What are good migraine remedies

what are good migraine remedies


Physician here.

Common trigger is the fake sugar alternatives like aspertame. So stop drinking diet stuff.

Acetaminophen, caffeine, aspirin.

If four classes of drugs fail you'll be a candidate for botox injection. Just tiny amounts in about 12 areas around your upper head. Takes about 5 minutes to do, done every 3 months.

>look it up
>he really did die 6 years ago
What the fuck, I didn't hear about this at all.

I usually lay in bed and watch youtube videos
mostly the older 2 best friends and giant bombvideos


For real, just fap brah and your migraine is history

Drink enough ice cold water to give yourself a brain freeze

Don't take acetaminophen, it fucks your liver

Take diphenhydramamine, kind of makes you sleepy and if you take to much you trip balls

rolling for tingle

going to sleep

Sleep, time, and hydration



What's the sauce of the pic of Impa with cum on her face?

>Sup Forums - Pharmaceuticals

Wew, lad.

Pls gib Midna
True form >>>>> Imp form

I feel this is the worst possible outcome.


Believe it or not, ice ice cold water. That wasn't a typo. You want to make the water as cold as you possibly can and give yourself as many brain freezes as you can in a little amount of time.

>Physician here.
k bro, sure

i just want 08 man

also who is 04?

Everyime I roll I always get tingle... and don't mind it at all. Take my body.

Should be fun



Pain killer, big glass of water, gentle neck stretches, and lie down in the dark.

Actually, he can drink diet pepsi and diet cherry pepsi. They are aspartame free now. Saved my life because my migraines were murdering me. Also if you don't have them already you might need glasses with a small correction. You could be squinting without realizing it and the eye strain you're creating by forcing your vision to focus all the time can trigger migraines as well.

Good luck.


Ugh, fuck