Good streamers don't exi-

>Good streamers don't exi-

Twitch was a mistake, so was Youtube

Woah cosmo's not doing too bad nowadays

Youtube was okay until it become super commoditized.

Now the only content is clickbait videos, like rascit mario or TOP 10 THINGS - THE CONTROVERSY EDITION.

>It's an InuitInua streams while doing nothing but awkwardly eating a breakfast bar episode.

so was Sup Forums

>watching other people play video games instead of playing them yourself
>mfw metric fucktons of people do this
all hope is lost


>Shit memes don't exi-
Kill yourself, OP. But kill your shitty e-celebs before that.

no, only numale faggots who keep throwing their money to bitches

I guess its like watching sports? They are bad at video games so they watch others play and make fun of them for sucking

t.lonely fag who never watched his friend/sibling play games and had a amazing time

so sad

Its different when the person is in the same room as you or someone you actually know

The last good streamer was Joosten

>it's a you stopped watching the streams because they're boring as hell and the troop of beta orbiters is just sad and depressing episode

in a small twitch chat it can be like you're in the same room with them.

i also watch my older brother stream a lot so i guess you are correct


>gurl gaymers
actually fucking die

Name one female streamer that's genuinely good and not just popular because she's a girl or because titties.
The girl(?) in OP's pic is not a good streamer btw

Remy lacroix streams?

has (>s)he been playing psvr or something?

also, nobody said theres no good streamers you faggot

>streamers are all lying whor-

This chick makes me so fucking angry. No other e-celeb getting shilled on Sup Forums makes me fucking livid like this one. I don't care if Dunkey, Dobson, TBFP any of them are posted. It's this one wherein the people who promote her into every fucking Overwatch discussion. She looks nothing like Mei holy shit. There are 20,000 other gurl gamers on Twitch and youtube to faun over that are the same quality as her.

I'm liable to become barneyfag at this rate and I don't even know her fucking name.

this girl(?) just deserves to have a huge load of cum be shot right in her stupid face