GBA general

give me the best gba games. Any good RPGs that aren't RTS?

Ending made me cry as a kid

I've been thinking of trying it out. give me some details on gameplay. turn based, like other Pokemon titles?

Try the Hamtaro games.

MegaMan Battle Network games are amazing, they have the best battle system in any game I've played ever. Equal parts strategy, reflexes, planning and customization with a WHOLE lot of variety in your moveset that you can freely swap around anytime.

Start with 1, but it's aged, if you don't like it drop it immediately so that you don't feel burned out forcing yourself through it. It has an important twist at the end that's relevant to the plot of the entire series and isn't fully explained again after the ending of the first game.

Definitely play MMBN2 and 3. Most people will tell you 3 is the best in the series, but I prefer 2.

its pokemon themed and it features the whole intl. hoenn cast and moves, but it's pretty different from traditional pokemon games. its technically a roguelike. The first word that came to mind was 'dungeon crawler', but i could be wrong. you explore dungeons (which are usually just caves with multiple floors) with an overhead view, and it is turn based, but every step you take and every move you make (ill be watchin you) counts as a turn for your party and every other 'wild' pokemon in the dungeon floor.
messing with my old GBA games, i played it briefly and still enjoy it. only downside is you only get 1 save file.

I should also mention MMBN1 is about 10 hours long, MMBN2 is about 12-14 hours long and 3 is ~18-20 hours long

Its like turn based Zelda
Also made me cry too

I agree. Made me almost cry as well. Still does sometimes

>Any good RPGs that aren't RTS?


some faggots will try to tell you Golden Sun isn't a pack of shit but they're idiots

Whats the best gba/ds one?
Or should I just play through in release order?

I'm biased so I'll say red mystery dungeon

to be fair, RRT is the only one i've played, so that one, i guess.

if you're OP, are you gonna be emulating this?


Mother 3
Mario and Luigi
Golden Sun and the sequel
The FF remakes (V at least)
And I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

I've been warned about you.

>FF remakes

i mean if you want audio to take it in the ass constantly i guess

>Not using the restoration patches


Good list, missing a considerable amount of Advance Wars and STING games.

Swordcraft Story was the tits.