Would the Mega Man universe of the Protomen make for a good vidya?

Would the Mega Man universe of the Protomen make for a good vidya?

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The Protomen is a shitty band and you should feel bad for liking that edgy trash

not really, the protomen universe is like 20% megaman and 80% politics and drama.

It'd be like Mega Man's very own "Shadow the Hedgehog"

Yeah yeah, Sup Forums is that way


Protomen or Megas? Which do you prefer?

Prefer Protomen because they dont just try to copy mega man, just base their shit on it

Also Breaking Out is amazing. Drive around late at night with this shit blasting.

The Megas did a song with brentalfloss so they're instantly shit.

>look it up
>every single line the guy sings is wildly out of tune and out of tone


He was mildly popular back when Youtube was just starting to take off, when le ebin retro gamer culture was just starting to take off along with it.

He's also friends with Andrew Dobson. Who did a comic for him.

The Megas, since they're directly about Megaman instead of just tangentially.

>tfw finally accepted that Act III will never release and that's just fine because there's no way the rest of it can match up with This City Made Us

Protomen if only because Panther has mad fucking pipes and I'm an absolute sucker for rock operas, even the cheesy ones that involve adults with facepaint and Nerf minigun arm cannons.

I feel like the Megas have been steadily improving in recent albums. Also they're getting as dark as the Protomen, which really takes some doing. That, and considering Protomen is really Mega Man in name only, makes me go with them. I Refuse to Believe is great.

what are some other recommended rock operas, especially in the same vein? asking for Sup Forums approval, not Sup Forumsshit

The structure of Act I and Act II really doesn't lend itself well for vidya, unless you only make use of the setting and make it completely unrelated to Dr. Light and have Wily just be an indirect, distant antagonist.

In which case you'd be making an in name only vidya adaptation of an album that's an in name only music adaptation of a videogame. At which point I just have to ask why you'd bother.

(not true, by the way)

>In which case you'd be making an in name only vidya adaptation of an album that's an in name only music adaptation of a videogame.
Have the game made by a company with a gigantic budget for advertising including a short SFM-style film to go with the game. Then you can have the film of the game of the album of the band of the game!

How about some actual mega man?


What did Capcom sell to the devil in order to make games with such good music back in the goddamn NES era?

Who is that guy in the background supposed to be?

The most underused and underrated robot of the Classic series

Gamma, it's based off some artwork Josh did of Megaman 3.

This is so much better than that fucking shitty protomen band.

It was more, make a soundtrack and put some soul into it. This is what it goes with.

Now it's more, this is what it goes with just make something good enough.

Megaman games have never had a bad soundtrack.

>He likes the Megas because the Protomen got popular
I seriously hope you don't do this.

i still remember when Sup Forums had protomen threads every night and act II was the hypest shit

i still have the folders of music a kind user had uploaded with both acts and Presents... The Protomen, the megas albums that were out at the time (megatainment, get equipped and sparked a war), and duane and brandO

>He likes the Protomen because some edgy memester put a song of theirs behind a Brexit circlejerk video

If you're willing to go a little weirder, there's Deloused In The Comatorium. Off that, Televators would be the "will I like this album" test.

Pretty sure it was stu threads that popularized it here.

No one's gonna say Operation: Mindcrime? Or is that too dadrock?

Just switch Light, Wily, and Emily for Nikki, Dr. X and Sister Mary and it's dangerously similar.

No such thing as too dadrock unless you're a complete tosser. Thanks for the rec, I'll give it a go.

The Protomen have more consistently higher quality music the whole way through both of their albums (Most songs being as good as Will of One or Quiet), with some great highlights (Such as The Hounds or Light up the Night).

The Mega's quality sits generally at a solid "good" (Like Metal Dance or Harder than Steel) with a few songs being forgettable (Evolution of Circuitry, Walk away from the Light), some being borderline bad (Man on Fire), and a few songs being downright amazing (The Message from Doctor Light, I'm not the Breakman).

Overall, Protomen is the more experienced and overall "better" band, but the Megas has better high points.

If you asked for a list of bad or even just average songs from The Protomen, I would be hard-pressed to genuinely put more than maybe one of their songs on the list. If you asked the same of the Megas, there is quite a number of their songs that would be on that list.

But if you asked for a list of the Top 5-10 best songs from both The Protomen and The Megas, 4/5 songs on the list would be from The Megas

I remember when Act 1 was the hottest shit ever and everyone was nearly peeing themselves wanting more.

What are you even talking about.

Personally, I can't stand bands where I have to wade through piles of shit to find one really amazing song. I prefer bands who maintain quality. When I'm reduced to flipping through song after song after listening to less than a sixth of it, I start feeling like I don't actually like the band at all because I'm not even listening to most of their songs.

This. The Megas are awful too.

Vomitron and The Minibosses are good though.

>it has been seven years since act 2
>it has been over a decade since act 1

Also, despite their edge, they somehow hate the X series.

It's a paradoxical sort of shit taste.

Lets be honest. Mid to late X series was cancer. There's plenty of reason to pass judgement on it as a whole even if the earlier shit was good.

>with a few songs being forgettable
>Walk away from the Light
C'mon, user. Everything from HR onwards is great.

If I remember correctly, they don't hate the X series; They hate people constantly asking them to do the X series or incorporate it into their songs.

it'd be garbage

The most underused and underrated robot of the Classic series

that isn't gutsdozer!