What's the worst RPG you've ever played?

What's the worst RPG you've ever played?
pic related for me, Heard Front Mission 3 was really good so I googled if I needed to play the others beforehand and apparently I should so I started playing FM1 on the DS and holy shit is this the slowest,dullest most RNG filled SRPG I've ever played.
Even the fucking dialogue is a slog to get through
Definitely still going to check out FM2 and 3 though,

Yeah, FM1 is pretty shit but the rest are really good

>if I needed to play the others beforehand and apparently I should
Yeah, this is some sort of bullshit. I mean, I can understand if the games have an interconnected story where you might get lost if you pick things up partway through (Metal Gear Solid, Kingdom Hearts) but beyond that, it really shouldn't matter. I know that I've only played Front Mission 3 and the game was just fine. There was no backstory that I was required to know and it didn't leave any outstanding plot hooks that needed a Front Mission 4 to solve.

Fuck people who say "play the first so the latter games don't spoil you" as well. If you like the series and are interested in the older titles, then check them out. But don't tell people to specifically begin with the worst game of the series.

FM5 > FM4 = FM2 >> FM1 >> FM3

t.Shit taste Hipster

are you saying 5 is bad cause thats some shit taste right there

FFXV is the worst JRPG I've ever played and I've played 100's. Even shitty waifu bait JRPGS
AWFUL game, Fuck

yeap play SNES version. You'll have the emulation tool to get past the annoying parts.

It is bad. I'd love to see your reasoning behind it. If you can't answer, then it's justified to assume you a hipster for liking the most obscure game in the series. There are few questionable choices in 5.
>no ability to take out/damage pilots like in 3
>perfectly fine portraits replaced by low res shot of the models for no reason at all, especially when the illustration was perfectly fine
>the noticeable drop of quality in music and art direction

wrong thread, bud

>What's the worst RPG you've ever played?
It's not just a FM thread, lad

wild arms 2

5 has by far the best gameplay mechanics and level design which is the most important part. The link system, skills, wanzer building, etc. was all significantly improved in 5.

Visually I thought the game looked pretty good and the battle animations and stuff were clear and quick.

The story was pretty cheesy and overall weak despite the various references to other parts of the FM franchise. However that's not very important overall, and only FM2 had a really good story.

Get the fuck out of here, idiot

How is level design improved? They took out hidden treasures and destructible environment. Not only that, you're rewarded for speed only as opposed to damage taken/done.

what, it sucked

Different levels have vastly different structures which encourage different team formations and tactics. Hard mode has a modest level of challenge. Rewarding for speed is better because it encourages you to come up with more complex aggressive tactics rather than just crawling through each map.

I don't see why you should play any other fm before fm3. I played it at release and it seemed self contained. Replayed it last year and felt the same way.

Also, fm3 is pretty good if you like turn based tactics games and mechs. I also don't care for the snes one I tried though.

This is pretty correct. FM5 is easily the best while FM3 is clearly the worst.

FM3's ranking system is retarded garbage in the way it calculates the "damage taken" category. For some reason taking 100 damage on a single unit is ranked worse than taking 300 spread across 4 units.

The only issue FM1 has is Guide/Duel > Everything else.

Melee has its place in solo runs.

Switch is better than Duel.

>Switch is better than Duel.
On second thought. I guess so. Especially if you dual wield machine guns.

I've never went though an entire RPG that I disliked, because I'm not a fucking moron that wastes time on things I don't like.

So it would have to be Lord of Magna. Dropped it in one hour.

Second worst would have to be Bravely Default.

Neither have I.
JRPGS are too long for that shit. Dropped FM after four missions

Shit taste man. Don't even bother with the other games in the series.

Kill yourself hipster elitist

Not the same person, but FM3's game mechanics are absolute trash and the story/characters are incredibly shallow too.

Beyond the Beyond. I would have been pissed over buying this piece of shit if I didn't get it bundled with the PS1.

Probably Children of Mana.

>hipster elitist

But I didn't say 2 or 4 was the best.

FM3 is such a clear, clear downgrade compared to the other games that the only thing keeping people from consistently putting it dead last is a mix of nostalgia and ignorance.

Fire Emblem Fates is the only game I've ever put down out of disgust.

I played it years ago and thought it was pretty kickass.

On the other hand FM 3 and 4 were pretty boring imo.

Having never played a Fire Emblem game can you explain to me what is wrong with it

hes just a faggot that cant handle waifus and husubandos

Hyperdimension Neptunia

Dull, soulless, shit battle system

I was blown away by Front Mission 1's technology as a kid when I was playing it on emulator (back in 2001 or so). These attack sequences were fucking badass.

I didn't beat it though. I got a few hours in and got stuck on a mission against really fucking powerful mercenary dudes and they repeatedly fucked me up to the point where I just gave up. I've been meaning to try it again someday.

Fire Emblem is babby's first strategy rpg. A complete cakewalk

Skies of Arcadia.

And I've played Enchanted Arms.

RPGs are the game most infamous for taking time to get into and appreciate though.

I really liked FM1. Want to play FM2 but apparently it never was localized.

I think it might actually have been Pokémon Diamond. It's the only RPG I've played that actively annoyed me.
Geodudes were EVERYWHERE.