Picking up this game again after not playing it for about 7 years and I've pretty much forgotten everything about it...

Picking up this game again after not playing it for about 7 years and I've pretty much forgotten everything about it. Any tips or things I should keep in mind when playing?

It's not canon

There's a cheat code that makes dismembering more common and also ups the damage of lightsabers a lot. Something like g_saberrealisticcombat, google it and how to activate it, if you want. Makes some battles easier, some harder (I don't think that extra damage works on the boss, for example, and she can one-hit you with it, well, if you don't have shields or protection spell.

>dual saber
>easy mode

Force is for pussies with no skill. If you need to take someone out, use the saber and not the choke. Or you'll find yourself helpless when the guy activates absorption.

If you're trying to get DFA'd, yeah.

Yeah. Put it away and play Outcast instead.

From my point of view the canon isn't canon

Academy has better SP campaign, though.

Fuck you, no one cares, not even disney cares if they still have it on the marketplace.


Most of the levels are boring. I played this recently and was shocked at how much it felt like work. Not fun at all most of the time. Getting through the levels really just feels like a chore. Play it again, nigga. You need to be reminded of how boring this game's SP campaign is.

I've played through it like 3 times. I played through Outcast once, and while some levels are great (the entirety of Doombringer captures that feeling of a huge Imperial starship perfectly), I don't think I want to run through endless brown streets of Cloud City again. I never got bored of Academy levels because they're shot and sweet affairs, except for the chapter endings, which are suitably long. And even among those, only the last one kind of bored me, because it's a huge desert/pyramid with tons of enemies - not much to look at, lasts forever. Hoth was great, Vjun was great... the lava planet was OK, not great but OK. And when it comes to smaller levels, some of them are so damn memorable.

I disagree. I thought most of the levels weren't very fun.

>I disagree.
I'm okay with it! Both games are good, in my opinion.

I miss Raven.

Yea uninstall it and play any of the 3 other games in the series

No way man, come on. Academy had better MP, but it can't hold a candle to Outcast's SP. It had a better story, better pacing, and far more interesting and unique levels.

I thought story in both of them was "okay". Better pacing? What about the first levels of Outcast, the ones without Force or lightsabers - I didn't mind them because of that, but I did mind them because you only get Briar pistol, E11 and thermal dets... and some weird shocker thing you can use if you have a death wish, I guess. A pretty boring arsenal, and you have a bunch of levels to clear with it. A lot of levels felt too long, Academy has much better pacing. Unique levels? You get a speeder bike chase in Academy, running away from a rancor, obligatory Dune reference, a level without lightsaber (but unlike in Outcast, you get a wide arsenal of weapons and, well, powers), goddamn Hoth, Vader's own castle.

>you only get the pistol, E11 and thermal detonators
>you have a bunch of levels to clear with them

You know you can pick up enemy weapons, right?

>speeder bike stage in academy
Yeah, and it's glitchy as fuck.

>level without lightsaber but you get a wide arsenal of weapons

Yeah, when you take them from dead enemies.

They were so poorly done though. Outcast had you dueling in a rector core, fighting through a giant ship you had just sabotaged and losing gravity, breaking out prisoners and causing a riot, fighting through the streets of Bespin during an uprising and in Nar Shadda.

Academy had good ideas and bad execution. A docking bay? A collect a tho where you just avoided the sand monster?

Starting out without powers and gradually building up was in both. Academy had you starting out with a lightsaber. You just so happened to pull one out of your butt so you jedi now. It was really bad pacing. Hoth was fun, Vjun was boring but a good idea. I did like that last area where it was a big brawl, but Outcast did it better with the new Jedi Academy vs the Cortosis Dark Jedi.

literally better than jedi 2 memecast

>it being canon or not determines it's value

>You know you can pick up enemy weapons, right?
There are no new weapons apart from the ones I named until you get to Nar Shadda, which is after you get the lightsaber and your powers back from a magic force ray. Then you get sniper rifle in Nar Shadda and I think a bowcaster, which is boring and lame anyways.

>fighting through the streets of Bespin
Which I thought was poorly detailed and really boring color palette wise.
>It was really bad pacing.
Academy/Outcast are great game about lightsabers and fairly mediocre shooters. Starting with a lightsaber is not bad pacing.
Vjun was cool, running through the acid rain, fighting those super-stormtroopers.

It's terrible pacing for a story when you're the one guy who inexplicably has a weapon that's painfully difficult to build.

Most of the games from 2002 have it a little simple in the visuals department man.

Vjun had you keeping out of the rain and then into a very bland castle with few unique or interesting parts which I thought was poorly detailed and really boring color palette wise

It's an action game and if something is good for the gameplay it doesn't matter if it makes the story weaker. It's not like Outcast depriving you of the lightsaber makes a lot of sense - Kyle used it in the previous game, then he gave up the stuff, then he starts using it again to avenge his wife by going into magic Force fountain. Yeah, that's great writing.
>Most of the games from 2002 have it a little simple in the visuals department man.
I meant, compared to every other level. I thought Doombringer was well detailed. Raven really captured the SW starship and base interiors in these games.

Him not having a lightsaber makes perfect sense considering the story. And when I'm talking about pacing, I'm referring to the story.

Are you really complaining about writing when defending the game that has you not only possessing a weapon that's nearly impossible to build without training but also able to use it right out of the game? I mean, you literally defeat another force user who has at least some modicum of training before your first day at the academy.

Oh, I was talking about the pacing of gameplay, which in my opinion is better in Academy. I don't really care too much about story details. I mean, it's a Star Wars game, Jedi good, Sith bad, who cares.

You're a fucking faggot. The reason I play Academy more often is because I can immediately use the lightsaber. It's a great gameplay decision.
If you give a fuck about the story in a video game (and, of all things, a Star Wars game --Star Wars has always been children's trash) then you should kill yourself.


objectively false

Yes, legitimate arguments sure do sound ridiculous when you type them in all-caps with intentionally botched grammar.

Yeah, that's not as fun.

>I played this recently and was shocked at how much it felt like work
I agree with this. Too many of the levels are about finding X amount of levers to pull in order to advance. That's just not fun. You're running through the same areas over and over again, only each time you pull a lever slightly different enemies spawn. Talk about cheap.

Dark Forces II > Mysteries of the Sith > Jedi Outcast > Dark Forces > Jedi Academy

bruh what?

>you don't get a lightsaber until halfway through the game is a legitimate criticism

For you

Heal is probably the most useful power, at least 1 rank early on will make the game a lot more forgiving

If you want to have fun with choke (ie, get some use out of it before everyone and their mom can force push you out of it instantly) take it early. It's only fun at 3 when you can throw people around

Lightning is cool, but a saber is usually much more efficient

Protection isn't necessary for the level with acid rain, I usually just force speed my way between the safe spots

Sticking with single saber all the way through feels pretty rewarding, and is the objectively cooler than dual/staff

You can get by pretty easily without doing the extra missions, but more powers = more fun. And who want's to skip gameplay anyway?

Nobody said you don't get it until halfway through the game. There's a bunch of levels when you don't have it, and those levels aren't just very fun, because ultimately Outcast/Academy base gameplay doesn't make for very fun FPS, and furthermore you don't even get the fun weapons (Flechette shotgun, Imperial Repeater) until you have the lightsaber.

If you have empty hands when using Force Lightning, it seems the game draws twice more lightning bolts. Probably not practically different, but looks really cool!

I genuinely like the shooting in Outcast.
And if I remember right you could get the flechette gun and detpacks pretty early, too. Nar Shadda's only the fourth or so level, isn't it? Surely you can wait that long.

You'll have more fun if you avoid heal and drain force powers.

Flechette before Nar Shadda? Hm. Don't seem to recall that.

And I can wait - doesn't mean I have to enjoy it. It's not the sole reason I prefer Academy, anyway.

>I genuinely like the shooting in Outcast.
I liked the shooting in Academy because it had the concussion rifle. I even managed to kill Reborn with it by carefully timing my Force Pushes.

>single is objectively cooler than dual/staff

My negro. Always preferred a single lightsaber.