So I just finished MGSV: The Phantom Pain, what are your thoughts on it?

so I just finished MGSV: The Phantom Pain, what are your thoughts on it?

Flawed masterpiece etc

I liked the hours I put into it but it's hard to replay it when the whole game is a checklist building up to nothing.

QT DD soldiers are good though

Why are we still here?

He's coming too?

Did skullface actually never exist?

Why are Miller's eyes white? I thought he had fucking parasites

Lost his vision

Shouldn't have been open world. Stealth would have been great if every encounter couldn't be solved by just moving away and then around soldiers who can't see more than twenty metres ahead.

he existed, he was just a shitty villain

A boss fight with him would have been nice, but even the upright metal gear fight was so underwhelming, old MGS games had patterns and shit this new one has what 2 boss battles and they're just so bad and simple


One of the best games I've ever played but I don't intend on playing it again.

Super fun gameplay, but put too little emphasis on the plot. Also, blatantly unfinished.

One of the things that annoyed me is how TPP feels like it's loose ends: the game

Huey just gets banned, and walks away

Quiet just has that problem with parasites and walks away

Eli/Sahelanthropus/kids/flyingkid also walk away, but there's the cut mission, so there's that.

I wish it were 6 or so large-ish areas like Ground Zeroes that could be replayed in different ways over the course of a few missions (and plenty of side OP) each.

I love the game so much but it still feels so hollow, unfinished, and empty.


It's a shame that there weren't any extensive interior/urban stealth missions, especially after seeing how well crafted the hospital in the intro was. MGS was never meant to be open world, at least not in the way that they did it here.

I did a second playthrough on the PC version and used a mod that removed all build/research times.

This really just emphasized how much of that game is spent chasing resources/waiting for timers in order to tempt people into buy Konami-koins in order to purchase FOBS.

Made the game feel disgusting.

>Well crafted hospital
>Rest of the game is ruins, open fields, and barred off doors
Such a shame.

It could've been great if it was just 5 areas with as much content and design as Ground Zeroes

All of the missions in GZ did well to set up future missions and had their own plothooks in them

But MGSV was two areas with sparsely designed areas full of nothing but skinnerbox loot collection "mission" and wide open areas of nothing

Kojima is a westaboo so much that he thinks english is holding the world together

Super fun with an over the top, camp as fuck, ridiculous story.

Basically the typical MGS game.

he didn't, he can clearly see in the game

It feels like a Metal Gear Solid audiobook that comes bundled with a pretty great set of VR missions.

Engine was very impressive.

It's shit, except for the gameplay

>I finished game
>what's YOUR opinion

I will never understand this shitty meme. At least provide your thoughts to get things started.

short OPs are better

I felt the game was missing half of its story at least, gameplay was good but gets very repetitive with the rescue missions over and over again, then the hardmode old missions portrayed as main story missions, I miss boss fights, because the few ones that were in MGSV were crap.

Quietfu was best MSG grill

What in the fuck was a masterpiece about MGS V? The empty open world? The repetitive missions? The incomplete story? The complete lack of MGS charm?

one neat thing that many people disliked but not me, was how Venom Snake was quiet as fuck in the game, I thought it was fine like a trait that even the hypnosis therapy and whatever else Venom had to go through to copy Big Boss couldn't make him as talkative as BB. In the tapes where the whole body double trick is discusses, you can see the normal, talkative Big Boss at play, that was a nice touch, shame about the rest of the game that is pretty much the definition of hit or miss

He has cataracts, he can still see, just barely.