Why does everyone like this game?

Why does everyone like this game?

Because it's fun

It's fun

I lov uncle death

I just started and am thinking of dropping it
>Make another character
>Decide to do the quest to do the first floor with no armor and no weapons
>Get to the end of the floor
>Suddenly level 26 Hater
>Die almost immediately
This game showed promise to me but the Hater system just seems like it's gonna make me randomly lose a character and make me grind more

I don't

>tfw PC

Are these threads shill threads? I see a lot of them lately.

I like fun things

It's free and it's silly.

You can't breathe even vaguely positively about ANYTHING on Sup Forums without being called a shill.

God forbid we talk about stuff we actually like for once.

That's nothing. Wait until you unlock tier 5 fighters.

Nobody does. It's just shills on Sup Forums. After floor 11 it becomes entirely p2w

Because it's free and Sup Forums gets to have another hardcore gamur circlejerk

This. It's like dark souls except it actually has artificial difficulty.

If it's any consolation(which it won't be), those quests are bugged where it's nearly impossible to complete them.

I think I'm just gonna drop it. You can barely fight multiple characters without the possibility of stunlocks, having to grind. I wasn't even mad after I lost that character, just really disappointment cause I could tell the whole game was just gonna be like that.

Disappointed I mean

>Always online
>Mobile game grinding design
And yet Sup Forums defends it because it's Japanese

After losing the chick I leveled to get the guy who died, I decided to stop.

>You can barely fight multiple characters without the possibility of stunlocks

like in every souls game?

I can understand a grind not being for everyone. it rarely is. But other than that, Git fucking Gud. Its easy to pick apart of group of enemies or better yet not even aggro them all at once.

I've finished every souls game
A group of enemies has never been this big a problem.
Ya okay, I'll try my best to not aggro an enemy from another room before he comes sprinting in.

so you can't handle 2 enemies at once? what are you even doing? button mashing?

The difference is that Dark Souls lets you mash dodge to roll out ASAP, this game shits on you by punishing the usage of rolling when attacked
And even rolling away doesn't doesn't always save you, the fucking hit boxes had me die to several hits that didn't even connect with my character

>finally outfitted 5 base defense units
>decide to finally oufit someone for expedition
>take him out to get some coin
>take out a backup to go get coin to revive him
>take out ANOTHER backup to get even more coin, play it safe from floor 1-4
>3 hours wasted

I don't know why I keep playing this, but I can't stop.

Not an argument. Fun isn't a valid video game quality. It's a buzzword

You can always go bacc to the escalator

How would a co-op mechanic work in LiD?

Its fun, its a suda game, it triggers pc only players, and it triggers v.
Pretty alright in my book

Because despite being f2p with microtransations, it's still got a lot of charm and soul, Senpai.

Stop defending this trashy game so hard, shill.

why don't you answer the question or admit you're a fucking casual.

I'll wait till they take out higher grade fighters in lower levels, it's just fucking bullshit expecting me to grind while encountering fuckers with snipers and assault rifles.

>implying you're not shilling for your own game by adamantly shitting on this one
nice try shill

It is :)

It also has replay value

I'm talking about situations where more than 2 are there. 2 is bearable cause you can bait them into hitting each other. 3 you can barely hit them without getting hit yourself.
In Dark Souls you could more easily manipulate enemies to separate. Here they're always on your ass.

Its easy killing them just by stunlocking them and LoS. It is pure RNG though whether you get a hater that will 2-3 hit kill you with a nailgun or butterfly knife, or one with super easy patterns like a hammer.

Also haters literally prevent you from clearing alot of quests, they spawn ahead and kill shit making you unable to do the "X to Y while killing everything +handicap" quests.

>Stop asking me why i suck while i shill dark souls, shill

I don't get how people can defend a lot of this game's problems when basic mechanics of the game don't work right, such as the thing you just mentioned.


3 is still pretty simple. just gotta time your strikes right. Hell, you can even get them to hit each other more often since they'll be all bunched up together. Be aware of your surroundings and not get cornered like a scrub. Plus Mushrooms make everything cake.

Yup. Its annoying that when leveling up a rank 3 in the mid 10s floors, you could really get fucked over by ridiculous high level rank 3s with shit you don't have plans for even.

Then you have the ridiculous salvage cost for rank 3+ characters, I would take a fucking elevator penalty which seems even more of a handicap than needing to level up ANOTHER character to 50/75 etc just to save his ass. You would just die at rank 3 level 75 trying to get to floor 25, then use your other rank 3 75 character to take the elevator all the way up and kill him and retry. Its just a grind to level up multiple characters and rescuing.

I would literally take an elevator penalty like 3 hours, 3 hours of being unable to use the elevator UP seems like a good penalty. You can use it to go down, but not up.

Souls fags on PS4 are needing something to tie themselves over until the true hard game masterpiece comes out

Enemies are usually too close for me to use mushrooms without hitting myself. Guess that's just me not being able to do it fast enough

I forgot to mention that it was more of a gripe I had, I hadn't died to multiple enemies, just had really long drawn out encounters. The RNG of Haters showing up is what really made me drop it.
If Haters (outside of a player's own Haters cause I think it's a really cool concept) were just taken out I could put up with the rest of the game.

I uninstalled this shit after the game made me quit when my internet crapped out for a few minutes when trying to go up the escalator and refused to let me back in, forcing me to kill my character and be told I need to pay over 50000 coins to revive him
Fuck the shills, this game is absolute garbage

Baited for these exact responses.

I wasn't the shitter, but they really need to start extending the floors. Although I must say when I got the 76, the way I saw the game changed. Seem care has been put in where it counts.

You didn't ask why it was a good game, tho
You asked why people liked it
"Fun" is a perfectly valid argument when you're asking for someone's subjective opinion on something

Not him, but it's an unhelpful answer. I know people hate food analogies, but it's like asking what someone likes about a certain dish, and they say "it's tasty". Yeah we get that, but what makes it "tasty" or "fun"?

It's a free game
What would you be shilling exactly

The premium currency that plagues most free to play games?

I love uncle death

troll'd XD

Because it's probably the best game ever


I like it, but the grind is wearing my patience at 20+ and I dont want to imagine what its going to be like on higher floors when they are introduced when its like this now.

Be a bit more laxed with the grind and drops and it would be a more solid game. In the next update they are removing the level cap, dont know how that is going to affect the game but it can either make things much easier while making haters massively more difficult.

It'll just exacerbate the Hater problem if I had to guess.

>have yet to get a character above 16, beat Coen and make some progress
>run into a level 50-something hater that takes almost no damage and one-shots me with any hit
>with one character, manage to get it pretty low after beating on it for ages but eventually it got lucky
>it shows up on EVERY FLOOR and eventually kills off every character I have, no money to revive and can't even farm more because it just shows up and one shots me again
>progress is literally impossible

eventually just got sick of the ridiculous loadtimes and deleted it. I just don't have time for this shit.

I was honestly having a lot of fun with it, and got annoyed by all the peeps that called every thread about it shilling and just shat on the game endlessly, but I just got BTFO on Floor 19 and now I'm kind of flabbergasted. Full armor, level 75, even have a revive mushroom activated, and some dude pops out from around a corner while I'm reloading a gun and wombo combos me into oblivion. Revival costs 45K.

What in the fuck.

Seriously, where the fuck did this revival cost come from? This is a fucking ridiculous cost, almost as much as a premium decal. I had pretty decent fucking armor too, my pants and shirt both had over 120 Def. I understand the whole "git gud" argument for a lot of shit, but am I expected to have higher grade armor or is this going to be standard from here on out? To get better armor, I'd have to grind my ass off, and even then I'm worried if a fucking mook enemy was able to shred me to death from one combo. I'm considering dropping the game just because of this, this is a staggering revival cost and while it was my mistake for letting myself be caught off guard, having what I think was pretty damn good armor on a character with the highest level that I have available be killed TWICE in one combo is ridiculous.

What's really bullshit is the game tying dodge and guard to the same button, which means you'll rarely ever be able to guard when you want as you have to bring the movement to a complete stop before you can hit the button but haters can have zero issue perfect blocking your attacks

They are poor so they haven't a lot of games to play, this F2P being a life saver.

They like mediocre games because they think that will make them different.

They like Sony more than anything so a PS4 exclusive is the biggest thing in their life.

They like Uncled death because "he is so fun, senpai, glasses, look at my skateboard".

They found something good in the game, outside of the music and the girl in red. Can't figure what, though.

That's a different question.
So in the future, the starting question is "What do people find appealing about this game"

>great characters
>f2p system isn't obtrusive
>unashamedly video gamey
>combat has a surprising amount of depth
>fire ost

it's probably the greatest game ever made, Senpai!

It's fun.

Elevator bae

because all these faggots are neet and can't afford to buy real games with their monthy allowance of autismbucks, so they play free2play

How 12 are you kid?

>>f2p system isn't obtrusive
The game has you forced to grind more and more money for fucking up on higher levels, along with forcing in over powered haters to prevent grinding on lower floors
>>combat has a surprising amount of depth
Holy shit what are you smoking? Every one handed is the same shit, mash/hold r/l-2 to attack and keep whacking away until you unlock the r/l-1 attack and occasionally use a rage move, two handed weapons only add one more button to use

Only if you're trash
>Always Online
Offline mode
>mobile game grinding
no need to grin to even climb the tower

It's almost as if you've.... played it

>punishing mistakes is p2w
hm no not seeing it user
>making every floor a challenge no matter your level is p2w
hmmm still not seeing it
>the ability to cheese a game negates all depth it may have
ah now i see it you're a mong lol

>Not an argument
>thread topic was a question and not a debate

Get the fuck out you buzzword meme fuck

Nice counter meme. You got him gud meme guy.

wait till floor 20, 80 % of you will quit

My only problem is trap rooms. I don't know how to deal with a bone tuber and sniping screamer and battles of that caliber unless I come preequipped with a invisible shrooms
And I haven't even hit the tedious material grind yet except for wolf green metals

People don't quit when things are difficult.

People quit when the difficulty does not match the reward.

Difficulty isn't the problem; balance is.

>bone tuber

Died once on 38, once on 39 then 6 on 40.

Took over the course of a few days, I just wish this game had some big fuckall brawl game mode where there's a shitload of stuff just scattered everywhere and you fight to survive. I like the aspect of guns, it's just a shame that my cleavers hit for 2 billion damage.

Yeah you quit on floor 21

Hasn't worked, in recent memory. Doesn't mitigate enough of the damage

its dark souls for dark souls haters

I'm not even up to floor 20 yet. I'm just explaining something simple to you because you're evidently fucking retarded. People stop doing something when they don't see the point in continuing. Gungho has a bad habit of giving the community a hundred sticks and half a carrot.

There is no offline mode you fucking retard, the devs flat out said the game requires online to play

Have fun wasting 3 medals on health sponges floor 26 and 23 because you cant get your super ultra rare r&d material needed to progress without getting your shit caved in every floor

ive killed 5 of the bosses between 23 and 26 and only got 1 drop of candle wolf black metal, it ought to be a gaurunteed drop cause the bosses are blatently bullshit

its literally artificial difficulty, they are purposely restricting access to necessary gear unless you farm the bosses which will probably kill you atleast once during the fight

>No need to grind to climb the tower... fuckin XD man fuckin XD

Which armor are you using? If you're appropriately geared, blocking against their attacks should do minimal damage and will leave them open to counter.

I'm on floor 21.

>le skeleton that acts "radical"
For some reason this board has a boner for skeletals

Mostly trying to wear armor with slash res because everyone in level 2 is using a machete

Are you using all of the overpowered mushrooms that all over the levels?


I like it because of the tension it builds. When I'm on the higher floors I'm constantly sneaking and looking out for Haters. The fear of death builds even more when you have blueprints or decent resource material.

What I absolutely hate about the game. Is how fucking long it takes to build up fighters vs people raiding your fucking waiting room 4 or 5 times a day and taking your loot. I only have 1 lvl 50 fighter, and the rest are lvl 25.

I think the developers realized how much of a grind it is to get SPLithium. And how long it takes to upgrade anything. Because they implemented a random slow-mo fight between an NPC that generates it.

fuck off


Jin die can insta destroy all your armor if she hits you with the sludge
cannon, considering the fight on floor 26 takes 15 minutes if youre being careful theres atleast 30 chances to get hit

armor durability is based on hits taken not damage dealt which is retarded

weapons die after 50 swings on average, enemies floors 20 and up take 10 swings average to to kill each floor averages 20 enemies

bosses on floors 23 amd 26 will easily destroy 20 of your grade 2 machetes which cost an insane price of 6k and gold drops do not scale with weapon pricing leaving you with no money, and maybe 3 pieces of gear

No he's absolutely right 21-30 is when the game becomes flat out garbage
>Enemies wear armor that makes it so that even maxed out tier 3 STR and best weapons do Goto 9 is copy pasted and becomes a bullshit damage sponge with ridiculously high damage output
>If you skip the boss and take the path to get tier 4 characters, haters become tier 4 automatically and can easily kill maxed out tier 4 characters in 3-4 hits
>The cost of revival jumps up 10000 coins from 50000 ever two floors

That slow-mo fight is a 3 minute delay because someone is currently inside your base at that very moment; and depending on how well they do your base could look different when you do load in.


so okay i dont get it. one, stars aren't even the same thing as say tge hatching egg from billy thatcher. you know the part im talking about...there were 1 2 3 or so mesmerists with nine or ten othet tenctalce scene bops. i was there when it happened


Was here to see me fall. i know. i saw you wall wall to the ball call. i know...code name...but still...i want to be left alone or r324tg3 or maybe even touched in a way that will release my inner godhood. soorry, i know, im theb ad h guy here, but its too late for me to redeem myself here in austin tx...it ws okay, ffo for it s time, the fourteenth stands on its own oNLY

Lol yea i had a ton of the op shrooms, you get a 25 second window at best to chop away 1 inch of the life bar leaving you with another 25 inches to chop away as you revealed

Ainz is fucking great.