Name: Solitude

Name: Solitude
Status: Capital of Skyrim
Location: Skyrim, northern Tamriel
Population: 6

go back to playing daggerfall

skyrim had a lot of flaws. i cant imagine anyone else who might have pointed that out. nobody at all. i dont remember a single thread on Sup Forums pointing out skyrim's flaws. not one.

>if I move the camera to 10,000 feet and look at something from an angle that literally no one is ever going to see while playing normally then that thing will look small

Sup Forumstards are just annoying. solitude is fine, it looks fine, it feels fine. the cities in skyrim are all good except the lesser hold cities like falkreath/dawnstar/winterhold because they're unfinished and all use the same assets. but the other cities are fine.

>dude this city only has 11 houses, everyone knows that video game houses must have at least 13 houses, duh!

Shit like this better be fixed in Elder Scrolls 6


Has there ever been any Open World RPGs that did cities justice? Like shit this thing doesn't even seem to have any districts or neighborhoods.


>not playing with mods

'the imperial city' in oblivion was just as egregiously barren, thankfully MODS fixed it

>I want a city full of cookie cutter homes that you can't even enter
No thanks.

Solitude was good, memes will never change that. But everyone knows that best city is Markarth.

>I want a city that's literally as big as a village
How can you not see your own stupidity here?

Now THIS looks like a real city. If you've ever been to a Balkan / Mediterranean fortress city, you know it feels like one too.

Just an another reason why TW3 is better than this ''''''''GAME''''''''

When every home is a cell what's the excuse for not having more houses to actually make the city look lived in and not a recently capture fort.

Some shit with Falkreath. It's supposed to have a massive cemetery from all the wars and these niggas have 5 shallow graves.

>vivec had over 400 people in it
>solitude doesn't even have 100
what went wrong?

Whiterun > Markarth > Falkreath > Dawnstar = Winterhold > Solitude > Windhelm > Morthal > Riften

You can't even enter the houses you shitlick.

Why do all the screenshots from that game look so blurry?

Does Fable 2 count if loading screens separate the world? There were a bunch of houses in Bowerstone you could buy/enter and then there were even more background houses.

>I want cities to be filled with tons of unimportant peasants just so I can feel more immersed in this game about dragons and magic

Autism at its finest.

Dude, that looks like one fucking street and that's all it is.

I don't Witcher 3 either but that somehow made it feel like you were walking into a capital city.

Why are you acting like dragons and magic mean you shouldn't be immersed in a world? Is The Sims the only thing you find immersible?

>not caring about immersion and world building in an RPG
you need to leave

Excuse me?

it is already CURRENT YEAR, we have the technology to not play in fucking ghost towns

tell me about that mountain, can i climb it?

>OP's awkward aerial photo of a view 1,000 meters above what anyonne would ever see vs your the witcher 3 photo of the player's perspective in game

really makes me think

>Not wanting to mass murder a city
It just feels so inadequate to commit mass murder when there's barely even 50 in the city for my "EDGY KILLER MAGE" run.

Yeah man. And you can enter around half of the houses in Novigrad

Wow, it still looks small. You're a fucking idiot.

And you took a picture 1,000m below of some rocks and a long wall

Nice rebuttal

Xenoblade X
Witcher 3

And that's just in the past year bruh

It's 6 am in solitude and it looks like a city to me. Sup Forumstard autism isn't going to change anything, sorry.

>dozens of people in Balmora, a small town to the dozen people in Solitude, the capital

>entering rivet ""city""

nice backdrop

I could walk 2 blocks in any city in the world at 3 in the fucking morning and see more people than the number of residents in all of Solitude.

I thought the cities in Skyrim were disappointing, until I played the Enderal mod and spent more time running around the fucking city than actually doing anything exciting.

Turns out I don't have the time nor patience for large cities these days.

>Population: 6

You couldn't though, because you never go outside.

War with elves happened. People die from wars. Especially surprise ones. There's a reason why the emperor wanted a ceasefire. They could rebuild an army in 2 decades, but the elves have to wait over a century.

Who cares, It feels more like a city. You aren't just gonna enter someones houise in a real city

GTA 4 and 5 have the size down pretty well

Is witcher 3 an rpg?

Big cities are hard to do. Large sprawling cities are usually pretty empty and it's tedious as fuck to travel through them if the game doesn't have some sort of faster travel than walking/running.

Action adventure. Unless you take the words "role playing game" literally, then every gamr is an RPG.

If only

even morrowind had pretty nice cities, much better than it's successors

God I hated Skyrims "Cities"
They were fucking villages. I hate that people excuse it because of the :Its hard times" thing.
Fuck that. Each town should be ATLEAST 2 times as large

Name: Mournhold
Status: Capital of Morrowind
Location: Morrowind, northeast corner of Tamriel
Population: 6

Its an Action RPG
Uncharted and Tomb Raiders are Action Adventures

Witcher 3 and Assassin's Creed: Unity

It's about the illusion of a big city. Skyrim cities look AND feel like tiny villages.

>Balmora was huge as fuck at least 30 buildings out in the open only needing to load into them
>Solitude is 6 houses and 5 businesses in a cell that lead to other cells

>half of Winterhold falls off in a natural disaster 80 years before the game takes place
>there are still ruined houses at the edge of town as if it happened 8 hours ago

Even Nehrim and Enderal had bigger and more populated cities and they're mods for Oblivion and Skyrim.

Theres mods that add a bunch of buildings and flesh out the cities more and guess what.
It absolutely rapes performance.

Do you even understand what Solitude mean you retard?
Not that I defend Skyrim because this game is utter shit, but god damn man you're retarded

Come on, you make it sound like someone's been doing this for 10 years or something. Oh, wait.

Skyrim killed my son

Cool, what classes or roles can I play as in it?

I dunno why but Whiterun just feels so homely.

The residents populating Skyrim cities have real lives though. They build their skills, interact fluidly with each other, and contribute to the world economy.

This is a joke, right?
So what? Bethesda is paid to figure this shit out. Wouldn't be a problem if any of their workers knew more than the basic engine they have


You cant enter anything in bethesda games without loading screens though

Windhelm is top tier

Any one you can imagine. Are you so retarded you need game devs to tell you what to play as?

Doesnt mean shit if they'd be better off being no names. This isn't an excuse. We're talking about how pitiful the "cities" are.
RPGs aren't restricted to classed you stupid fuck

Cool so you are saying I can play as a flying spell slinging dragon wizard or are you just pretending to be retarded?

No, because you play as Geralt of Rivia, an established character. Thats the role you play.

Skyrim did not exactly come out when the 970 was a common card, friend.
They pushed the limits of what was acceptable on previous gen cards from the 970 and for the most part outside of the z fighting it ran fine.

2011 was nearly 6 fucking years ago at this point, please put that into perspective before shitposting your brains out.

What defines an RPG game then if not having the option of different roles or classes?

>Expecting a post-apocalyptic city in a particularly rough spot of the wastes to be huge

You said any I could imagine though, did you lie to me?

Yes. I'm role playing a liar.

Markarth was such a mess I thought. Getting from place to place was a hassle and it was the hardest town to memorize. (In a bad way)


Not an RPG, assclown

Wasn't that user
was me
Oblivion came out in 2006 and had better and bigger cities friend.

The towers looked so good in AC1. It took a nose dive with the sequels.

Hey! The guy from that pony cartoon!

Just like Call of Duty 4 is a role playing game because you as Soap MacTavish, an established character.

Name: Novigrad
Status: Free city within Redania
Location: Redania, Northern Mountains
Population: ~8,000 (on max settings)

you play the role of an assassin

Not an rpg

Do people actually believe this garbage?

>implying it wont be dumbed down even further and riddled with bugs and glitches because consoles cant keep up

Yes but you can't make meaningful decisions that affect your character. And Witcher 3 does have some form of a progress tree.
Though lets face it, RPG is such a broad term that its hard to know where the line is, HOWEVER, Witcher 3 is 100% an action RPG

>people actually defending Skyrim and Fallout 3 "cities"

Fuck off neo-Sup Forums.

Except Fallout 4 came out the same year as The Witcher 3 and it suffers from identical problems with Skyrim due to the shitty engine.

are there even any towers in AC3? I am playing it now because it is, Boston is just a some wooden 2 story houses.

Skyrim got handicapped by a meme release date.

What are you, a burglar?

This isn't Dragon Quest, you know.

Then what happened with Fallout 4

Base Building Meme

The entire game is homely

Stop making excuses
kek'd though

>Bethesda is paid to figure this out
What? No they aren't. They design games, that's it.

Of course they're not going to break huge limitations developing for an ancient console life-cycle while also not being technically proficient compared to some other developers. Especially when you consider they create things for players to interact with as opposed to detached visible only aesthetic choices used by other developers.

And a garbage fucking view distance with low poly everything.

>hurr durr im gonna make my assfaced assertions about game tech without knowing when that tech came out, if it was available to be used or purchased and what alternatives were available at the time.

Fucking kill yourself you stupid sack of shit.