You're up late again

You're up late again.
Why so

>Not 4 AM

You fucked up.

its 5 for me

This is a thread for Eurofriends like me.

tell em boy

>10 pm
it isn't even late

Sup Forums belongs to the Norths....Americans.

isn't the voice actor of Stu dead?

get out of here euro trash

Isn't it time to go pray to Allah?



well shit man, i have to be up at 5:20 to get ready for work but i don't feel like sleeping
I'll probably sleep at 3 am and sleep till 5.

yep :'(

lmao did I touch a nerve

Time to get your prayer rug out


dont you have to wake up early to make line for toilet paper and muslim cum europoors?

>Be Merrican
>Get shot
So... this is... the power... of the U... S of A

work is 6pm-1am
sleep schedule is 5am-12pm

How to piss off all amerikeks:


I wish i had your job.
Im looking for one and all i see is wageslave cuckery from 10am to 3pm

Damn nigga what position is that? I work 6am-3pm

Probably IT. One of my bosses at work puts in similar hours

it's only 10:35 you dumb eurocuck

yea its okay, its kinda hard to have a social life but oh well its not like I had a lot going for it anyways.

Fuck off, Nurse Joy.


>Wake up at 4am
>Go outside
>See search lights in the sky
>Go back to sleep and hide under covers.

I wish I was dead.

>Eastern European
>Only ever see sandniggers and regular niggers on the news

The only time zone that matters is US Eastern, and it's only 10:40PM here.

*puff puff* what the fuck are you looking at.

this tbqh
>tfw got work at 6am

The fact that Choudary flourished for so long, despite being banned from most Mosques, is a fucking stain on Europe.

It's not even bedtime, Stu.

My DMC3 skips all 3 Vergil fights and I got fucked out of the best parts of the game.

My best friend is moving and I will be left alone again. Back to being 100% outcast. I don't want to be alone.


go to bed

feels good mane

the fact that there are muslims and mosques in europe is a stain on europe



Who is this viking guy?

>enter thread for a late night depression thread
>get retards waving their arbitrary group flags around
I want the Nationalism meme to end.


preemptive burger response here
because it's the only time I have to myself

feel free to play hopscotch off a cliff.

about to take some amphetamines and play Overwatch

A tip

start these threads with a spoilered vidya question so the autistic newfags can't get the autistic newfag mods to delete it


>Be European
>go to concert
>get bombed
>go to deli
>get shot
>go to airport
>get bombed
>go to celebration
>get run over by a truck
>walk around
>get stabbed
>express concern about this state of affairs
>get arrested for intolerance

Waiting for my medication

>be american
>be a fucking white male
>get blocked from attending class by vibrant youths
>get shot by Tyrone on the way home

I'd rather be an American

It's the weekend. It's also only 10. Get fucked eurotrash.

Careful now don't want to talk too nasty about our fine Melanin-enhanced friends and say something you might regret

I never had control of my life in the first place.

Can't get any more cucked than that...

I've just been marathoning CarnEvil
I failed my math class so i've been trying to take my mind off of it



lol okay grandpa


Still trying to get my copy of Deathwing working.

Can't launch the damn thing for what I can guess are "reasons".

Good thing is I've learned so much about the inner workings of Windows 7 that if anything goes wrong like this I'll know exactly where to look.

Only took me four days of unending ceaseless frustration and anger. And it's not even fixed yet!

This is fake right? There's not even a signature or anything.

>Windows 7

>hurr durr linux

Go away Sup Forums

t. 60% white

And there always will be, stay mad.

Varg Vikernes

He is cool.

The UK's okay I guess. It's a bit creepy because the women have never seen a real man before and will chase you around begging for semen, and the men can't even look you in the eye, but the buildings are cool if you're into that. Just remember that only a small portion of the country speak English. An Arabic phrasebook will help you immensely, but there's still a large portion of the country that communicates through series of grunts and slurs of varying length and pitch. These can be very hard to understand (I swear the hotel clerk in Swansea was just saying 'innit' over and over, but no one was batting an eye so maybe it was just me), but through a combination of body language and written English you should be able to get by.

>obscured by eternal Anglo

Inshallah we shall regain our colonies and our rightful place as rulers of the waves.

Watching toonami with Sup Forums is fun

t. Muhammad

I used vacation days to work on a class project and study for a final but now I have absolute zero motivation to do well. So now I'm watching shitty videos on while certain video games are bad. Grad school is terrible.
