Trophy thread. Achievementfriends welcome too

Trophy thread. Achievementfriends welcome too.

What was your last Platinum?
What was your hardest platinum?
What are you working on right now?

Other urls found in this thread:

>last FFType-0
>most difficult Metal Gear Rising
>xbox achievements, then The Orange Box's 100 achievements
>working on FFXIV


>playing video games for fun
What the fuck is wrong with you grandpa?

Latest was FFX HD
Hardest is probably Yakuza 4
Gonna start FFX-2 HD tomorrow

My first platinum was gravity rush remasterd, I got it last night

>Caring at all about trophies/achievements
Proof that Sup Forums is full of children.

Mine was one piece pirate warriors 3

Nice. I couldn't do that one.

Couldn't find all the couples in there and also couldn't Gold rank every challenge.

lmfao you wont ever platinum that one....

Through my extensive research I have reached the conclusion that Compa is best girl.

Through my extensive research I have reached the conclusion that you are a retarded faggot.

If he completed the task of fucking moving every single person around that shitty grid and unlocking every sphere and putting some shit in there for every character, I believe he's autistic enough to get 100% story over a couple of playthroughs.

The only games i've plat were Tekken 6 and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle.

Yakuza 4 is easier than Yakuza 3.
Yakuza 4 is just a grind.

>last Plat
Xenoverse 2

>hardest plat
Street Fighter V

>working on
nothing at the moment because there isn't anything out that I want

though I suppose I'm working on Overwatch, but I'm stuck in limbo because of a fucking bug that Blizzard hasn't fixed yet

>What was your last Platinum?
God Eater 2

>What was your hardest platinum?
Hard to say. Some were grindy, some took forever, and some required you to play the same fucking stage 50+ times with no skipable scenes

>What are you working on right now?
MeiQ and Cold Steel

Currently working on DQB


Don't underestimate the power of autism.

The worst part of 4 were the extreme challenges. I've read 3's are worse. And at least in 4 you only had to play some of the games, not hit certain scores. That's going to be a pain in the ass.

HOLY shit that girl is cute as fuck user

Was the game good y/n

Really, really bad_

Last Batman telltale
Demon's souls pure bladestone
Arkham knight and rebirth 3

Only the boat chase challenge in Yakuza 4 was annoying. In Yakuza 3 you didn't need to S rank every challenge for the trophy. But still some challenges were bullshit, I did get the War God Talisman after all that.

I don't think I'll platinum the Japanese version of 3, AnswerxAnswer is pretty tough.

Yakuza 6 doesn't have any Ultimate Challenges.

generally no

gameplay is solid if you like older crawlers but the story is meh and the characters are terrible

so if you want the game purely for mechanics and don't care about anything else gfi
has decent music too

My most memorable achievement was Keep Off the Sand in Half-Life 2.

Cross the Antlion beach in the chapter Sandtraps without touching the sand.

:( I did that too... not that bad; you just have to fight a lot of arena monsters.

I had a lot of fun getting to 720 points in The Orange Box but some are just a pain in the ass so I gave up.

The boat chase took me like 4 hours to do, but it took days to finish that final boss rush. Scraped by with about 5 seconds left.

I just finished Black Flag.

bug in overwatch? you dont mean the patched win on defense without losing A one?

Xbox points > all other achievement shit

t. PC fag

why can't steam just copy xbox?

Last platinum was The Order 1886, which was pretty damn easy.

Next platinum will likely be FFXV.