Considering getting a vita, is it still worth it at this point?

Considering getting a vita, is it still worth it at this point?

Was it ever worth it?

to some, thats why i am asking you good people :)


great post my friend
you really showed those sonyggers XD

Depends. Does it have a lot of games you want?

The memory cards are shitty but otherwise the system itself is really nice.

Well, look at its library of games and decide if you want to play them. How can someone else answer this for you.

I think the Vita library is shit but I could imagine getting one in a year or two to replace my PSP as an emulating machine.

sure if you're a weeb

I enjoy mine, it's gotten a lot a good non weeb games lately. If you think you'll enjoy it you probably will

>Not being a weeb
Might as well say you don't like vidya

More like considering throwing your money into the trash. Amirite fellas? xD

Do you like weeb games and generic RPGS Like me?
Then yeah, go for it. it's definitely the weeb machine though

get a PSP instead

I mostly use mine to play PS1 games on the go with the double sticks. There are also other games that are good on that one.

depends, look what exclusives the PSVita has, and then decide, if you want to play them

MG HD collection is great, MGS2 and 3 extended editions portable is frankly mind-blowing. Maybe with henkaku you can get MGS1 on there, too, with Peace Walker.

If you're not a Metal Gear fan, idk. Lots of Japanese preteen touching games and some PSP support.

Any US model purchased new in box can pirate any game released up until the fall of this year, so all the games released before Sony abandoned the console are freely available. (Stock hasn't been updated since before a hack came out.) However the good games from those batches have largely been ported to PS4/PC or have sequels in the case of FPS games.

If you're interested in upcoming games, it's turned to kickstarters, indies, and Japanese games, many times with only the PS4 version coming over or being limited to digital only on Vita requiring an import from Asia.

Yeah man I totally don't like games because I don't like horseshit like Neptunia.

You don't like Vita games at least.

Did you like the psp?

If so, yes.

It's got lots of the same sort of japanese dev support the psp had and a bunch of other stuff.

If you can get one with software ver. 3.60

>psp emu
>classic games emu
>vita backups

found one for $100. its the new models. worth the money? I am a weeb if that helps and liek jrpgs

If you like weeb games that double as the closest representation of early 00s hidden gems that this gen has to offer then sure. Otherwise, not really.

You can get mgs 1 and peace walker on there without henkaku.

I have 1-3, portable ops and peace walker on mine.


I meant for free, but still, fucking incredible

It's awesome having every mainline metal gear game except 4 and 5 on a portable.

i am pretty excited for Valkyria Revolution for vita since cant afford a ps4

True. Borrowed my cousin's a few months ago and had a blast.

Wish there was a way to play 4 on PS4, but didn't they take it off PS now?