Ryzen+Vega GPU = over 60 FPS at 4k

Ryzen+Vega GPU = over 60 FPS at 4k

how can consolecocks defe- COMPETE?

the difference is like day and night

holy shit

PC Master Racer...



Apparently Kek blessed this thread

1 3 3 7



I'll be here when you screen cap le ebin get on reddit.

Nvidia + Intel > AMD

>console fags thinking of amd as a threat

Lol no. Amd zen and vega will be as big of a flop as bulldozer and polaris. Nvidia volta is where it's at.






Need one for 1080p 60fps
Which one to choose?


AMD is 1337

I'm getting annoyed with the waiting for my R9 Fury install. Can't wait to see how Vulkan unbottlenecks my FX6300 in Doom

Screen cap meeee

>not upgrading to Zen

You're viking to make Amada cry!

bought the FX6300 last year. Upgraded from a Phenom II. I'm pretty impressed with it so far

I thought scorpio was running zen and vega?

>tfw all amd setup
Feels fucking great to be part of the true masterrace.

Intelgoys and nVidiots, don't reply to this post.


It's also running Quadro in it as well, no I take that back, its running the new HasMaxPascalWellbro.

No kidding. I feel like a poor fag living like a rich goy. Better than being a console fag

Those looking for a cheap budget rig look up the AM3+ opterons. You can find them cheaper than the Phenom IIs and they perform the same

Not AM3+ only AM3

>Upgrade to new gtx 1070
>get massive frame rate drops to the low 10's
>games crashing all the time
I miss my old HD 7950 ;_;

keep telling yourself that buddy ;^)

Using one now. Thing runs every title I throw at it

i have 1060 6gb and i love it, i have trouble believing the 1070 is much of an improvement

How much do you think the Ryzen will be?

I'm guessing 500

>dem digits

stop supersampling 8k user

my brother is building a computer and i convinced him to buy ZEN

even watch dogs 2 runs like shit on it with frequent drops to mid 10's and 20's

i might reinstall windows to see if it fixes anything.
i just wanted 1080p ultra locked 60


i'm not,i was running division earlier 1080p ultra 60fps and as soon as i get to manhatton my frame rate tanks to 4's and 5's

It will cost almost $2k you dumb fuck, CPU $500/600, GPU $700, mobo $150, ram $250 + HDD + ssd

While it is a substantially beefier GPU, what gives Pascal its performance is frequency. The GTX1070 will hit bandwidth limitations before Fury X will

since when PC gaming is for poor people?

get a job you nigger



Also CPU cooler because stock is trash so at least $30/$50 more, also 4k screen will cost you $400, well that screen is much cheaper than 4k TV so at least there PC won

Dude the original Watch Dogs was awful. The GTX970 had 2-4 second drops to 0fps before multiple patches

Meme magic wins again

what about this something has to be up.
my cpu is an i5 4690k

AMD makes PC great again
Trump makes America great again
Brexit makes the UK great again

Its been a tough year but the end has been glorious

>he fell for 4k meme
>he fell for enthusiast tier gpu and cpu

well i'm impressed user how dumb you are, you can play games at 60fps/1080p with gtx 1060 just fine why would i need to buy something overkill like vega? It will end exactly like shitty Fury cards. I guess you love to burn your money every day on nothing.

>get a job you nigger

>t. murrucan mentally challenged trump supported

Try disabling shadowplay

I don't know why people praise the thing. My first experience with it was trying to fix a bug in World of Warcraft on my friends brand new GTX1060 PC. There was a awful delay where buttons refused to register. Disabling shadowplay fixed it

>this thread
>those digits
Me rikey...

>An AMD thread that isn't shitposting Intel or Nvidia

This is weird.


"Share" is what was causing your issue, not shadowplay. Go to version and you'll find that Shadowplay is wonderful.

HD 7950 was the shit, my dude.

Holy fuck that card lasted me a long time.

Did you DDU? You probably still have AMD drivers left over.

First I had to uninstall Nvidia HD audio or something to fix the sound.

Nvidia is honestly no better than AMD at drivers. This is coming from someone that has acclimated to AMD's problems since 2010 with the HD3870, HD6970, and HD7950. I've had to fix plenty of issues on my sister's and friends PC. They both run Nvidia

I'm using a GTX 950 - i3-6100 combo and I'm surprised you people can complain. Even now I'm getting better than some console fucking faggot and I'm grateful for the performance I get.

i did,im just hoping they release new drivers that make it better.

other that watchdogs 2,on division it ran great until i played it for a while and then it started to stutter and drop major frames.i restarted the game and it ran fine at the same bit.

More like 1337 degrees and 1337 months before you get any drivers.

Alright. Also make sure that Share is disabled. or even downgrade to a previous GFE version ala my previous post . Share is garbage and Nvidia are fucking retards for implementing that garbage.

i'm gonna roll back one driver and see if it fixes it.

lol Nvidia's drivers

put me in the screenshot

i will put you in the cage with other freaks

Why are OPs digits a big deal in this case?

>still running my crossfired 7970s

lol what are you going for 64gb ram?