The kid who wall jumped to avoid being late to class

>The kid who wall jumped to avoid being late to class.

>the kid who build up speed for 12 hours to get to class, but he arrived 12 hours late

>that kid that ran like an autist

>that kid who saw a Sup Forums screencap on reddit and decided to vacation here and try to recreate it

>The kid who is always stuck in the wall due to qpu misalignment

>that kid who constantly remakes the same threads over and over

>that kid who noclipped into the girls bathroom and got his head stuck in a toilet tank

miss you, jeromy


>that kid who show up at school one day in trench coat

>That one fat kid who lagged in P.E. and disconnected during the mile run

This only helps prove that the people that say videogames turn kids violent are right

herf derf feggtz get off mai vidyer

pretty sure his parents being divorced is the cause

Epin :)

you have to go back

>That one kid in the group who d/c'd during the presentation.

Fuck you, Carl.

>that kid who rolled all the way from home to school


What is your endgame?
Open yourself to me.

>that kid who HESS'd to school

>cat can no longer attack me due to centripetal force
Kek every time
>that kid who would draw sonic recolors in middle school

>that kid who flew into you when you were jumping to History class

>that kid who grabbed my dick so hard at the urinal I instantly ejaculated

Thanks Luke

>that kid who cast reflect on the urinals

Fucking legendary.

>that kid that would shake people from behind while they were at the urinals so they would pee their pants

>that kid that would football tackle people using the urinals so they got piss all over their dront and smash their heads into the handle

>that kid that was the urinal

>that kid who would jerk you off in the urinal

>that kid who became the school public cum urinal

>muh reddit boogeyman
We have this thread all the time retard.

I bonded with this other kid over liking Tails. Luckily, we had other hobbies and interests to let that consume our friendship and neither of us became Chris-chan.

>that kid who would joke about drinking the urinal water for some reason
>he was caught drinking the urinal water a month later

>That kid who lag-switched during the Presidential fitness test to get the highest scores

>That kid who set his Hearthstone to the Cafeteria so he could be first in line at lunch every day

>that kid who climbed that mountain

Yeah? What about her?

>That kid that's from reddit and tries to pretend he's from Sup Forums.

>that guy who wear basketball shorts at the gym

>people are "from" websites

>that kid who ate one too many tacos and made a stinky in his pants

>That kid who failed the wall jump at a public event, and went from being a dork to a hideous tranny

Well, kid at heart anyhow.

>that kid who constantly talk about how much he hated school and didnt felt part of the group

this is you right now

>that kid who misaligned his QPUs

>that kid who tries to call out others for not belonging on a website by admitting they know nothing about it
We have an archive newfriend

I shouldn't laugh at this but my sides are literally in orbit

>that kid who opened the console because the principle forgot to password protect it and he ended up graduating immediately valedictorian using console commands


>that kid that's from Sup Forums but vacationed to Reddit and now tries to act like he's not from Sup Forums but everyone knows he is.

endchan & finalchan tbqhwyf