Picks mf

>picks mf
>thats a troll hero
>report him for trolling


I didnt know league kids feel trolled this easily

mf is trolling now?


League of assholes they say

welcome to fucking years ago
I remember climbing ranked with ww mid and poppy support and getting all those "reports" as we won most of our games.

>go adc ashe
>"troll report" says the top Vayne
>every lane except for top wins
>Vayne top fed Riven so hard that she singlehandedly won the game for them
>"It's just a game" says Vayne afterwards

i got reported a fuckton of times for playing Soraka+Sion bot lane

What are you, 800 elo or something?

Vayne players in general are all mentally retarded there should be no surprise that she would feed her ass off, and try to deflect playing like shit on her teammates.

add yashuo players too in the list
just got 30 lvl. Only count wins so far with mf. PLayed with some plat faggots and rekt them

>pick techies
>20mins later, 15 kills in
... every time

>over 130 characters
>can't play 90% of them because faggots bitch

>troll pick

lolwut she is one of the strongest at the moment, get out of bronze retard

I play velkoz support. Infinite pokes and carry.

>its a lol shill but using 10 ip episode
get your 10 ip and go shill elsewhewere

Not your blog, Assfaggot.


I have never seen top Vayne work.

post more fampai


>People who play league post in league threads

this is from my 11th ip in my 11th house

>Pick shaco jungle
>Team hates me
>Two members berate me all game
>One purposely feeds to "teach teh shaco" a lesson
>game over at 20 min but they refuse to surrender any way
>We lose, I go 5/1/3 any way
>teammate "GG report shaco for trolling"

I can understand why Shaclone went off the deep end

3rd time in a row i see:
>mf wtf
7 wins in a row too. going for 8th

Where are you playing her? No-one would ever complain about mf adc

>Play adc sion top
>report sion troll noob
>mfw pic related


mf was used as a support by the second place team at worlds

Shaco is viable now though, after being shit for like five years.

What is so bad about MF?

He was always good against shitters for the chaos factor, best champion to feed off team drama.

Whats your guys highest rank ever? I got Gold S1 but I played off and on since then

>tfw elo hell


League of Legends is the Ovrwatch of mobas.

>play dota
>dont experience this


you can't be serious m8
mf is godlike on tf only because of her ult

Plat 2.

>pick singed and call mid
>no one complains
>win the game
feels pretty good

gold 1
played some rankeds then focused on those nice weekend modes
siege is best mode fags don't know how to play cus they can't read

i'll get to diamond this season

>new season
>plants on the jungle
>this is nice this is really nice
the game got better with those shits prove me wrong

>go unusual pick in unusual lane and have unusual build
>90% of times nobody cares, and if someone does they just harmlessly comment on it
>when we win/lose nobody cares about my champ or build because I played well and there's always someone worse than me

woah... what a toxic game

>play League
>get cancer

Switch to Dota 2

>tfw playing jungler ap panth the first time
>fags through i were trolling
>deleted bot lane plus roaming katarina with an ult and a few W
>fags apologize
feels good man

i mainly play dota 2. But 7.00 is a bag of dicks and the community isnt any better either. Plus worse ranked matches