5

Halo 1 = Halo 2 = Halo 3 > Halo 5 > Halo 4

Halo 3 > Halo 1 > Halo 2 > Halo 5 > Halo 4

I agree with this.

Halo 4 was garbage, halo 5 was garbage for a long time but improved after more modes&maps.

They both had bad campaigns.

Swap 5 and 3 for multiplayer.

the golden ring above an angel's head.
the game Halo itself means nothing to me.


Are we talking about the story or just the games and what they mean to us?
As games they are (or were depending on how much of a gayboy you are) just incredibly fun shooters with exciting co-op and a multiplayer with a low skill floor but high skill ceiling, making it fun for both the casual and hardcore crowds.

The story of the original trilogy feels like it's just shitting all over religion.

>Combat Evolved
Mysterious alien coalition is trying to seize control of a massive ring in space which is revealed to be a superweapon that can wipe out all sentient life.

>Halo 2
Motivations of the covenant are revealed to be based on the ignorant belief that activating the Halo ring is a journal to "glorious salvation." When in reality they would just be killing themselves and everyone/thing else. The Arbiter subplot is literally one of the alien races realizing how fucking stupid this is because they learned the truth.

>Halo 3
A last ditch effort to activate the rest of the Halo Array by the aliens who are still loyal to the Covenant.

After that (excluding ODST) it's a downward spiral.


No, Halo 3 multiplayer was great like the first 2 games, Halo 5 is held back by map design, microtransactions, esports focused, little focus on btb, terrible aim system, keeping sprint, and adding ads to Halo.

3 is held back by a garbage netcode, random guns, slow movement, and weak guns.

>adding ads to Halo.
You mean change the way zoom looks and adding it to all weapons? It's still functionally identical to the old scopes retard.

What made master chief awesome to many fans of halo was that his actions were of his own, aka via the player's control.

When Halo 4 basically said "hey yeah, all that cool shit you did in the past was systematically set up so you would succeed in everything you did so we could have this conversation right now." when you met the Librarian or whatever the fuck that forerunner's name was.
Basically 343 made all the events of the previous game null and void.
It was a real kick in the balls in my opinion.

Like that part where we aimed the bomb down into the Covenant ship?

Exactly. Knowing that wasn't the calculated badassery of chief and instead the will of an omnipresence god sucks.

Agreed, I ignore ODST and Reach because Bungie didn't want to make those games to begin with so those two game I wipe off their bad games list because they purposely didn't put their all into it so they could finally break free from Microsoft to make Destiny. I just wished they didn't join a worse Activision.