What games would you love a remake/reboot/retread/revival of?

What games would you love a remake/reboot/retread/revival of?

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megaman legends

Streets of rage. Give it the sonic mania treatment.
Along with shinobi and golden age.

This would also be fantastic.


Speaking of stalkers, S.T.A.L.K.E.R


I'd like to see more revivals of old beat em ups like double dragon neon.
That remake was fucking excellent.

Xenogears. The devs could even properly finish the game instead of going full infodump in the second disc because the budget was diverted to Final Fantasy VIII.

The only problem is that the devs have been bought out by Nintendo, and there are too many faggots here who'll feel honor-bound to shit on it because of that fact.

Mega Man X.

Mischief Makers or Jet Force Gemini.

>MFW the final song and achievement.

Fucking this. All I'd really want here is to remake Disc 2 and add more to it, possibly with more content referencing the ages described in the Xenogears timeline.

Breath of Fire

Golden Sun. no the ds version doesnt count as a game.

double dragon neon was floaty impactless garbage

ie; a TERRIBLE beat em up

i like this artist

coincidentally: androidarts.com/mml/reaverbot_legends.htm

Vagrant Story
That backstory in 4k

Rival Schools/Project Justice

Mischief Makers

Could even work as a TPS if you dedicate a button to flinging fuckers around without cinematics or QTEs getting in the way.

Does this artist have like, a straight up gallery of his stuff anywhere?

as far as i know its all spread out across his site, instagram, blog and such

he also has a habit of hiding hyperlinks inside of periods and other punctuation
