Seeing more niggers, spics and mudslimes in my games

>seeing more niggers, spics and mudslimes in my games


This is my vidya now ese

just play jap games

Falseflagger or genuine Sup Forums shitposter, either way saged and reported.

i have nothing against more blacks in vidya
its why i lovaed resident evil 5 so much before they nerfed it

personally i just want to play a straight white male though

This ain't Amerikkka no mo', yo.

fuck off niggerspic muslim

Stop playing f2p games.

you white people are the worst kind of niggers disgusting albino niggers

Is Sup Forums really so boring that you gotta bring that shit here?

They want to argue with people about race bullshit, and they can't get that from within their hugbox.


and dont forget those fucking fags

>being a cumskin

I wish for a world without weebs.

>not playing superior simulations & jap geimus
eat shit m8

>He wants bleach-drinkers in his games

cum > poo

Good taste.

>triggered by skin color

Literally every character acts like a white guy, what's the problem?

>RPG features character creator
>Promotional stuff always shows a woman or black character

OP is a false flagging liberal trying to make white males look racist and bad, don't fall for it

Dumb frogposter

I wish niggers would kill me desu

And this guy is an anonymous poster trying to unveil OP's masterplan
Watch out guys

Too late!

Probably a self insert kind of thing. Nothing wrong with that though.

Kys shitskin.

This whole site is Sup Forums. If you don't like it fuck off back to plebbit.

>sissy white bois

hmm what did he mean by this?

>this whole site is Sup Forums
But it's not?


This pl/a/ce belongs to the master race.

But it is. And we also control the country now. Cry more spic.

Why hasn't this thread been deleted? Are the mods asleep or are they just really fucked up?

Because the world hates you.

Youre the only that sounds mad here,twink.


kys mudslime

we are legume

What happened to my Sup Forums?

>plebbit imgur tumblrite filename

You have to go back.

It has the word video games in the OP,as long as that's there this thread will last

this. Jap games haven't been infected by the multi-cult disease.

But they're not white, so still very much shit.

>I don't have a comeback,so I'm just gonna point out your weird filename!

they are mainly animu which is stylized humans with primarily light skin. Close enough. Besides east asians aren't low IQ shitters.

Just make sure that when your extremism is in power, to stop free press, public protests, dissent, and freedom.

That's what the polish far right did

Probably because Japan doesn't have many non-Japanese.

tumblr was right

we shouldve had hiro delete Sup Forums

and i speak for everyone here in Sup Forums that our collective feelings cannot bear their toxicity anymore

They're upset because Rogue One was good and not SJW bullshit. You see how bad they're flooding Sup Forums.

ay, papi chulo


Clearly people care about Sup Forums force feeding its shit because it's "offensive" and not because it's obnoxious.

People now have to deal with Sup Forumstards in real waking day to day life. They get real sick of it, now that the alt right has become more vocal than SJWs

That still astonishes me that the alt right was trying to form some boycott for rogue one because "DERES A WIMMIN IN IT"

Don't recall seeing those refilmed anti-Trump scenes, either

This is Sup Forums now. Ironic falseflagging for easy, fake (You)'s. And you just know half the faggots here can't tell and the other half feeds into it because they no longer know any better in life.

>Hiro isn't a money hungry chink
>he'll delete the board with the third highest traffic for sure if we ask him
user I have news for you


Reported for saying you reported

>Nazi armband
>Russian gun

reported for saying reported for saying you reported

And the only alternative is borderline pornography made by subhuman slants. The kikes truly have the upper hand.

Still don't get why you think it's false flagging. Do you think the faggots showing up in 2009 and 10 talking about Sup Forums shit and rules 1 & 2 were falseflags?

No, this is what happens when you act like an idiot ironicly, and attract real idiots. Sup Forums dwarfs Sup Forums now. This isn't a false flag, this is just cancer that happens.


Don't even try and act that Sup Forums is bigger. As a Sup Forums regular these days, the board is fairly slow compared to Sup Forums or Sup Forums. I'd compare its speed and size to maybe Sup Forums


>As a Sup Forums regular these days, the board is fairly slow compared to Sup Forums or Sup Forums
As I'm writing, Sup Forums's page 10 thread 10 is 14 minutes old since last reply, Sup Forums's is 20 minutes old, Sup Forums's is 23 minutes.

Sup Forums is a lot faster than both. I regularly have to open multiple threads to keep from getting bored waiting for replies on those boards, Sup Forums I have to be autistic in one thread to keep up.

Oh it's definitely a Sup Forumslack, but it's still a falseflag. It's a bait thread designed to look so obvious, you immediately assume the responsible party is muh nu-Sup Forums. At the same time even that is so obvious, you know they're just shitposting anyway.

tl;dr - yes, it's an idiot shitposting, but its still a falseflag

>a false falseflag

Being a full time paranoid Sup Forumstard must be exhausting

Stop making these threads. You're out of your containment board.

I wish the mods cared even half as much about this as they do about ponies.

Last I saw hentai dump threads were still hitting bump limit

Honest question. Are you ugly?

IS Jill white?
She looks like a light skinned mexican to me.