What could be done to make this game not shit?

Dark Souls or Monster Hunter combat. Make it to where you can clone yourself so that you don't lose anything when you die. Perks that make you immune to stupid stuff like poison, cold weather, etc. Designated PVP areas (see: The Division). Optimize it better so that you don't need SLI 1080's to play

I dunno, I hear it doesn't have random map generation so that's probably why it's shit. Dinosaurs are fucking gay.

They did add random generated map creation but surprise surprise it's fucking boring. You need hand crafted, heart and soul maps like the Center.

I think it's too late to add that kind of combat system but I'm all for perks instead of stupid fucking leveling up weight, hunger and other stupid shit.

Play on unofficial servers with 30x tame/harvest/etc

Now I want a game to be fair and fun not autisticly broken and overpowered.

>Dinosaurs are fucking gay
You take that back right now

>Dinosaurs are fucking gay
t. A Fucking Faggot

well from what I hear, those "fair" servers sound boring as fuck and dominated by either chinese or huge number alpha tribes while on modded servers me and just 1 other friend can build up a solid base and have a constant stream of fair pvp.

>Perks that make you immune to stupid stuff like poison, cold weather, etc.
>lets remove the good parts of the game

>gold parts of the game
>not fucking extreme tedium
No. Fuck the current Ark level system.

But they are gay, marketing departments tell you dinosaurs are cool enough times and you start to believe it. In Ark all you're really doing is fighting & taming dog AI.

>Play on unofficial servers with 30x tame/harvest/etc
Faster tame is a must.
Harvest not really.

If you're unemployed you probably don't even have enough to time to tame in that game under standard speeds.
Breeding is also insane how much it needs to be micromanaged.

I realize you can't make it too fast to gain offensive power in pvp, but they should really work on making building and reparing less time consuming.

Like instead of placing 50 gates and 300 pillars or whatever you have those drawn up in your blueprint called "Base_1" then you can snap to that blueprint specifically and can't missplace anything.


I mean, I was just talking about dinosaurs in general, not just dinosaurs in ARK

>snow is cold, lava is hot, dress appropriately
>hurr tedium

It's shit because of the horribly optimized state of the game engine. Ive seen people with 1080's struggling to get it over 60fps on high/ultra.

I was playing with dinosaurs since I was 4 you faggot. What marketing departments? I bought them from flea markets because I thought they were awesome

Neck yourself, btw I dont even play ARK

>get's super fucking cold in jungle
>hur durr dress appropriately

This. It's fcking retarded this game is only good for groups of turbo autists that never leave the game. Who the fuck has timw to waste real life hours to tame shitty animals?

Maybe make it not run like ass.

The devs actually work on making the game work for one thing.
They spend 100% of their time throwing in more and more dinosaurs instead of fixing all the bugs the new dinosaurs make as well as optimizing the fucking thing.

The whole game is a shit show with how badly it runs on basically everything.

>Dinosaurs are fucking gay

Is that how they became extinct? Really makes me think.

>more and more dinosaurs instead of fixing all the bugs the new dinosaurs make as well as optimizing the fucking thing.
This is so true it's sad. Aren't the dev's copying a mod into a gamemode to where you can play as the dinosaurs?

I really like it. Just wish there were more stuff to harvest, like specific metals and gemstones