Star Ocean thread?

Star Ocean thread?

Let's talk about the games or we can just talk about how much of a shitstorm Integrity And Faithlessness is, I don't mind either way.

>the worst

1st one is ok 2nd story was so good about to replay it. Everyone after has been shit. Ruined series

>likes 2
>gets mad with the ending of 3

Why do people hate tteot?
The vidya plot twist?

3 and 1 are my favorites.

What about the Gameboy Color game? It was a direct sequel to SO2 with the same characters.

That's generally why, yeah.

I didn't mind the twist. As far as I was concerned, it was just a different take on the usual JRPG trope of fighting the setting's god/gods at the end of the game.

The ending had the whole universe surviving without being connected to them anymore, so none of it really changed anything in the end.

Why do you dislike both the original and the remake? Usually people like at least one or the other.

It was my first SO game, and I ended up hating it because I -thought- it was going to be a planet hopping adventure, and instead you're just stuck in this boring medieval setting it just came across as any other generic jrpg

Turned me off from the series, so I don't know what the other games are like

All of the games are like that except 4. 4 actually is a planet hopping adventure except they FUCK it up by having one of the most annoying casts in JRPG history.

Most of them are like that. Most of the time spent in each game is on a medieval fantasy setting with occasional trips into space, often near the later half/end of the game. Only SO4 had more of a focus on traveling through space.

The funny part is that more Tales games involve space and space travel than most Star Ocean games do.

Hating the twist and buildup of 3 means you have shit taste. Yeah, everything from the point you enter 4D is lower quality than the rest of the game, but it was a game about growing in scale.

First you were just some guy trying to survive on a primate planet. Then you got caught up in the politics of a medieval world for a long ass time. Then space battles, aliens and shit, finally we get into "is our reality even real" shit.

What fucking Tales game has space travel, are you high?

People hated it because they thought it made everything that happened in the previous games not matter.

I mentioned it earlier in this thread, but I always saw it as their take on having you go up against the god(s) of the setting like a lot of JRPGs will abruptly throw at you by the end of the game. By the end of the game, they validate that their setting is real.

Tales of Graces does.

Off the top of my head:

Graces f has you going to another planet near the later part of the game. Sophie is a robot built by a highly advanced alien society on a different planet.

Phantasia and Symphonia has Derris Kharlan, where the angels chilled out, which is a massive structure in space. By the end of Symphonia, it's drifting around in space like a space station, and by the time of Phantasia it comes back to the planet's orbit.

Legendia's twist is that the entire continent you're on was a massive space ship that crashed onto it and was terraformed, and the humans weren't native to the planet at all--hence the friction with the race that had always been there.

Hearts/Hearts R has you traveling to the moon, which turned out to be a different planet with a highly advanced society that ended up getting completely petrified and turned to stone, and fighting on space stations.

It was like a monkey's paw had been evoked. We finally got a game in the series that focused on planet hopping with more of a Star Trek vibe to it, and then we get an annoying cast to go with it.

Why does everyone hate IAF?
I thought it was fun.
Better than The Last Hope for sure.

Second Story PSX was amazing. Reminds me of being in Middle School getting grounded for getting bad grades and not caring.

What about Second Evolution?

So literally not a single 1 with the exception being the end of Graces?

I didn't play it, but I'm sure it's great. I heard the translation is a lot better, but I never had a problem with the originals bad translations.

What? I mean, if you're getting technical and talking specifically about people hopping onto space ships and going exploring, then sure, I guess those don't count?

Hearts has you traveling in space to the other planet on a ship. The game's main antagonist are all aliens, too.

But I specifically said "space and space travel". I was talking about the fact that a lot of Tales games involve space in some manner in a way that influences the entire game from the very start. There's roughly the same amount of Tales game that do this as there are Star Ocean games, and many of them do the same things Star Ocean does, and sometimes explores it a little further than a lot of them do at that. That's all I meant.

>Derris Kharlan is a giant comet planet, which is in space
>Legendia takes place on continent which is on a planet, which is in space.
>Hearts takes place on a moon, which is also in space.

So technically any game that takes place on earth is a space travel game as well since it takes place on a planet? FiFA? GTA?

well 4 and 5 are easily the worst in the series that's for sure

How would you fix 3's ending? I was hoping for some elder god shit but we got Cloud as a Neet instead. Only good thing about him wax his fub voice.

Maria best girl, should have been in another story.

Not really. I just meant that the Tales series touches on things from space more often than you'd think, is all.

Given that both series branched off of each other, it makes sense. Phantasia was mostly focused on its fantasy setting before it introduced time travel and space stations into the mix, and the first SO focused on its fantasy planet setting until near the end when it was revealed that one of your party members was an alien and the space elements were fully introduced.

that's Star Ocean in general
it's the thing I absolutely fucking hate about it, even though I still kind of sort of still like the series

is SO5 really supposed to be worse than SO4?

Is Till the end of time the you're in a videogame one?

Easy. Plenty of other media have done this. Luther created a "backup" of the universe which proceeds just before he sent the reapers in. Luther's just a guy at a computer, and when you kill him, you discover the backup he made minus Fayt and co. (and Sophia's father or whoever it was that discovered they were living in a game). Now Fayt and co. have to decide whether they want to do a system restore and insert themselves back to that time, now with what's her name (the old rebel lady) at the helm of the universe. But it's not really a decision for the player; of course they eventually decide to go back to their old lives, with or without the knowledge that they're living in a game.

None of this "if you believe, it's real!" crap.


5 is the worst though.

not compared to 4

>Maria best girl
But that's objectively wrong.

First Departure and Second Evolution for PS4 when?

>translation never

>is SO5 really supposed to be worse than SO4?
It did the character's better (and story IMO), but everything else is a downgrade. It's also way shorter.

5 is dogshit

What game is that?

It seems like Star Ocean fans shit on every game that isn't 2. Is this series worth a look? I tried a tiny bit of 1 forever ago but it felt like an even more basic version of SNES Tales of Phantasia.