D-RINE goes not just back in time, but across worldlines to a completely different route

>D-RINE goes not just back in time, but across worldlines to a completely different route


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I think they explained it was like the butterfly effect. If you make one change large enough it can throw your ass back into the alpha world line.

It was the choice of Steins Gate.

Fuck with time, the universe will actively work to undo your efforts.

Didn't the D-Rine stay in the Beta worldline?

There are multiple beta worldlines.

Basically, the D-RINE was sent from a worldline where he turned off his phone at the shrine, to a worldline where he kept his phone on.
Which is impossible as not only does the D-mail/D-RINEs not have the power to cross worldlines, only one worldline can exist at a time anyway.


God damn it, unless im not thinking about it right, this is gonna bother me.

I understand slightly different beta lines, but doesn't he have to make a change with a dmail, or knowlege from a time leap to alter the timeline? A subconsious desision like turning off the phone or not altering the worldline seems like it breaks casuality.

>they translated d-line as d-rine

Absolutely disgusting

No, remember in Mayuri's route when Suzuha gets the d-mail from Future Daru and he tells them that Mayuri and Suzuha making that choice together shifted the worldline by itself?

What's the difference?
The whole app is translated as RINE probably copyright stuff

It's not a different worldline, just a divergent one, the text is sent to every possibility in the beta worldline, including the divergence where okabe picked up the phone.

Is that new to 0? The original only sent to the current line. Otherwise it'd be really damn confusing.

In the original games we didn't see multiple divergences at the same time, it was linear.

SG0 is different in that we see two different timelines, one where he picks up the phone, and one where he doesn't. This is something that isn't big enough to shift to another worldline, but obviously creates a divergence.

d-mails wouldn't skip worldlines because its been confirmed that only one worldline can exist at one point, but that was never said about divergences.



I want to say I see how, but I really don't.
You're using the words divergence and worldline as though they mean different things, but I'm sure they don't. At least tell what you think the difference is.

There exists a timeline where he kept the phone on, and one where he didn't. He can't send a mail from the world where he turned it off to one where he kept it on, the timeline where it's on just literally doesn't exist.

>This is something that isn't big enough to shift to another worldline, but obviously creates a divergence.
How do you figure? Just because there was no animation showing the divergence meter changing?

What world line jumps were performed on the way to Kurisu end? I thought that the D-Rine was only sent back once they've successfully foiled the world from diverging further.

Divergences and worldliness are two different things. If you're on a certain worldline, no matter what you do, unless you change certain BIG events, t ime travel wont affect key moments in time. They will just cause small divergences which don't make any difference in the long run. For example, whether you turn your phone on or off doesn't stop world war 3 from happening. You need to find a key moment in time that pushes you into another world line completely (either beta or steins gate worldline) to avoid world war 3

The entire game is in the alpha worldline, unlikes the original game, where you visit alpha, beta, and steins gate worldlines.

There were no world line jumps, this was set in the beta worldline, a worldline defined by Kurisu dying and WW3 happening.

Is S;G 0 good?
I found S;G to be really good but I'm not sure if the story needs to be expanded further.

I didn't even think of that. Kagari was another thing that bugged me, technically it made sense but you have current and past events being very suddenly changed not by your own use of time travel but by your decisions that influence future individuals' time traveling. I can't think of anything like that happening in S;G1 and it made the story harder to follow.

Overall I'd say most of S;G0 didn't need to happen. It was a nice read but it kind of soiled how neatly S;G1 tied up the story by adding things like Kagari, Vega & Altair, and Maho.

Steins;Gate 0 isn't good...

it's great!

Not really. S;G 0 is a downgrade in almost every regard.

I'd give it a 6/10 and that's being generous. Get it if you just really want to spend more time with the characters.

Yes. You kind of take the causal loop at the end of S;G for granted, so it was pretty brilliant to go back and cover the suffering beta okabe was going through. I also think it's generally better written in many places, especially since the game has you switch perspectives between Okabe and other characters too, which fleshes them out.

You're thinking of attractor fields.
Attractor fields are the what the world lines are in and are what causes the big events. There's an alpha attractor field and a beta attractor field, the former which contains all worldlines leading to SERN dystopia, and the latter which leads to all worldlines leading to WW3. There's the divergence meter tracks what worldline you're in.

But only one of the worldlines can exist at a time, so no matter what the thing that happened with the phone just can't happen. Either the worldline where he turned of the phone exists or the one where he didn't exists. They're both in the same attractor field field of course but they are different world lines.

I dunno where you really picked up the word divergence or you definiton from though. What you think are worldlines are attractor fields, and what you think are divergences are worldlines.

D-Mails and D-RINEs go to all world lines, not just the current one.
If it didn't work like that, then Okabe wouldn't still have the "Makise Kurisu was killed" D-Mail in the Alpha Attractor Field. It should've disappeared.
He only received the D-RINE in the world line where his phone was on because he had to have his phone on to receive it.

It's great, but I enjoyed the original slightly more. The Kagari and Suzuha moments really dropped the quality a bit since I didn't really care much for Kagari at all. The ending was also disappointing since I was hoping to see how Okabe started the resistance and the events taking place during WW3, which were skipped entirely.

Also, it introduces Maho who rivals Kurisu in terms of best girl.

Ah, I guess that is true.
I never thought about it before now I guess, but that is consistent with how the D-mails have always worked. I still can't wrap my head around how the D-Mails get sent to worldlines that don't exist though. And even so, it can't possibly be ALL worldlines, since we see worldlines where he doesn't certain D-Mails.

I'm getting too confused.

There's always the possibility that he deleted those D-Mails from his phone, I guess.

As for how they go to worldlines that don't exist? You're not looking at it the right way. D-Mails work exactly the same as Time Leaping, memories from Reading Steiner, and Suzuha's time machine. Even if the worldline they are from does not exist anymore, they still remain. The opposite is true as well. Even if the worldline it's going to doesn't exist, it still remains.

Try not to think too hard about it. The exact mechanics of how information travels between world lines isn't really important. It's more or less just a plot device to allow the story to work. So don't worry about it.

it gets worse if you start thinking about how future use of time travel changes the present(Kagari etc.) yet some of Okabe's future time changes don't until he physically reaches that time and does so

This is why it was better when only he had a time machine

He sent it back in time. We just got to see the Okabe of the past receive that D-RINE and then act upon it. No plothole.

That's not how it works. Only one worldline exists at any one time. When you send a D-Mail and it meaningfully affects human behaviour and thus produces differing outcomes & effects from what came before you sent it, the universe instantaneously restructures itself. You can't just send it to other worldlines.

But he's a boy

No plot hole, OP. Youre assuming the following:

->Phone on -> divergence -> drine received

thats not correct.

If you actaully paid attention, youd notice that divergence does not occur until AFTER he received the d-rine.

post mahos

oh huh

Maho butt

Should I be feeling the desire to do very lewd things to Maho?

The two hours infodump at the start wasn't enough?! jeez.

i want maho to grab on the hem of my shirt as i try to leave

>tfw no fluffy Maho to pet

Could Sup Forums beat Nae at fighting games?

the world lines are beta and alpha
beto goes to beta
so yeah no problem

The Kurisu writer needs to die in a hole. Hell, even the one original writer they got back fucked it up.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about the guy who wrote the Kurisu ending and the chapter before it and gave us most of the shitty engrish in the game, cheap drama with the whole Kagari has Kurisu's memories bullshit, and that painful as shit villain scene with Reyes, and one of the og S;G writers who wrote the Mayuri ending and the incomplete True ending.

I don't see why not.

Okay but what exactly did you not like about them?

Also, this isn't so much the Kurisu's writer's fault as it is huke's but it really fucked irked me how in the 2036 scene, only Daru looks aged up, and when they show Okabe he still looks the same way he did in 2010, despite having been described as having graying hair earlier in the script.

>Mayuri's route when Suzuha gets the d-mail from Future Daru and he tells them that Mayuri and Suzuha making that choice together shifted the worldline by itself?

Yea but that was a d-video instead of a d-rine, so companies like stern would of gotten a hold of that video as well.

I dont think that matters though, since the two disapear right after and ww3 starts anyways.

I want to molest her(him)

name please

>that pic

>people complaining about Vega and Altair
That ending was literally fucking perfect, what is wrong with you people?

>That ending was literally fucking perfect

This. It perfectly ties up everything.

That's not Luka user.

Maho has the best reactions in this game. Prove me wrong.

>who rivals Kurisu in terms of best girl.
She's cleary a better girl than Kurisu.

Huke already fucked up when he recycled old CGs from S;G. Art styles really clash with each other. S;G 0 art is more clean than S;G and it looks horrible when they use summer sprites for old characters.

She's great, but I don't think she can ever top Kurisu.

If I had to choose, it'd be Kurisu every time.


It's mediocre.

Okabe you are on a wrong timeline.

So, is this nigga a bad guy or not?
In GS ending, he tortured the fuck out of Okabe, but he got shot like a bitch in Maho's ending.

>Is S;G 0 good?

I finished it today. I enjoyed it very much.

I'm sure he's bad. He just didn't get a chance to show his villain side in Maho's ending.

He works for the murrican illuminati, what do you think?

No. She is a close second though.

Did anyone notice he dropped his engrish accent in one of the routes but it never came up again? Maybe I'm imagining it.

That's because he doesn't have to act bombastic and cute anymore.

>promised riscimaneto okabe and his actions are wiped from existence
>True end Okabe dies 70 million years in the past
>the Okabe that gets to enjoy Stein's Gate went through the bare minimum compared to those two
Makes me kinda mad

Uchikoshi did it first with Zero Escape/Infinity series

Steins;Gate is older than 999

And Ever17 from the Infinity series is older than Steins;Gate.

You are right.
But I haven't played Ever17 so I have no idea how time/space traveling is handled there.

Would you recommend playing Ever17?

Yes, if you have the patience for the slow, slice-of-life like scenes, with science fiction elements like the being from the 4th dimension, and multiple universes spread out throughout the VN. The true ending has twists almost identical to Zero escape but still pretty satisfying to read.

Also check out the sequel Remember11. Completely ditches the "Choose your waifu adventure" and chicken sandwich eating scenes for a well-paced mind fucky story. I enjoyed it more than ever17, but the true ending may be divisive amongst some people.

Is there anything else you want to know?

I think I'll check out Ever17 when I have some time.
Thank you user.

You're welcome man.

not as great as the first one.
terrible true ending
fun ride


I just reread the soviet union scene and holy shit it was so good
>youtube.com/watch?v=HCBtnXS1VKo&index=23&list=PL_nisshNYPF09dYdeJq4dIHFZA6L8-1Fl playing
>Okabe having no clue what is going on while being escorted as a VIP
>trying to figure out what happened to his past self in that worldline
>Shinoyama tricking him
>Americans abducting him and showing him Amadeus
Why didn't they make an entire route or even an entire VN about this
fuck Kagari

That was easily the most disappointing part of S;G0. Just as things were getting incredibly tense and he got abducted, it abruptly ends. They could have spent hours on the USSR timeline and they just wasted it. It could have been a really nice opportunity to have lengthy Okabe / Amadeus interactions too.


Jesus Christ why is this song so good.


Yu-no did it first with Yu-no

Was just think if Okabe could beat Takuya given they both have their main time travel tools and stuff. For okabe minus the time machine since it really isn't a main tool. But he gets the D-mail machine and the time leap machine.

It was just a passing thought, I didn't put much into it or anything. But they are of about equal intelligence, and okabe in Hououin Kyouma mode is one about the same personality level as Takuya so.. it's kinda interesting to think about a bit.