Kyle Katarn will never be returning to Star Wars and is forever non-canon

>Kyle Katarn will never be returning to Star Wars and is forever non-canon
How does it feel that the best Star Wars character is no longer relevant, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>best star wars character
>EU faggot PC
>his character is "whatever makes sense if we give the player dark side and light side powers"

He was never relevant. He was always fanfiction.

I dont care about Disney cancer, so indifferent.

>a fucking white male
>gets replaced by a diversiteam because (((Disney))) is on the case

>the core of katarn's appeal is being playable

what exactly does this sentence mean?

What? no more Kyle? But there's so much more we can do with this fresh and underdeveloped character! So much potential!

RIP Kyle, we hardly knew ye.


Never understood the appeal of Kyle Katarn

Probably that the only reason to like him would be because you play as him. He's basically a Han Solo character who eventually gets Jedi powers. He's everything "cool" that Star Wars is supposed to be and you get to play as him.

It's an article talking about how amazing Kyle is, but it then talks about how he might not fit into the films as well because his main appeal was how we could live out our Star Wars fantasies through him. I don't agree with it, but mainly I showed it to show that he wouldn't show up again ever.

>>Movie about stealing the Death Star plans is made
>>Kyle Katarn isn't there
>>Turns out Kyle Katarn has been written out of the franchise
Gees you really needed that spelled out for you?

That's a good thing though

Anything associated with Disney's raping of the franchise is not even remotely canon whereas I consider everything prior to that, canon.


At least Disney won't butcher our old EU.

Kyle's powerlevels were already through the roof. He's done the regular hero thing, the gritty 90's antihero thing, the jaded outcast thing, the redeemed hero thing.

There's really nowhere else to take his arc. I'm baffled that there are people out there who think it would be productive to revisit this story...

Hey, let's not forget some of that was absolutely retarded too.
Even though one part of his story gets written out, it doesn't mean he could come as say, leading the Jedi Academy with Luke or any of the other things he did. But this writes him out permanently.

The EU was all fucking garbage.

Shame Disney didn't retcon the prequels as well tbqh

That's because Filoni borrowed some stuff about Katarn for Kanan, even though both existed simultaneously in the EU prior to rebels.

Its ok though, Katarn was more interesting when you played as him. It would be like having a RC movie about Delta Squad and not another batch od RC, it would feel weird.

>Kyle's powerlevels were already through the roof.

He's still small time compared to the other bullshit of the EU

>cade skywalker

Thrawn is canon now thats all that matters

But that's also already demonstrated not to be the case since in FA and tie ins the new Jedi Order didn't get off the ground.

Nevermind that Dark Forces IV - Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast II - Jedi Academy is an object lesson in why a Sith uprising within the new Jedi is pretty much impossible.

Who's he?

Don't forget "C-3PX".

the expanded universe had some pretty bad shyte in it too user.


He isn't wrong.


the EU was dumb but it was never "helicopter lightsabers" dumb

>but it was never "helicopter lightsabers" dumb

You have no idea

Grand Admiral of the Empire who took over after the fall of Palpatine. Brought Empire back from complete destruction to almost successfully destroying the new republic if it wasnt for blind luck from Luke and friends

It was, we just chose to block our memories of certain things.

Glove of Darth Vader series was old-EU canon.

Fuck man, I don't care if Dark Forces isn't canon. I just want Jedi Knight to be.

It was you just never hear about the shit ones, those are kept in silence and are ignored.

There is a reason why you hear a lot about Bane or Revan but nothinf about Luuuke

The only game I've played with him in it was jedi academy when I was younger.

What's so special about kyle? Why does Sup Forums love him so much?

Who was the biggest trainwreck of a character in the EU?

My vote goes to Jacen Solo. Reading his wiki article is painful

read this

>How does it feel that the best Star Wars character is no longer relevant, Sup Forums?
Just because Han Solo is dead doesn't mean that he's no longer relevant.

read this

I'm glad they removed most of the solo and skywalker families

Everyone who was a relative of one of the main characters

haha o boy that is so wrong

Kyle is the biggest gary stu in the entire universe;

>Reading his wiki article
Possibly the worst way to get any understanding of anything outside of simple concepts

Except the nucanon doesn't have a character with all those traits. Frankly a retread of Kyle's storyline would be a breath of fresh air with all the doubly rehashed shit they're doing.

>Disney will never absolutely shit on Kyle Katarn

Feels good.

After what they did to Thrawn, I don't see how this is bad

I just got gifted these.
They any good, gameplay wise?

They're great.

What series should I play first? I know all the twists and turns.

>Dash Rendar has more of a chance of being in the Nu-Canon than Kyle Katarn.

Disney Wars is non-canon so I dunno.

Play the ones that have Kyle Katarn in them.

Be glad Katarn is spared an existence in Diversity Wars.

>helicopter lightsabers

Whether genre you like more.

I recommend Outcast first though.

pro tip: if the first level is too boring for you lower the difficulty and rush it, it gets better later.

Jedi Outcast > Academy > KOTOR1 > skip to KOTOR2 when you get bored of bioshit's writing

A couple of episodes of Rebels had the sith inquisitors using their staff sabers as helicopter blades.


I honestly wonder if the people on the Star Wars team want to bring the Kotor games back into canon.

Damn son, some user in /swco/ dumped some webms of Rogue One.

Why did they do this?

Alright, what did they do to Thrawn?
Tell me a story, user.

There's something really off about her

The Outrider's canon so there's no reason to think Dash himself isn't.

At least we got [spoilers]the most fucking based Darth Vader scene [/spoilers]out of it

I forgot to say it's CGI.

Here's CGI Tarkin, I bet he's Snoke.

Yeah that shit so fucking terrifying, best Vader yet.

It doesn't look bad. But there is definitely something off about that. The lighting doesn't hit the skin correctly and the mouth movements are a bit off.

her face is CGI
you can tell when watching
were almost to unreal valley, but there will always be a small tiny gap that makes it noticable.

they also CGI-d general tarkin

Well they brought the Hammerheads back.
>That scene in Rogue One where a ship that is possibly 1000 years old rams and takes down two Star Destroyers.


Reven is canon

>the core of katarn's appeal is being playable

Yes and no. A character is moulded by their trials and experiences. Either as an playable character or one written by an author, Kyle wouldn't be who or what he is without the games built around him, let alone the comics that pick up where they left off.

That's level 1 of Dark Forces. The bulk of the game is about General Rom Mohc and his Dark Troopers project. Whole other ball game there.

I'd love to hear this in theatres:

the facial animations and the lighting is off

i don't get why they did this when the RDJ and Micheal Douglas CG in the marvel films was fucking incredible. just get lookalikes and cg it from there

I think Tron Legacy did a great job with making the guy look younger. How did that look so good but this didnt?

Since when?
I heard they wanted to use him for that trippy force planet arc back in clone wars but was cancelled at the last moment

Initially Rey really reminded me of Bastila Shan (the staff looking like a double-sided lightsaber, the accent, her appearance). I really would settle for just the slightest of references at this point, like somebody checking some ancient Jedi records and a name pops up or something

A ship based of the design of the hammerheads and it pushes a disabled star destroyer into another one.


Semantics. It was still badass.

I thought she looked way better then Tarkin did. I liked both overall though.

that took place inside a computer with non realistic lighting effects

this is a realistically lit environment with a cgi human surrounded by real humans so it sticks out more

>Well that doesn't look so bad
>notice the knees
Well fuck

it's no longer a question, technology has gone too far

Can we all agree that Disney are awful and cancelling the 3rd Tron because of their shitty Tomorrowland movie doing bad was retarded?

Tron Legacy was fucking shit

I don't really care because even if he were still canon he'd still never be put into any of the movies and there'd still never be another Dark Forces game made.

You're fucking shit. Just because it doesn't fit with the original tron, it was still good.

>that Obsidian dialogue
Ow the edge!

In the theaters I recall being surprised by how good the CG was. Well, for Tarkin at least since we only see Leia for a little bit.

These clips aren't doing it justice.

Sith Lords are pretty damn edgy.

Is the fem MC at least passable? I thought Rey was fucking boring. The movie won't arrive in my shitty country until Thursday.

So I have a question for you EU folks, how is Darth Caedus regarded amongst the fanbase?
I really don't know much about the expanded universe at all, but I like to browse the wiki and try to pick up bits and pieces, and Jacen Solo and his story of trying to stamp out dissent in the Republic and becoming a tyrant by doing so sounded very interesting.

tl;dr Are his stories terrible and just SOUND cool, or not?

Super Hexagon is the best game out of all 6.


He was alright as a Sith lord but it ended too quickly imo

Eh, everything post the original Dark Forces made him a shitty overpowered pile of bullshit that got in the way of established Star Wars convention.

why do jews want to exterminate the white race when whites have the most money to spend on jew products?

I liked her WAY better than I thought I would. She isn't "strong women who dont need no man" like \tv\ keeps trying to make her out to be. She was a decent character and I honestly felt for her in moments in the movie.

Good, now he won't be conceptually raped by the new canon

Do these games have controller support?

Much as I enjoy Rebels, that was pretty goddamn goofy.

The Black Sun Syndicate and Xizor's race are canon too, thanks to TCW.

She's kind of bland, but not as insufferably perfect as Rey.

No, you can't do a fuck ton of the stuff in them with a controller.

>t not as insufferably perfect as Rey.

You're just mad that Star Wars had a strong female lead.