What are some games that truly deserve mobile ports?

What are some games that truly deserve mobile ports?

why would you wish such a thing upon a game you liked?

I would like a dark souls one

What are some great games where I can kiss boys?

Bitch, they wouldn't even port it to PS3.

I've been playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on an emulator and it plays well, so I guess Mystery Dungeon games


Silky smooth 5fps

Mega Man Battle Network

Complete with multiplayer for local and network play

Introduce a new mode where you can explore new procedural generated network areas by going to wifi hotspots

how well does this even work?

How well do fully 3d sandbox free roaming games work on phones?

can you play without a controller?

this is blowing my goddamn mind


Any point and click adventure game.

Tried playing Syberia on my Nexus but the port was shitty, though.

kotor 2

>Any point and click adventure game.
literally just use Scummvm

best answer

Life! :3

Can't wait to play bully on my xd, San Andreas rocked on it

Tfw Chris Sawyer refuses to put rct3 on Android. Runs perfectly on iOS.


how much does the xD cost?

imagine if they did now just for a cash grab, like the mobile-to-console GTA ports

Fallout 1,2, and Tactics

I'm intrigued at this Chinese machination.

What are the specs?

nothing deserves a mobile port.

R* didn't touch PS3 at all until GTA4.

Just a shame the PS2 emulated copy on PS4 runs worse than the original.

Yes yes make the .apk and I shall download

after playing bloodborne, i probably wouldn't notice it much

Every single 2D Nintendo game
Divinity: Original Sin
All Infinity Engine CRPGs
Fallout 1/2
All old LucasArts P&C, like Monkey Island and Grim Fandango.

GTA SA runs flawlessly on my chinkphone
I need a controller though, playing with touch controls for more than 5 minutes gives me headaches

ScummVM works like shit with touch.
I could hardly get through the opening scene in CoMI