It's an underwater level

>It's an underwater level

Other urls found in this thread:

get good fag

>it's an underwater level

>it's a dwarf mines level

>it's a swamp/poison level

>there are sharks in it

I just finished this level

>It's a water level with great underwater controls
>But it's a shit design layout

>underwater with a fishman that is faster than you

i love poison swamps. Except in Xenoblade, didn't really have much purpose.

>JRPG with exploration
>half of the game spent in the sewer


Can't wait to replay this in the remastered version.

>turns out to be the best level in the game

curious I've never thought about that. Maybe tropical dong has also an underwater level but yea that is the only great underwater level.

I, actually like them

>It's a level where you have to keep moving with the camera

>its a sewers level

>It's a timed underwater escort mission

>It's a don't kill the boss but keep his health under a certain amount for a few seconds episode.

>ice level

into trash


just realized madman kojima mixed the 3 most undesirable mechanics in gaming into a single segment

It is not escort, since she with you and can't be separated at all.

>its a thinly disguised tutorial mission

>it's a being chased by a wall of spikes level

>It's a reused level just at night

Looking at you 3D World

Why do people hate water levels so much? They're some of my favorites.

>It's a city at night level
Bonus if there's a red light district.

You're both wrong.

DKC 2 had much better water levels, but either the glacier water level or the industrial one is the best from DKC

>It's an underwear level

>it's a being chased by a giant boulder or polar bear level

>The whole level is a red light district with day, night and afternoon times

Good stuff

It's not that it's hard that I don't like Sonic water levels it's just it takes away from the speed of the game. Sonic 2 got this right by having a top path that can avoid the water altogether. Also fuck the drowning music for getting me into a panic when Tails steals my air bubble.

God I hate that music. I mean its bad enough they put the countdown on the screen but the first playthrough you always are trying to find where the damn bubbles are at.

>its a medieval level


>it's a jungle level

Fuck Atlantica
And fuck Atlantica again

>water level
>there is a giant fish/sea creature trying to eat you

>it's a normie level

>Ice level
>There's no penguin enemies

>meme animals



>it's an underwater boss

>It's a level with strong wind or water currents
>It leads to various hazards

>ice level
>ground is slippery and causes you to collide into explosives

>it's a water level
>you can't actually go underwater, just swim on the surface

I'm convinced people who don't like underwater levels also do not know how to swim irl

>It's a sewer level
This needs to stop. Sewer levels aren't fun in any fucking game. I'm looking at you ff XII and Chrono Trigger.

What aspect of a "sewer level" doesn't make it fun for you?

It's a timed and underwater escort mission with stealth.