Smash Sup Forumseekend

Tourney: ID:
Password: rage

It's only 10 o clock, join while the night's still young

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Zeta we're playing teams you dumb fag

Fuck, misinput.

Daily reminder that Spooky did nothing wrong and half the people here wouldn't post if they had to go by name

I took care of the Gnon menace.

Who is the worst swordfighter here?

Daily reminder PEP is autistic and spooky BTFO him at DDD dittos earlier.


kys pep no one likes you

>they had to go by name
fuck off and kill yourself this is an anonymous website



Which of the three big villains do the best in 4 player smash? Pic related.

That's the point retard

Probably Ganon, but Bowser isn't too far off

Seriously, guys, don't start. Stop.

Question about Spooky:
Is he the kind of guy who would help a bad player out or just make fun of a bad player.

I'm wondering because I'm a bad player looking for some help, and in order to be the best, I feel like I need to train with the best.


There's one person who does most of the shitposting. It's also the same person who thinks shitposting and drama are positives.

Make fun of them
And he's not the best, not even meming

Shut up. Just play.


Dorf you were on my team..

@ Fats/Brow

If you guys are gonna stream again tomorrow, what time will you?

Help the bad player, but not in the generic way you're thinking off. As long as you don't have thin skin, you'll learn a lot.

Why would he be the best when he's memeing? When people meme don't they just play for fun wiht items and customs?

Meme. If you're on his team, he'll SD. Because you're bad

Make fun of them for being Shitters

then when they tell him to fuck off, he'll claim "i'm just testing you"

Who's the worst best player here? Like. If there was a power ranking, who'd be the guy at the bottom who can beat better players, but is susceptible to the lesser people.

Oh jesus, sorry G&W

I've never had anyone appear under me as often as you

Who are the Top 3 most inconsistent players here?

the fuck does that mean

That was funny boney

Are you in denial? Are you jealous of Spooky's skill? Calling him not the best is a flat out spiteful lie.


Have you ever grossly underestimated the staying power of the most shallow of garbage?

That's how I feel, right now.

People still like a game that's literally worse than a mod of an even shittier game?

not sure thats what he meant

Alex, if you weren't a cpu, why were you attacking me..?

>Marth turns on Girl Marth

The plot thickens.

Report and ignore

I can do it earlier if you'd like to be able to join this time. If not I'll do it around usual time if theres a demand for it

How does one ignore user?

Guys shut the fuck up and play

Aren't you the same faggot who kept asking to see Mikan's toes?

Show us your filter list cuckboi

Didn't expect to kill but since it did, that's what you get for not doing the drawing

footpussy > literally who shitter drama


Sorry Ayres, Ganon is fucking me up hard today

didnt mean to kill my frog buddy there

Fuck you Spookdashian

I'm half a glass of wine under and I'm a lightweight. I have no problems which anything, I'm having fun!


Yeah, please?

sorry little mac T_T

Okay Ayres, I'm going to have to officially ticket you for being an asshole


The PXP family reunion.


Ayres is a fucking autist dude is like 40, why are you surprised.

God damn it spooky

Why are you so eager to ruin these threads? It sucks getting online to play with people only to find there's no tourney and people having to wait to take turns to play online

To be fair, I do usually go all in unless I see a big surprise in the character selection and that usually means I end up attacking people during their taunts.

But Spooky, I don't care that you taunt during the beginning of a match. Continuing to do it after I've hit you plenty won't make me stop, either.

don't fucking taunt

Ok, i'm not doing so well in teams now and i gotta go soon . Anyone wanna 1v1 for a bit?

It's all good.

I taunt after I kill someone, but only after they spawn and have temporary invincibility. This way no matter what happens, I win:
1. They don't hit me, and I strategized off their invincibility
2. They hit me and everyone realizes they are an ashole

teams is retarded

Join my lobby! -brow


>the reverse warlock didn't go off

Sorry oddit still felt good

says you're in another room, so i cant. who's hosting?

lmao what a cunt, pep 4.0 right here

Don't listen to the literal who, guy doesn't want to be exposed and relies on anonymous to express himself

I'll play a few before I make the new tournament

If you taunt accept that you might get hit. It's a risk, my man.


or make the room?

woops sorry he just left, you can join

It's Ryan

I laughed

And how many fucking times is your damn stage gonna get picked?

That's for shitters. On the top meta players secret club attacking a taunting player is a sign of being:

An outsider
A shitter
Severely autistic and unaware of social mannerisms

Nvm, play Brow first, we can play later

Thanks, and sure stream it if you want
im sorry... ;-;

>notice mid-match "pep, pop, and pip" as everyones tags
>all kirby characters
>except me

S-sorry, I didn't realize

Is it the same for hitting people out of a successful Rest that killed?

Lets do this, boys

Apply yourself PAP

>not wanting to hear ashley's angelic japanese voice 24/7


I don't think there are any rules for that

4 people in a room doesn't take that much away from the thread.
Streams are also kept to late Sunday night, so they impact the thread as little as possible. Theres nothing wrong with friendly streamed matches among some of the people here that like each other.

go jiggly

Makes you seem like a jerk 2bh

Dark pit you should have let me handle the puff

I never attack taunting people and taunt back and I always hit someone out of rest even if they missed.

It's just something I do I don't expect other people to do the same

You suck though

Most people here don't really seem to care

Ur right

Kek, nice one Twan

If someone is going to attempt a 1 hit kill, whether it hits or not, that's their risk. Getting smashed after a Rest is part of the deal with using Rest.

I don't hit people who are taunting though, I'm not and asshole.