Is this worth $20? I can't tell if Sup Forums likes it or hates it.
Is this worth $20? I can't tell if Sup Forums likes it or hates it
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retards will tell you it has the best multiplayer ever, but the multiplayer was pretty much dead within a month and the highlight gametype is pay 2 win.
the story and everything else is shit. all the game really has going for it is that overall, it's not as big of a failure as halo 4 was.
The game is 90 fucking gigs
>paying $20 for a free game
It's shit don't bother
It's the best multiplayer since Halo 2, and one of the best AAA multiplayer shooter in past couple years.
The multiplayer was actually at halo 3 levels of population 6 months ago.
Id expect its doing at least better than IW at this point.
Fuck yes it's worth $20. I'm kinda jelly you can get that price. Ignore the shitposters, it's the best MP shooter around period.
It's a great game with a large population. It has the best forge, tons of fame types and there's constantly new things being added. With the custom.browser and scripting added to the game now people have made all kinds of crazy shit. It also has pretty awesome firefight. In no way is it pay to win. At level 126 I haven't bought a single req and I haven't run out of anything. It's definitely worth 20 bucks.
>90 gb
>halo 5 is free
no it's not you dope
>hasn't run out of wasps
Fuckin what????? Yeah the campaign is shit but the multiplayer is top notch. Better than Halo 2. Undeniable.
It's playable but it's the first Halo whose campaign I only played once. And I'm a fucking avid Halo fan who's played 1-3 at least fifty times each, and 4 maybe thrice. Soooo, yeah.
Multi however is balls to the walls amazing.
>xbone exclusive 1 year old game doing better than cawaadooty
No. You can see the top played games on Microsoft's website anyway.
No I haven't because I don't use my vehicles like a sperg. Ghosts are better than wasps in most situations anyways. And there's so many power weapons that can be used in a variety of situations you don't really run out of options.
It's gaining numbers every day, it's really dam good.
Warzone is shit, people just spam stupid annoying shit like Wasps, they're impossible to stop because they're so fucking cheap point wise.
Do not buy it.
Campaign is shit, you can't do local split screen co-op or multiplayer with bros at home, and it's just psuedo e-sports rank drivel
It's everything wrong with the industry
>"You can play with friends, goyim, just have them also buy our super special console and game. You want to support quality developers, right?"
We've been having this same stupid Halo 5 related thread for the past few weeks, and at this point it's obvious that people are either shilling, or are blindly clinging to the hope this shitfest can be salvaged.
Titanfall 2 looks a lot more fun to play
Wasps are nearly useless vehicles in PvP user. You probably just suck.
>durr goyim shill shekels ebin conspiracy xD
Fuck off teenage polfag
where do you guys check player count?
>Ghosts are better than wasps in most situations anyways
someone does't play wza.
imagine halo 4's story but worse
Learn to use Google, retardo
Wasps are mainly for certain PvE bosses. Same with wraiths and scorpions. You must just be bad at the game.
You're just bad, Warzone parties roll bullshit like Wasps for a reason
If you can't use a wasp effectively in wza you're the baddy.
Bretty much this.
Bought an Xbone for sum Halo. Returned it once I played this blunder.
>Is this worth $20?
As somebody who loves 5's MP: No, because the PC version is free and has a server browser now.
Just install 10 on a second SSD or HDD and play it that way.
I will play it again when they add a real classic game mode and make it permanent
The gamebrowser fucking sucks ass because barely anybody plays on there.
I'm not even a fucking Sup Forums fag, I just think it's shitty business to remove a feature that's been part of older consoles for ages.
In fact, Two player local play as been around from damn near the START of most Gaming media. Taking it out now is nonsensical, and feels like a move to cash in more money rather than a deliberately thought process with the Players enjoyment in mind
I didn't care for it the multiplayer is ok but the campaign is gross
That's not player count. That doesn't even say how it defines most popular.
Most purchases? most people online in the past month? past week? it could be anything, not just a number of players online.