How do we fix him?

How do we fix him?

Healing cut in half when hes damaging somone

shield cooldown during active period like the biotic grenade and ice wall have would be a start

He's unfixable in this 4 tank meta

Bubble de-buffs enemies inside it, making him some kind of super trapper asshole.

>give him wall climb
>Make it so he doesn't have to reload
This one is a must
>Lower shield cd or make it block 1500 dmg.
pick one of the first two and shield one

Either slight damage increase, or infinite ammo on his gun.

Also either quicker recharge of his shield or make it block more than a flying turd.

more health, he is too squishy for what he is meant to do.
maybe let his jump cooldown quicker and do more damage on landing.
shield needs to have reins shield level of damage too, there is no point of him even using it as they just walk through it

all of that would make him OP though.

hes plenty good, just dont be a faggot

no reload.

kinetic recharge on his gun, ie. moving and especially jumping

>make right click his quick melee by default
>make it do extra damage


>if gun's lightnings are all concentrated on one target then you do more damage vs 3 beams on 3 targets

The only thing I'd do is lower the cooldown on his shield, or up its health. Maybe make the shield last longer, if it isn't destroyed.

But I think Winston is in an alright spot, frankly. He just doesn't shine too much against other tanks.

Alright, so I got a good idea on how to fix him.
First, we give him about 100 more hp or make his hp/armor ratio to 300/200.
Then we make his shield absorb more damage.
Finally his gun should either double in capacity or just be infinite.

why a dunkey thumbnail

he is fine, he is shit right now because all tanks shit on him.

Give him a gun.

How would you feel about him getting a banana peel move that acts similar to Anas dart or Junkrats trap?

>Don't be a faggot

What's your excuse then?

Increase zap range, closer to enemy more powerful it becomes. Shield strength tripled. Can double leap so he can leap in and get out. 500 extra health

Just give him more health. He's so mobile already that if you use him right it's fine, he's just too easy to shotgun down

Make snipers great again

>Winston is in an alright spot
he's is nt though, 1 tank is supposed to be able to do the tanking, but winstons job as a tank is to jump on points and hold them, thing is he is too squishy and dies very easily.

Double size of the barrier and make it so enemies can't walk through it. Boom balanced and useful.

Winston dies easier than Harambe

He needs a fucking nerf

winston job is to great chaos and disorganisation in your enemies backline.

fix what?
the korean dude from the over tourney was a beast with him and they won the tourney pro lvl winston is op nor buf nor nerf he is fine

That doesn't sound like a tank's job.

Either a tiny bit more damage or this
I'm fucking sick and tired of trying to kill a near-dead 76 in the backline only for him to drop a biotic field and outheal my damage.

which he cannot do well if he dies too quick, you jump into a point and they have more than 1 character there and he dies just as quick as any squishy char would

Did they not add a timer to Symmetr's generator? Because a team having a permanent 75HP buff is a bit retarded

have his tickle gun go through zarya's bubble
shorter bubble c/d

Make less real life and analytical videos his pokemon go and assassin's creed videos were atrocious...
ohh you mean the monkey

kinda of however he does bring attention to him which is what tanks are supposed to do.
if the team comp caters to him he can definitely do it.

What if the lightning from his cannon bounced between enemies?

Jump cooldown from 6 to 4 (from 2 to 1 under primal rage)

Don't know if it'll make him viable but sure as fuck it'll make him more fun

Revert the nerfs he got when hero stacking was allowed.
But seriously they need to fix Ana first.


Bubble now blocks all shots, friendly and enemy. You can shoot outside from inside the bubble.

Gotta kill it bud

Too bad it has a retarded range that doesn't even require line of sight to work

i mean, you place it at the exit of the spawn room in hanamura and it covers the entire fucking building and even a little beyond

How was he at first?

Give him more ammo so that his gun would shoot about 2 seconds longer.
Make his shield cooldown start right away after using it, and reduce it to 10 seconds.
If someone is electrocuted for 6 seconds they will be paralyzed. When someone is paralyzed they will flinch 3 times, once every 5 seconds. A flinch will interrupt any ability they are using and makes it so they can't move for half a second. They cannot be paralyzed again until the 3 flinches are over.

his shield had 1000hp instead of 600hp, thats basically it.