Don't mind me, just sliding my way to page 10, where all zelda threads belong

Don't mind me, just sliding my way to page 10, where all zelda threads belong


You'll be on page one and you'll fucking like it you little punk.



post the one that looks like Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

>actually have to account for arrow drop

This looks unfinished

this looks like fun


Really? I have over 9000 Sup Forums points. You don't even have 42. Excuse me while I don't consider your opinion valid

Didn't fucking Twilight Princess do that?

Wasn't Twilight Princess hyped up as a gigantic overworld game full of huge amounts of content and exploration that would be even better than ocarina of time, with great trailer music??

>gigantic overworld game
>huge amounts of content and exploration
>that would be even better than ocarina of time

What's the problem exactly?

Never fucking reply to me again unless youre contributing to the thread


"See that mountain? You can surf it" seems more amusing than "see that mountain? You can jump up it slowly"

i don't have any ones with good gameplay, can i post another boring empty generic world instead?

what about
>See that mountain? You can fight a climatic battle on the slopes of it against a giant spider abberation the size of a jumbo jet

I'd still prefer surfing

Giant monsters tend to be limited in Zelda games. It's the small ones that pose a challenge (fucking Dark Link)

That being said, it's on the overworld, who knows


At least he's going down with style